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Pure Circle recovering from US Customs Debacle

Image result for pure circle logoPure Circle PURE Final results for the year to the 30th June were severely affected by it being denied access to the US market where it had been producing a third of its revenue, after it was made subject to a Withold Release Order by US Customs & Border Protection. Extensive investigations resulted in it being removed from that list but not until the 30th January and although sales to the US have now resumed, it will take time for it to rebuild the previous momentum which it had acquired in the US market. Operating profit fell by nearly half to US$17.6m. and earnings per share were also halved from 8.49 to 4.16 cents per share. The company claims it has a unique market position with 72 patents granted and a further 200 pending.

OCADO Group OCDO Revenue in the 13 weeks to 27th August continued to grow strongly with an increase of 13.1%, significantly ahead of the industry average. Orders per week increased by 16% but the average order size fell by 1.2%.

Image result for judges scientific logoJudges Scientific JDG has made a robust recovery from a year ago with interim results to the 30th June showing new records being set for revenue, profit before tax, earnings per share and dividends. Revenue rose by 20%, (14% on a like for like basis), adjusted pre tax profit by 48%. and basic earnings per share by 65.1%. The interim dividend is being increased by 11% to 10p per share.

Swallowfield plc SWL reports another very strong performance and excellent progress in the  year to the 24th June with the final dividend being increased by over 50% to 3.5p per share making a total increase for the year of 68%. Helped by the weakness of sterling and acquisitions revenue grew by 36% or 8% excluding acquisitions. On a constant currency basis the figures were 31% and 2% respectively.

Augean AUG Despite a 14.4% rise in revenue for the six months to the 30th June, adjusted profit before tax fell by 7.2% and adjusted earnings per share by 7.4%, following losses in its Industry and Infrastructure businesses which it describes as legacy issues from Colt. To add to its mixed fortunes waste disposed of by its Energy and Construction business declined by 23.7%.

Image result for keyword studios logoKeyword Studios KWS delivered another strong set of results for the half year to the 30th June and the interim dividend is being raised by 10%. Like for like revenue rose by 17% and adjusted profit before tax and earnings per share by 60% and 55% respectively.

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