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Quoted Micro 9 January 2023


The pre-feasibility study for the Amapa iron ore project in Brazil, where Cadence Minerals (KDNC) has a 30% stake in a joint venture that can be increased to 49%, indicates a capital cost of $399m to bring the mine back into production. Based on the cost estimates in the study, WH Ireland believes that at full production the mine could generate a profit contribution of $292m a year – based on iron ore prices of $100/t and $120/t depending on the grade. It believes the project could breakeven at an iron price of $85/t. The price is currently around $115/t. Chief executive Kiran Morzaria bought 45,454 shares at 11p each.

Steen Andersen became chief executive of probiotics products developer ProBiotix Health (PBX) at the beginning of 2023. Revenues are improving and a trading statement will be published in the next few months. Product ranges are expanding and being launched in new countries. ProBiotix e-commerce revenues could be between £250,000 and £500,000 in 2023.

Hydrogen Utopia International (HUI) confirmed that the FCA has approved its admission to the standard list, and this is set to happen on 9 January.

Spinal stabilisation devices developer TruSpine Technologies (TSP) has secured a bridge loan of £200,000 at an 8% interest rate and has a letter of intent from a UK investment group to invest £2.4m. The first tranche of £800,000 will be issued at 4p a share with two other tranches issued at 6p a share and 8p a share respectively. One of the conditions is that Dr Timothy Evans takes on an executive role. Due diligence is being carried out. There was a £786,000 cash outflow from operations and investment in the six months to September 2022.

Inqo Investments (INQO) is collaborating with Belmont University, Nashville on its project to use enterprise to tackle environmental and social issues around the Budongo Forest in Uganda via $4m grant.

Fenikso Ltd (FNK), which was previously called Lekoil, has completed the settlement agreements with Lekoil Nigeria Ltd and its former chief executive, as well as terminating arrangements with Savannah Energy (SAVE). However, Lekoil Nigeria has been given additional time to surrender the 107.7 million shares it holds in Fenikso, which has no operating assets.

Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd (GSVR) has increased its proposed fundraising from C$7.5m to C$8.5m via an issue of units at C$0.425 each. The unit comprises one share and 0.5 of a warrant exercisable at C$0.60. A first tranche of C$6.8m has been issued and the rest should be issued by 10 January.

Mark Horrocks has acquired 5% of IamFire (FIRE). Saagar Ruaparell has taken a 3.21% stake in Quetzal Capital (QTZ).


One Media IP (OMIP) expects revenues to be £5.1m and EBITDA of £1.8m in the year to October 2022. Revenues are better than forecast, but EBITDA is in line. The music and video IP rights owner has net cash of around £1.4m. Anti-piracy subsidiary TCAT is winning new contracts and One Media IP is no longer considering outside funding for the subsidiary. The annual results will be published in March and the company says that it will pay a final dividend.

Embedded computer products developer Concurrent Technologies (CNC) says 2022 revenues will be 10% ahead of expectations, although pre-tax profit is maintained at around £100,000. Order intake was more than one-quarter ahead at £31m. Double shifts have commenced at the company’s factory. Pre-tax profit is expected to recover to £2.7m in 2023.

Helium One Global (HE1) will not be able to procure the Exalo drilling rig as it had expected because the current user has taken up a 12-month option on its operation. This will delay exploration drilling, which was due to start in the first quarter of 2023.

Cancer diagnostic test developer Angle (AGL) warned that revenues are lower than expected. Revenues will be just above £1m in 2022 after contract delays, while 2023 revenues have been downgraded from £5m to £3.9m. Market conditions have hampered the cancer diagnostics company in securing partnerships and building the commercial use of the Parsortix cancer cells capture technology.

hVIVO (HVO) has secured a £5.2m contract with an Asia Pacific-based biotech company to test a vaccine in a Phase IIa study. This uses the company’s respiratory syncytial virus human challenge study expertise, and the study will be conducted in Whitechapel from the third quarter of 2023.

Cleaning services provider React Group (REAT) has won a two-year contract with a high street fast food chain and it should generate revenues of £800,000 in the year to September 2023. It was an existing client of window cleaning business LaddersFree, which was bought last May.

DeepMatter (DMTR) left AIM on 5 January.


Conversational gaming company Streaks Gaming (STK) has joined the standard list and raised £3m at 3p a share to develop its platform. The initial games will be knowledge-based and be played between AI-generated digital personalities. Initial income will be generated from introducing people to sports betting firms. Aquis-quoted AQRU (AQRU) invested £2.3m of that cash, which should last for two years even with limited revenues. Much of that cash will go on social media platform fees and directors pay. The share price ended the week at 3.5p (3p/4p). There were no shares traded on 5 January with four trades of 122,000 shares the following day.

Cadmium-free quantum dots developer Nanoco (NANO) has come to a settlement agreement in its litigation with Samsung relating to the infringement of Nanoco’s patents. The two companies have 30 days to secure a binding agreement. The US court proceedings were due to start on 6 January.

