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boohoo Revenue Surges

boohoo.com BOO now expects full year growth to February 2018 will be about 60% and ahead of previous guidance for revenue growth by some 50%. Group revenue for the quarter to 31st May increased by 106%, or on a like for like basis by 78%

Auto Trader Group AUTO will have a happy band of shareholders today after news that it is increasing its final dividend to 3.5p per share making a total payout for the year of 5.2p compared to last years 1.5p. Profit before tax for the year to 31st March rose by 23% and basic earnings per share by 22%. and the company is confident after a number of years of strong growth that it will continue to meet its growth expectations for the current year. After a slump in July, the share price is virtually unchanged over the last 12 months.

Flybe Group FLYB expected  a small underlying loss before IT write downs for the year to 31st March. In fact after IT write downs the loss came in at £6.7m compared to 2016’s profit of £5.5m and more IT losses of around some £6m are still to come. However with a new CEO in place, FLYB claims that a platform for a sustainable future can now be built and a fleet reduction is planned for the coming winter. Group revenue for the year rose by 13.4% but load factor fell by 3% because of increased capacity for which there appears not to have been sufficient passengers. On a brighter note it is still the best UK airline for punctuality.

CMC Markets CMCX saw 5% client growth in the year to 31st March but the good news stops there as  clients traded less and spent less, producing an 11% fall in revenue per active client. The result is that profit before tax and earnings per share fell by 9% and net operating income by 6%. The number of trades declined by 6% and their value was 3% down. The dividend remains unchanged.

Best Of The Best BOTB is to pay a special dividend of 6.5p per share this month on top of the 1.4p per share ordinary dividend proposed for the year to 30th April. The company describes the results as solid with profit before tax rising by 42.7% and earnings per share by 41.6%. Revenue for the year was up by 7% and further growth is expected in the current year.

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