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VVV Resources #VVV – Appointment of New Director & Issue of Shares in Lieu of Directors Fees

VVV Resources Plc, 100% owner of the Mitterberg Copper Project in Austria, is pleased to announce the appointment of Benjamin (Ben) Samuel Hill as a Non-Executive Director of the Company with immediate effect.

A lawyer by profession, Ben will bring a wealth of entrepreneurial experience and a wide network of connections to the role, as the Company seeks to develop its flagship Mitterberg Copper Project in Austria.

Ben, aged 48, is skilled in equity and quasi equity financing with demonstrable experience in structuring and public and private equity investing. Ben possesses a law degree along with passing the Bar Vocational Course at the Inns of Court, School of Law and is a member at Grays Inn. Ben worked as Head of Legal at RAB Capital from 2003 to 2011, whilst working primarily on the RAB Special Situations Fund where he was instrumental in building up the private side of the portfolio, investing across a variety of sectors but with a strong bias towards natural resources. Ben continues to advise a number of family offices providing them with deal flow, structuring and investment advice. He also acts as a Senior Advisor for The Growth Stage, helping to source growth capital deals and institutional investors via their regulated platform, thegrowthstage.com. As part of Ben’s last role, he sat on the Board of 20 private equity structures for a single private equity group either as a Non-Executive Director or as an alternate.  He resigned from these positions in August 2023.

Ben does not currently hold any shares in the Company, however he will immediately be awarded 333,334 new ordinary shares in the Company as part of his financial package.

Jim Williams, Executive Chairman of VVV Resources, commented: “On behalf of Mahesh Pulandaran and myself, we are delighted that Ben is joining us at VVV Resources.  Given the surge in copper prices, and the expected supply squeeze, the development of our flagship Mitterberg copper project is of the utmost importance. It is clear from Ben’s CV and his network that he possesses the necessary corporate skills to assist in generating traction and liquidity for the Company.”

Ben Hill added: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to join VVV Resources at such a pivotal time for the copper market. VVV’s Mitterberg project offers huge development potential, and through my previous work in fund raising in the sector and my contact network, I hope to make a substantial contribution to project development in the coming year.”

Below are details of all directorships held by the director in any other publicly quoted company at any time in the previous five years:

Current directorships Previous directorships
Clear Harbour Airways (Holdings) Limited Ariel Partners LLP
Clear Harbour Airways (Operations) Limited Ariel Capital Limited
Data Abbey Limited Clear Harbour Limited
Asia Education Bidco Limited
Asia Education Interco Limited
Asia Education Manco Limited
ICG Alternative Credit (Jersey) GP Limited
ICG Enterprise Carry GP Limited
ICG European Fund 2006 (Jersey) Limited
ICG Executive Financing Limited
ICG Life Sciences Debt Limited
ICG North American Private Equity Debt(Jsy)Limited
ICG Real Estate E Debt Limited
ICG Recovery 2008 B (Jersey) Limited
ICG Recovery Fund 2008 B GP Limited
ICG Senior Debt Partners Performance GP Limited
ICG Watch Jersey GP Limited
Intermediate Capital Mezz Fund 2003 (Jersey) Ltd
Intermediate Investments Jersey Limited
Match Jersey Limited
Mezzanine Investors Jersey SPV Limited
RE+ European Finance Limited
RE+ Management Limited

Except as set out above, there is no further information regarding Benjamin Hill, that is required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 4.9 of the AQSE Growth Market Access Rulebook.

Award of Ordinary Shares to Directors in Lieu of Full Directors Fees

In order to preserve the Company’s cash, the Board has decided to issue 333,333 new ordinary shares to each of Mahesh S/o Pulandaran (Non-Executive Director) and Jim Williams (Executive Director), in lieu of part of their Director’s  fees. The total of 333,333 Ordinary shares cover the period from their respective appointment dates to the present.

The Directors of the Company accept responsibility for the contents of this announcement.

VVV Resources Plc
Mahesh S/o Pulandaran (Non-Executive Director)
Jim Williams (Chairman)
Tel: +44 (0)20 3813 0175
Tel: +44 (0)77 7427 4836
Peterhouse Capital
AQSE Growth Market Corporate Adviser
Guy Miller/Mark Anwyl
Tel: +44 (0)20 7469 0936
Brand Communications
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Alan Green

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