Funeral director Dignity (DTY) believes the latest offer from a consortium involving major shareholder Phoenix Asset Management could be acceptable. The initial offer was 475p a share, while the latest revised proposal is 525p a share in cash. Phoenix Asset Management owns 29.7% of Dignity. The bid vehicle is Yellow (SPC) Bidco Ltd, which is a joint venture between Phoenix Asset Management backed investment company Castelnau, which is managed by former Dignity chief executive Gary Channon, and a company established by Sir Peter Wood.

Antimicrobial and textile odour control materials developer HeiQ (HEIQ) says trading conditions have worsened because of weak consumer spending. There are also high levels of inventory in the market, which has hit reorder levels and customers are hesitant to invest in product innovation. HeiQ is acquiring Tarn-Pure for £850,000 in cash and shares. Tarn-Pure has IP relating to regulatory registrations to sell elemental copper and elemental silver for use in disinfecting hygiene applications.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 2 January 2022


Invinity Energy Systems (IES) says that 2023 revenues will be better than expected because of the order inflow in recent months and delayed contracts. The 2023 forecast was raised from £20.6m to £23.7 in September. The battery storage technology developer will still make a significant loss even with higher revenues.

Oberon Investments Group (OBE) reported a decline in interim revenues from £3.45m to £2.64m. Corporate broking revenues fell by one-third to £1.03m, although the number of clients increased from 15 to 22. Funds under management rose above £1bn, although investment management revenues also declined. The group moved from profit to a £1.7m loss as additional staff were taken on in corporate broking and investment management. There was net cash of £2.3m at the end of September 2022. The launch of an EIS fund and other new products should boost longer-term revenues.

Supported housing operator Walls & Futures REIT (WAFR) interim loss fell from £201,000 to £37,000, although there was a small increase if exceptional charges are excluded. NAV was 0.5% lower at 97.5p a share at the end of September 2022. There was cash of £829,000. The weaker residential market is helping with the search for suitable sites.

Looking Glass Labs Ltd (NFTX), which operates Web3 platforms for immersive metaverse environments and blockchain, has progressed with the development of its Pocket Dimension metaverse offering. Carl Chow has stepped down from the board and Lucas Russell has replaced him.

Tectonic Gold (TTAU) reported an increased loss of £311,000 in the year to June 2022, while there was a £270,000 cash outflow from operating activities. There was £403,000 in the bank at the end of June 2022, with net cash of £232,000.

Cadence Minerals (KDNC) has completed the pre-feasibility study for the Amapa Iron Ore and an announcement is expected in early 2023. Investee company Evergreen Lithium is awaiting final regulatory approval to join the ASX.

AQRU (AQRU) has invested £2.3m in Streaks Gaming, which is planning to join the standard list on 5 January. Streaks Gaming is creating a global conversational gaming platform.

IamFire (FIRE) has subscribed for a further £500,000 of WeShop convertible loan notes. The conversion price is 200p a share.

Gowin New Energy (GWIN) has borrowed £50,000 from its chief executive.

Geremy Thomas is no longer an executive at Goodbody Health Ltd (GBDY), although he remains as chairman. Anne Tew is stepping down as finance boss, although she will cover the role until a replacement is appointed.


Nexus Infrastructure (NEXS) is selling its utility connections and charging infrastructure businesses to FitzWalter Capital for £77.7m. That is more than the market capitalisation before the announcement. This is the highest it has been since June. TriConnex and eSmart Networks were the parts of the group with the best growth prospects and Nexus Infrastructure is left with civil engineering business Tamdown, where margins are recovering. In 2021-22, revenues were £98.4m and the operating profit was £2.3m. There will be £10m of disposal proceeds retained for working capital and the £65m left after costs will be distributed to shareholders.

Trading in digital media company Catenae Innovation (CTEA) shares has recommenced after it published its 2020-21 accounts and interims to March 2022. There was a £993,000 cash outflow from operations last year and that was reduced to £283,000 in the latest interims. There was cash of £337,000 and no debt at the end of March 2022. A £250,000 interest-free loan facility has been secured from Sanderson Capital and £125,000 has been drawn down. Shares and warrants will be issued to Sanderson Capital at 0.235p each.

NetScientific (NSCI) investee company PDS Biotech (NASDAQ: PDSB) has revealed median overall survival of 21 months in a phase II study for a PDS0101-based triple combination therapy for advanced HPV+ cancer patients. This is a better outcome than for current treatments. The PDS share price rose on the news and even though it has fallen back it has still risen by around one-third this week. NetScientific’s 4.7% stake is worth around £13.8m.

Catalyst Media Group (CMX) trebled its net assets after unwinding a previous write-down. A 20.5% shareholding in horseracing broadcaster Sports Information Services (SIS) is the only significant asset that Catalyst Media has, and it is valued at £35.4m. That is after a write-back of a previous impairment charge of £23.4m. NAV is £35.5m, or 168.9p a share. Catalyst Media has announced a 3.3p a share dividend.

Cannabis-based medicines developer Celadon Pharmaceuticals (CEL) says its pain clinic subsidiary LVL Health has completed the feasibility study of its non-cancer chronic pain clinical trial. The results are described as positive. The results have been submitted to the research ethics committee, which will make a decision on a larger clinical trial involving up to 5,000 patients. A trial has already been conditionally approved by the MHRA.

