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Three Reasons why the future of the High Street is Local – LocoSoco Thought Leader
LocoSoco loves local. It may not feel like it right now but believe us when we say the future of the high street is local. The range of technological developments and economic pressures that have pushed many small businesses to the brink will see a reversal of fortunes. Perhaps not tomorrow, but certainly in the next 5-10yrs, and here’s why.
- The world population continues to grow. Its estimated there will be around 8.5 billion people on the planet by 2030. We have a finite space in which to live, work and grow the food we need to eat. Already we are seeing projects in many cities where new living spaces are being combined with retail ones. Towns are developing multiple retail areas rather than a single shopping centre. Rising travel costs and environmental concerns mean that unnecessary journeys, retail and otherwise will be out. People are going to spend more time in their local area. Working, leisure and shopping will become much more localised out of necessity.
- Those out of town retail parks aren’t going to go away but they will change their purpose. If people don’t want to travel, then goods and services will come to them. Storage space will be at a premium on the high street so out of town retail parks will likely become distribution centres for local populations rather than a gathering of shopfronts to visit. Consumers will use the high street or the internet to order from and delivery will be sent from the distribution centre.
- The personal touch remains important. Despite fears that the up and coming generations will be wedded to digital transactions there is evidence to suggest that the opposite will be the case. People who are ‘born digital’ (the under 25’s and the still to arrive) are actively seeking ‘real’ experiences to complement their prodigious online consumption. The internet may be the source of most of their mischief, but research has shown that shopping continues and will continue to be a desired social activity. The need for human interaction and physical presence during transactions will still be with us.
There’s no doubt that the shape and look of the high street is going through changes. In the short-term we’ll likely see more closures, but the matter of business re-modelling can lessen the impact. LocoSoco is re-imaging the role of community assets such as local shops, schools and places of worship to play a greater role in meeting the challenges of sustainability whilst supporting local economies that work for all. The future for the high street is local, blended and absolutely there for small businesses to thrive in.
The time to start putting those wheels in motion is now.
Find out how LocoSoco generates new revenue opportunities for independent retailers here: https://locoso.co/local-shops/
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Community power at work – LocoSoco Thought Leader
LocoSoco are focused on helping communities realise their potential and guide them to a more sustainable future by turning assets into social enterprises. So it was this writers delight to discover this shining example of community power in a tiny Cambridgeshire village.
Changing social habits and rising taxation on our leisure activities has meant that pubs are fast ceasing to be profitable for their corporate owners. They are being sold off, demolished or even converted to many other uses without planning permission or the involvement of the local community who often relied on them.
In 1991 The Green Man, in Thriplow, Cambridgeshire was under threat of being sold by the brewery as a house with planning permission for another dwelling in the grounds. Luckily pressure from locals prevented this and The Green Man was bought by two individuals who gave The Green Man a better future as a free house.
On 1st October 2012, a new limited company formed to manage the purchase of The Green Man. 71 shareholders from Thriplow and surrounding communities pooled their resources to ensure the pub would remain open and preserve it as an asset for the village. The community support the pub by using it & feel a great deal of ownership over it. This is the best support a village pub can ask for.
Today, and we can vouch for it, The Green Man in Thriplow is one of the best pubs in rural Cambridgeshire and nearly 5 stars on Trip Advisor support this.
With beers brewed specifically for them and locally sourced produce that delivers a fabulous menu all the hard work and money invested is proof to how important this community asset is to the people who use it.
The nature of ‘pubs’ will inevitably change as society changes but wouldn’t it be good if we could recognise these historic establishments for the value they deliver to the local community and find ways to enhance that value in the 21st century.
With the backing of the community and a little lateral thinking maybe the future of the pub is healthier than we realise.
Why eco-friendly isn’t a luxury anymore – LocoSoco Thought Leader
Why eco-friendly isn’t a luxury anymore
In some circles the notion of being ‘green’ or ‘eco-friendly is a bit of an anathema. Too expensive, not useful and not available round here.
In addition, the stereotypes given to the environmentally aware have not always been kind.
They can range from the chia latte drinking, yoga-tastic, husband works in the city, yummy mummy’s of suburbia to the dog on a string hippy don’t build that road here eco-warrior of yore.
So, to date many of the barriers to adoption have been high and uptake has been driven by the zealous or those with the means.
Products that we use every day such as washing up liquid, toilet roll, and bin bags are widely available both online and in-store. But on the first channel they need to be actively looked for and in the supermarket their presence is swamped by the promotions of the corporations.
For the average shopper, price and convenience are the strongest levers when it comes to buying everyday household items, and why shouldn’t they be?
LocoSoco are bringing eco-friendly products to market at a price comparable to the big brands. We can do this through the power of bulk buying, which keeps the costs to you low.
You’ll be able to buy them at a place that is probably the most convenient of all. Your local shop. Its probably just down the road, rather than out of town.
When you run out you can go back for a refill.
Simple isn’t it? But then the best ideas always are.
Is social enterprise the saviour of the high street?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock it won’t be news to you that the traditional high street is under threat in most parts of the country and has almost dissolved entirely in others.
The butcher, baker and candlestick maker have been replaced by café’s, charity shops and chains stores. The supermarket and the growth in online shopping are two of the main contributory factors and they aren’t going away anytime soon.
Nor should they. They create jobs and revenue. Unfortunately, that generated revenue doesn’t benefit the local community in they way that perhaps it should or could.
Social Enterprise exists to achieve a social mission, such as providing healthcare for the poor, creating community assets such as an arts centre, or recycling waste and turning it into luxury handbags.
What differentiates a social enterprise from a charity is that it delivers sustainable revenue and reinvests it back into the business or the local community.
It is arguably the fastest growing entrepreneurial sector.
So imagine a high street where these social enterprises have taken up the mantle left by small businesses that were no longer able to compete.
Imagine that every time you purchased goods or services you were able to get actual real money back from the revenue generated.
Imagine being given the choice to take that money back or re-invest it into projects that your local community needed.
Imagine being given that choice in a world where people who don’t walk in your shoes take your taxes and decides how they are spent.
Imagine that one day, not far from now, the high street looks a little different. Locally owned shops thrive once more. Their contributions genuinely benefitting the people and the community that invests in them.
This is part of the LocoSoco vision.
Beats club card points, don’t you think?