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#UKIM Podcast – UK Property Shares, #AVCT Avacta, and #ECR ECR Minerals with Alan Green

The UK Investor Magazine was thrilled to welcome Alan Green back to the Podcast to discuss a selection of UK shares and the macroeconomic backdrop.

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We discuss:

  • Barratt Developments (LON:BDEV)
  • Avacta (LON:AVCT)
  • ECR Minerals (LON:ECR)

UK CPI inflation surprisingly fell to 6.7% in the year to August from 6.8% the month before. Expectations were for CPI read of 7%. We explore the consequences for housebuilding shares and the wider FTSE 250.

Avacta made a landmark announcement yesterday on the clinical trials of their AVA6000 chemotherapy drug. Alan breaks the release down and what to look for in the coming weeks from Avacta.

We finish with a look at the recent developments at ECR Minerals.

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