Barkby Group (BARK) has increased the debt facility provided by Tarncourt Properties, a company controlled by the family of Barkby chairman Charles Dickson, from £5m to £12m and it expires at the end of June 2024. Net debt was £7.7m on 2 July 2022. There is effectively £7m of cash available at the end of 2022. Net liabilities are £7.7m. Non-core assets are up for sale. The focus will be property and pubs.

Tekcapital (TEK) investee company Innovative Eyewear has signed a global licensing agreement for the outdoor brand Eddie Bauer for smart eyewear.

Allergy Therapeutics (AGY) says that its accounts will not be published by the end of 2022, so trading in the shares will be suspended on 3 January. The audit has been delayed, but there is no indication of any material problem. Management is still assessing funding options. Annual results for Kazera Global (KZG) will not be published until February, so trading in the shares will also be suspended on 3 January.


Gresham Technologies (GHT) software Clareti Connect has won a new $1.3m contract over five years with an existing banking client. The software will replace FIX processing infrastructure and there will be additional recurring usage fees.

Standard list shell Stranger Holdings (STHP) had net debt of £761,000 at the end of September 2022. Due diligence continues on the potential acquisition of mineral rights in Africa.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 28 November 2022


One Health Group (OHGR) joined the Apex segment of the Aquis Stock Exchange on 24 November. The NHS-funded medical procedures provider raised £1.56m at 150p a share, giving One Health Group a market capitalisation of £15.1m. The share price ended the week at 156.5p. Demand for the company’s services should continue to be strong as the NHS tries to reduce the backlog of operations. In the six months to September 2022, revenues were £9.7m. The plan is to pay 50% of post-tax profit in dividends. Net cash was £3.68m at the end of March 2022. The additional cash will provide working capital.

Electric vehicle drivetrains developer Equipmake Holdings (EQIP) edged up revenues by 3% to £3.71m in the year to May 2022. A much greater proportion of the revenues came from commercial and production contracts. The loss was more than trebled to £5.2m. There was still £1.88m of cash in the balance sheet and since then it raised £10m gross at 4.25p a share in its Aquis flotation. A partnership with an electrical aerospace specialist will generate initial orders for prototypes worth £400,000.

VSA Capital (VSA) has reiterated that it will report a first half loss. The Aquis corporate adviser is holding a showcase event for Aquis companies on 29 November.

Inqo Investments (INQO) has sold its investment in Zambia-based honey producer Bee Sweet Honey There was a ZAR950,000 loss on the investment.

Guanajuato Silver (GSVR) has made a partial early repayment of its silver and gold loans using 97,000 ounces of silver and 846 ounces of gold. In the three months to September 2022 produced 329,297 ounces of silver and 3,226 ounces of gold, while lead and zinc sales have become significant. The trend of quarter-on-quarter production increases is expected to continue.

Clarify Pharma (PSYC) has acquired £250,000 stakes in Nasdaq-listed companies Atai Life Sciences Inc (ATAI) and Compass Pathways (CMPS). Both companies are involved in developing psychedelic treatments.

AQRU (AQRU) is reducing the number of employees by three-quarters to save money. Monthly overheads will fall by 65%. Yields on the company’s cryptocurrency app are being reduced.

Cooks Coffee Company (COOK) has issued up to NZ$2m of convertible notes to wholesale investors. The cash will fund the growth of the café existing chain and acquisitions, as well as paying off some existing debt.

Ananda Developments (ANA) is seeking shareholder approval to acquire the 50% of DJT Group that it does not own, which has a licence to grow >0.2% THC cannabis for research. The cost is £3.2m in shares. The process of gaining approval to grow and manufacture medicinal cannabis has been formalised.

IamFire (FIRE) says investee company WeShop user downloads and transactions are increasing.

Marula Mining (MARU) has increased its stake in the Blesberg lithium mine from 5% to 100%. The cost is $1.7m. This is subject to regulatory approval. Mobile mining equipment and the majority of processing equipment is on the site and the infrastructure is being upgraded. First deliveries of lithium ore are expected in December.

Diesel additives supplier SulNOx Group (SNOX) has appointed Steele Environmental as a US distributor for shipping markets and land-based transportation and revealed a positive evaluation with Caspian Marine Services.

Invinity Energy Systems (IES) has cut the nominal value of its shares so that it can issue more shares. A 2.2 MWh energy storage sale has been made to the company’s Taiwan resale partner. That is ten Invinity VS3 batteries.

EDX Medical (EDX) announced a collaboration for the European cancer biomarker programme with Tianjin Bioscience. This should result in the development of cost-effective cancer tests.

MiLOC Group Ltd has changed its name to Crushmetric Group Ltd. A placing raised £22,000 at 20p a share.

A company owned by NFT Investments (NFT) chairman Jonathan Bixby and non-exec Mike Edwards have has acquired 20 million shares at 0.8p a share. Finance boss Rob Smith has purchased 724,503 Chapel Down Group (CDGP) shares at 25.5p each. A company associated with chief executive David Immelman bought 50,084 DXS International (DXSP) shares at 5.454p each.

Former Aquis-quoted company Jigsaw Insurance Services is recommending a 204p a share cash offer from insurance business consolidator PIB Group Ltd. There could also be additional consideration of 14p a share depending on completion accounts. That values the bid at up to £24.1m. Harrogate-based Jigsaw was formerly known as NCI Vehicle Rescue and it left what was then known as ISDX in February 2015, so it still comes under the Takeover Panel rules.


Michelmersh Brick (MBH) expects 2022 pre-tax profit to be ahead of expectations and it is acquiring pre-built brick products manufacturer and brick fabricator Fabspeed for an initial £6.25m. The Fabspeed acquisition will be earnings enhancing. There could be up to £2m more payable depending on performance over 24 months. A share buy back programme of up to £3m is being launched.

Tatton Asset Management (TAM) continues to generate impressive net inflows to its assets undermanagement. They were £907m in the six months to September 2022, helping to offset market declines. The 50%-owned 8AM Global added a further £1bn taking the group total to £12.3bn, which has already risen to £12.9bn in November. Pre-tax profit improved from £6.77m to £7.68m and the dividend was raised by 12.5% to 4.5p a share.

finnCap (FCAP) has ended bid talks with fellow broker Panmure Gordon. It was not possible to find a mutually acceptable structure or terms for the merger.

Osirium Technologies (OSI) is raising £1.53m at 2p a share and the cash will provide additional working capital and help the cyber security business reach cash breakeven earlier than previously expected. Annualised cost savings of £1m have been identified and £650,000 of these have already been implemented. Sales director Stuart McGregor is replacing chief executive David Guyatt and he will become executive chair instead. Allenby has increased its forecast 2022 revenues to £1.8m and slightly reduced the expected loss to £3.22m.

Tissue products manufacturer Accrol (ACRL) increased interim revenues by 64% to £121.1m through a combination of higher prices and volume growth. Net debt was £30.5m at the end of October 2022 and it could fall to £24.4m by April 2023. A full year pre-tax profit of £6.7m is forecast.

Omega Diagnostics (ODX) has received the £4m deferred consideration for the sale of the CD4 business. Net cash is expected to be £6.2m by the end of March 2022. This can be used to expand the health and food intolerance operations. The US is a market where more investment is planned. Omega Diagnostics remains loss making but could move into profit in 2023-24.

Electrolyser developer Clean Power Hydrogen (CPH2) is having problems with the design and operation of its cryostat unit in the MFE 220 test unit. Scaling up the unit has been a challenge. This delayed the expected October deliveries of two initial MFE 220 units. One customer has cancelled the order and is going with a rival electrolyser. A redesign of the unit should cure the issues. On the current forecasts, the cash could reduce to £3m by the end of 2024 and then rise the following year, but further delays could mean the cash reduces more quickly than expected.

Curtis Banks Group (CBP) is in advanced discussions concerning a bid from Nucleus Financial Platforms, which is conducting due diligence. Susan McInnes has been appointed as an independent non-executive director of Curtis Banks.

DeepMatter Group (DMTR) is the latest company with plans to cancel the AIM quotation because management believes that it will be easier to raise cash as a private company. The digital chemistry data analysis business says major shareholders support the plan. DeepMatter wants to raise £1m before leaving AIM and then a larger amount after the departure.

Trafalgar Property Group (TRAF) has moved into hydroponics. The residential property developer has acquired assets and leasehold premises from May Barn Horticultural Consultancy, which is controlled by Trafalgar Property director Dr Paul Challinor, for £30,000. Trafalgar Property will concentrate on assessing plant propagation requirements and studies on tissue culture of plant material. The current work is on lettuce varieties and hydroponic tomato seedlings, as well as seedlings of Nicotiana benthamiana for future development for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Real Good Food (RGD) has secured additional financing of £2.5m from Hilco Private Capital, which lasts for 12 months and is in addition to the £6.3m from the Leumi ABL. This will help to fund restructuring and cost reduction.

Zanaga Iron Ore Company (ZIOC) is acquiring a controlling shareholding in the Zanaga iron ore project from Glencore Projects in return for shares that will give Glencore a 48.26% stake. Glencore can appoint two directors and is required to retain the shares for six months. Glencore has exclusive marketing rights for the iron ore produced at the mine. A general meeting will be held on 13 December to gain shareholder approval for the deal.


Structural steel supplier Severfield (SFR) improved interim profit and it is continuing to improve in the second half. In the six months to September 2022, revenues improved from £195.9m to £234.9m through a combination of underlying growth and higher steel prices. Underlying pre-tax profit rose from £10.3m to £12.1m, including a doubled contribution of £600,000 from the India business. Net debt was £15.8m at the end of September and the interim dividend was raised from 1.2p a share to 1.3p a share. The UK and Europe order book is worth £464m and the India order book is £143m.

Devro (DVO) has agreed a 316p a share bid from Netherlands-based Saria, which has been interested in bidding for the sausage skins supplier since the beginning of 2022.

Cardiff Property (CDFF) increased NAV from 2549p a share to 2756p a share in the year to September 2022. The current share price is 2420p. The dividend was raised from 18.5p a share to 20.5p a share. There has been a downturn in confidence in the Thames Valley property market.

Alkemy Capital Investments (ALK) says its subsidiary Tees Valley Lithium has received full planning permission for Europe’s largest lithium hydroxide refinery in Teeside. This will supply the electric vehicle battery market. Production could commence in 2025.

National World (NWOR) has decided not to bid for Reach (RCH).

Motor dealer Caffyns (CFYN) improved interim revenues from £110.8m to £119m, although underlying pre-tax profit dipped by one-third to £1.6m. New car volumes were ahead of the market and there was a 12% decrease in like-for-like used car volumes. The interim dividend is unchanged at 7.5p a share.

Ross Group (RGP) has raised £136,000 at 1.5p a share. Ross has entered into a global exclusive supply chain management agreement with the Energy Group LLC in the US to manage green hydrogen production and projects. This could be the start of a significant business for Ross.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 14 November 2022


First quarter trading at National Milk Records (NMRP) strengthened in all areas. Revenues increased by 4% to £5.98m. There was an 82% rise in genomic testing revenues to £151,000. Milk prices are expected to remain strong. The GenoCells services, which provide farmers with genomically driven individual animal cell count analysis, will be launched in the UK and US.

OTAQ (OTAQ) has switched from the standard list to the Access segment of Aquis. The share price has held steady at 5p. OTAQ raised £3.6m at 4p a share.

Shareholders have approved the reverse takeover of TECC Capital (TEC) by EDX Medical. The shares will recommence trading on 14 November.

Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd (GSVR) has discovered a new transverse vein at the El Cubo mine in Guanajuato, Mexico. This has been named the San Luis vein. The company has been reinterpreting previous data. This vein is likely to have a higher gold component than the primary structures. Vein widths are close to one metre or above.

Property investor Ace Liberty & Stone (ALSP) has exchanged contracts to acquire Loders Service Station in Dorset for £2.08m. There is a SPAR convenience store and BP filling station. The annual rental income is £168,000 and it increases to £185,000 in 2023.

Igraine (KING) says Conduit Pharmaceuticals is reversing into Nasdaq-listed Murphy Cannon Acquisition Corp. This will provide nearly $150m of funding for Conduit. Via a 2% stake in Excalibur Medicines, Igraine has an economic interest in AZD1656, which is a potential diabetes treatment, one of the assets of Conduit. Excalibur Medicines has exclusive rights to the patents on AZD1656. Fellow Aquis-quoted company Oscillate (MUSH) has a 25.7% stake in Igraine.

Goodbody Health Ltd (GDBY) says the full year outcome will be worse than expected. Third quarter figures showed a 6% decline in revenues to £9.29m due to reductions in Covid testing revenues, while margins declined. The loss nearly doubled to £1.67m. The cost base is being reduced.

Technology investor SuperSeed Capital Ltd (WWW) has made six investments since joining Aquis. The latest is Techsembly, a SaaS e-commerce platform offering payments technology to hotel operators. NAV is 95p a share.

Electric vehicle drivetrains developer Equipmake (EQIP) says 2021-22 revenues were better than expected at £3.7m. More of the revenues are coming from commercial projects. The loss has fallen to £4.3m.

Altona Rare Earths (ANR) is drawing down £150,000 in two tranches from Align Research Investments. The interest rate is 15% and there are also warrants equal to 150% of the loan value exercisable at 12p a share.

Gunsynd (GUN) investee company Rincon Resources says a preliminary report highlights similarities between its Pokali prospect and a nearby niobium rare earth discovery.

EPE Special Opportunities (EO.P) announced net assets of 239.2p a share at the end of October 2022, down from 242.3p a share the month before.

AQRU (AQRU) has linked up with accountancy firm Sampson Fielding to offer technology-led accountancy services for institutions holding digital assets and their auditors. The brand will be Daxiom.


PayPoint (PAY) is bidding for Appreciate (LAPP) in a deal that values the prepaid vouchers and Christmas savings group at £83m – based on a PayPoint share price of 580p. The offer is 33p in cash and 0.019 of a PayPoint share for each Appreciate share. A 0.8p a share dividend will also be paid to Appreciate shareholders. The PayPoint share price has fallen to 547p, so the bid is not worth quite as much now.

Motor dealer Vertu Motors (VTU) is in talks to acquire Helston Garages Group Ltd. This would be funded by debt. The controlling party of the company is the executors of the estates of former directors David Stanley Carr and Betty Vera Carr. Helston Garages is based in south west England and has 37 dealerships, plus two used car sites. Helston Garages had net cash was £10.8m at the end of 2021 and NAV was £136.2m.

Insolvency litigation financer Manolete Partners (MANO) is generating more cash, but a write down in the values of ongoing cases meant that reported revenues were lower. That is partly due to large case being lost and the general economic conditions. More importantly, realised revenues are increasing. The interim figures reflect cases that were taken on during a period of Covid restrictions and government assistance, when insolvencies were relatively low. Insolvency numbers are increasing so opportunities will increase.

Online home moving services provider Smoove (SMV) revealed a higher loss and cash outflow in the six months to September 2022. The benefits from investments in new products, such as Smoove Start, aimed at estate agents, and Smooth Complete, which is for conveyancing lawyers, won’t show through until next year. Costs are being reduced. Smoove has announced a tender offer of up to £5m, but that will still leave plenty of cash in the bank to fund the business as it moves towards breakeven.

Biome Technologies (BIOM) increased third quarter revenues by 77% to £1.9m. Both bioplastics and radio frequency divisions grew their contributions. Even so, Biome is being more cautious about pre-commercial customer projects and full year revenue expectations have been trimmed from £6.8m to £6.29m, which is still higher than the £5.73m generated in 2021. A full year loss of £1.1m is forecast.

PCF Group (PCF) has been unable to raise money or secure a strategic transaction, so PCF Bank is withdrawing from the UK banking market. The PCF board wants shareholder approval for the cancellation of the AIM quotation.

Mobile data computing services provider Touchstar (TST) has won a £1.5m contract with a petrochemical distribution client. There will be additional recurring revenues in future years. This underpins 2022 and 2023 pre-tax profit expectations of £400,000 and £700,000 respectively.

Poolbeg Pharma (POLB) has identified multiple novel drug targets for the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus. This has been achieved within eight months with its partner OneThree Biotech. This includes known drugs with phase 1 safety and efficacy data. The best candidates should be identified by the end of the year.

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BXP) increased 2021-22 net sales from £251.4m to £309.7m with growth coming from domestic sales and exports. However, profit after tax fell from £26.6m to £24m. No revenues are anticipated from Covid vaccines in the near-term.

Construction claims and disputes consultancy Driver Group (DRV) made an underlying loss in the year to September 2022, but management believes that the Middle East and Asian operations should return to profitability this year. Europe and the Americas remain profitable.


Made.com (MADE) has gone into administration and PwC is handling the administration. Next (NEXT) has acquired the brand and IP.

National World (NWOR) has invested $1.25m in social-first media company The News Movement. National World hopes that this will help to attract a younger audience to its publications.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 31 October 2022


TECC Capital (TEC) has agreed terms for the acquisition of diagnostics business EDX Medical Ltd for £12m in shares, while a placing will raise £1.2m at 6p a share. The shares remain suspended. Trading in the enlargement group should commence on 14 November under the name EDX Medical Group. EDX Medical develops digital diagnostic products and services for cancer, heart disease, neurology and infectious diseases.

Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd (GSVR) joined the Apex segment of the Aquis Stock Exchange on 25 October. The Mexico-focused silver miner was already quoted on the TSX Venture Exchange. The share price started at 27.5p and it has stayed at that level. There were 884 shares traded on the first day and there were four trades during the week. Guanajuato Silver is targeting annualised production of 3.4 million ounces of silver-equivalent ounces by the end of 2022 and up to six million ounces by the end of 2023.

Coinsilium Group Ltd (COIN) says that the terms of the agreement for the IOV Labs Asia joint venture are being renegotiated. This could mean a different business model, but the outcome is uncertain. So far this year, Coinsilium has invested $575,000 of crypto currency in Web3 ventures. Chief executive Eddy Travia bought 250,000 Coinsilium shares at 1.95p each and chairman Malcolm Palle bought 250,000 at 1.9p each.

Gunsynd (GUN) has invested £50,000 in Omega Oil & Gas, which listed on ASX on 25 October. This is part of a $15.07m fundraising at €0.20 a share. Omega has two exploration permits in Queensland. A two well drilling programme is planned.

SulNOx Group (SNOX) increased interim revenues from £24,000 to £75,000, but the loss moved up from £724,000 to £965,000. There was £311,000 in the bank at the end of September 2022. There were delays to sales and at least £31,500 should be included in the third quarter.

Altona Rare Earths (ANR) is still on track to publish a maiden mineral resource estimate for the Monte Muambe rare earths project in the first quarter of 2023.

In the year to April 2021, IamFire (FIRE) reported a cash outflow from operating activities of £349,000. Management expects investee companies WeShop and 10%-owned Bio2Pure to make progress this year.

AQRU (AQRU) has launched a cryptocurrency-collateralised lending service called BlockLender.

Marula Mining (MARU) has raised £450,000 at 2p a share and plans to issue £265,000 secured convertible loan notes. There are talks with two Africa-focused mining investment funds that could invest up to £1m. A $5m lithium prepayment facility was secured for the Blesberg project in South Africa. Marula Mining will use $1.7m to take 100% ownership of Blesberg. Shareholders are being asked to approve the change in the investing strategy to allow the acquisition of majority interests in projects.

Sidney Sussex College reduced its stake in brewer Adnams (ADB) from 4.22% to 3.17%. Director Michael Heald increased his stake from 19.32% to 20.37% by buying 3,00 B shares at £89 each.

Ace Liberty & Stone (ALSP) chief executive Ismail Ghandour bought 15,000 shares at 55p each and finance director Ivan Minter acquired 20,000 shares at the same price. Last week, Ace Liberty & Stone launched a heavily discounted open offer to raise £4.56m at 25p a share. The open offer closes on 14 November

David Evans has increased his stake in Oberon Investments (OBE) from 8.74% to 9.36%. Mark Horrocks has raised his stake in Lift Global Ventures (LFT) to 7.1%. Chris Akers has increased his stake in Quetzal Capital (QTZ) from 23.4% to 24.1%. Phoenix Asset Management has a 16.5% stake in Silverwood Brands (SLWD).


Billing and charging software provider Cerillion (CER) says higher utilisation rates and beneficial exchange rate movements mean that pre-tax profit for the year to September 2022 will be much higher than the forecast £10.1m. Net cash is anticipated to be £20m. The pipeline of opportunities remains strong.

Vianet (VNET) says both divisions are increasing revenues. The smart machines division has increased vending connections by 24% to 52,490. Even though the pub sector is having a tough time, the smart zones division is growing revenues as the clients try to improve efficiency. Overall interim revenues are 13% ahead at £7.18m. However, there are cost pressures and Cenkos has reduced its 2022-23 forecast operating profit by £450,000 to £3.05m, with a bigger reduction of £950,000 to £4.04m next year.

Merit Group (MRIT) is selling its media, events and training operations to a business owned by Merit shareholder Lord Ashcroft for £4.5m. The cash will be used to pay off debt of £3.2m. Merit will focus on the Dods Political Intelligence and data businesses.

Building products supplier Alumasc (ALU) says volumes and margins improved in the first quarter. Transport and materials costs are stabilising, and exports are growing. Forecast full year pre-tax profit is £11.3m, down from £12.7m.

Franchise Brands (FRAN) says that Filta and Metro Rod are trading strongly, and full year group pre-tax profit will be better than expected. The consumer franchise businesses are finding it difficult to recruit franchisees. The 2022 pre-tax profit forecast has been raised by 5% to £12.4m.

Allergy Therapeutics (AGY) is able to restart production at its Worthing facility in the middle of November. The facility was shut down during peak production for does for the pollen season because of quality control problems.

ECR Minerals (ECR) has an option to purchase Placer Gold, which owns three mining tenements in Queensland. They are known as the Hurricane project, and it is prospective for gold and antimony. The option cost £144,000, while the total cost could be £3.8m, including a net smelter royalty capped at £3m.

Active investor Chris Akers has taken a 3.32% stake in Fiinu Group (BANK), which was formed in July when the Fiinu banking business reversed into the AIM shell Immediate Acquisition. Fiinu has developed the Plugin Overdraft, which provides customers with an overdraft facility without the requirement to switch banks.

Managed IT services provider CloudCoCo (CLCO) trebled revenues to £24m in the year to September 2022, while EBITDA improved from £745,000 to around £1m. There were four acquisitions in late 2021 so they contributed to the growth. Investment is sales is starting to pay off and there should be further growth in revenues and profit this year.

Secure payments technology provider PCI-Pal (PCIP) increased first quarter revenues by 29%, compared with a 20% forecast for the full year. An Open Banking payment service has been launched.


MADE.com (MADE) says that the parties it invited to work towards making an offer for the company as part of the formal sale process will not be able to meet the necessary timetable. The company is running out of cash. There are no current funding proposals or possible offers. The main subsidiary is no longer taking orders. It appears there is little hope for shareholders unless something happens soon.

Eastinco Mining and Exploration (ATN) has acquired Aterian, and this sparked a move from the Aquis Stock Exchange to the standard list. The deal takes the business into Morocco, and it has existing projects in Rwanda. There was £854,000 raised in a placing at 1p a share. The share price ended the week at 0.95p. There are 15 different potential Moroccan prospects. They include the Agdz project, where there is a ten-year mining licence over a prospect with copper and gold deposits already identified.

Unicorn Mineral Resources (UMR) has exploration licences in two project areas in the Republic of Ireland. It is still early days in terms of exploration, but the licences in the Kilmallock area are reaching the point when drilling for zinc can commence, and the £930,000 raised at 10p a share in the flotation will finance that. The share price ended the week at 17.5p (15p/20p).

AIM-quoted Jangada Mines (JAN) has increased its holding in Blencowe Resources (BRES) from 2% to 9.5% by investing £610,000. The investment was part of a £750,000 placing at 4p a share where RAB Capital and JUB Capital also bought shares. Every two shares come with a warrant exercisable at 8p each. The cash will be invested in the Orom-Cross graphite project in Uganda, which has a net present value of $482m.

BSF Enterprise (BSFA) has received a £100,000 grant for further development of its serum-free media, City-mix. The grant is provided by EIT Food, which aims to commercialise cultivated meat. City-mix can be used to cultivate meat and leather. The company plans to unveil the first 100% lab-grown fillet in the next few months.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 1 August 2022


Equipmake Holdings (EQIP) has developed electric vehicle drivetrain technology that has won initial contracts. It raised £10m at 4.25p a share to invest in production facilities and finance working capital. The share price ended the first day at 5.875p (5.5p/6.25p). Snetterton-based Equipmake was founded in 1997 by former Lotus Formula 1 head of development Ian Foley and refocused on electric vehicle technology in 2007. Equipmake has a vertically integrated model. It designs and manufactures components for its electric drivetrain and integrates them into a system. Management is confident that being a systems integrator gives it a competitive advantage.

Bath-based Macaulay Capital (MCAP) was formed to acquire Macaulay Management Ltd. The strategy is to originate potential investments and generate fees from these businesses by advising them and helping to raise money, as well as investing alongside other investors. The focus is smaller companies in well-established markets. An initial investment has been made in a food manufacturer, which has also provided income for the company. Macaulay Capital raised £1.9m at 20p a share. Macaulay Capital has cash of £1.796m after the flotation. The shares ended the first day of trading at 21p (20p/22p). Managing director David Horner is also managing director of Chelverton Asset Management and a director and owner of 29.99% of AIM-quoted investment company CEPS (CEPS).

TECC Capital (TEC) is subscribing for £300,000 of convertible loan notes in EDX Medical Ltd, with a reverse takeover expected to eventually happen. This is subject to due diligence. EDX Medical was founded by Sir Chris Evans to develop digital diagnostics products and services. It owns a laboratory in Cambridge and offers testing and genomic sequencing research.

In the year to March 2022, Oberon Investments (OBE) increased its revenues by 75% to £6.7m. That includes an initial contribution from financial planning business Smythe House. The big increase in revenues came from corporate finance. The pre-tax loss was £581,000, after a £212,500 gain on investments. Funds under management increased by 80% to more than £1bn.

Shepherd Neame (SHEP) has acquired three pubs in Essex. They are all freehold.

Capital For Colleagues (LON: CFCP) has moved from the Access segment to the Apex segment. Capital For Colleagues has increased its stake in TPS Investment Holdings to 27.6% through an additional cash investment of £500,000 through the purchase of existing shares from two executive directors.

Apollon Formularies (APOL) says that its Jamaican affiliate is acquiring up to 96% of Citiva Jamaica for cash and shares. Citivas has a cultivation, manufacturing and processing facility for medical grade cannabis. This will help to obtain final approval to distribute cannabis products from the Jamaican authorities. A director, Roderick McIllree, has loaned $150,000 to Apollon.

Coinsilium Group Ltd (COIN) has been appointed adviser to Metalinq Labs Inc and it has a token purchase agreement to acquire $200,000 of future Metalinq tokens, which should be issued in 2023. Metalinq is a next generation Layer 3 protocol solution enabling interoperability between metaverses. Existing Indorse token owners are eligible to receive Metalinq tokens. Coinsilium holds 5.35 million Indorse tokens.

Visum Technologies (VIS) has signed a framework services agreement with Digiphoto Entertainment Imaging and this enables the launch of Visum’s video technology system in the US. The financial year end has been changed to June.

Greencare Capital (GRE) is still seeking a suitable cannabis-related acquisition. There is still £679,000 in the bank.

AQRU (AQRU) lost £2.32m in the six months to April 2022 and still had net cash of £6.1m.

Rogue Baron (SHNJ) generated revenues of $87,492 in the three months to June 2022. Options for financing continued growth are being considered.

Shares in Lekoil Ltd (LEK) returned from suspension after the publication of interim results. Thanks to finance income Lekoil reported a pre-tax profit of $836,000. Olapade Durotoye is leaving the board to take up a role at Savannah Energy.

Richard Battersby is stepping down from the BWA Group (LON: BWAP) due to ill-health. G and O Energy Investments has bought a 13.45% stake from St Georges Eco-Mining Corp.

Former boss Michael Williams has reduced his stake in British Honey Company (BHC) from 3.96% to 1.3%. He left the board in October. The 2021 results have yet to be published and trading in the shares is suspended.

Waste plastic to hydrogen business Hydrogen Utopia International (HUI) started trading on the US OTCQB Venture Market on 26 July. Executive director Howard White bought 55,500 shares at 9p each, taking his stake to 3.89%.

Chris Akers has increased his stake in Oscillate (MUSH) from 12.45% to 13.11%. Paul McKillen has a 4.15% stake in Marula Mining (MARU).


Leisure and entertainment company Brighton Pier Group (PIER) beat expectations for the year to June 2022. Adjusted EBITDA was £10.8m, which is higher than the previously upgraded forecast of £10.4m. Net debt fell from £13.3m to £6.1m. Pre-tax profit is expected to more than quadruple to £6.4m, although it was boosted by government support measures such as a temporary cut in VAT and business rate relief. The ending of the support and cost inflation means that the equivalent 2022-23 pre-tax profit is expected to fall to £4.4m on flat revenues. However, Brighton Pier intends to change its year end to December. There will be 12-month figures followed by 78-week results to December 2022.

Lithium-ion battery cell technology developer AMTE Power (AMTE) has chosen the site for a new 0.5GWh battery production facility. The facility will be in Dundee and could open in the third quarter of 2025. At full capacity, the facility could generate annual revenues of more than £200m. Scottish Enterprise and other funding bodies could contribute up to £190m of the cost of the facility. The rest will come from debt and equity.

Secure payments technology provider PCI Pal (PCIP) beat expectations in the year to June 2022. Revenues were £11.9m, compared with the previous expectation of £11.5m. finnCap has reduced its loss forecast to £2.9m. Annualised recurring revenues are 43% higher at £11m. Monthly cash breakeven is possible this year. There is no news concerning the patent dispute with Sycurio (previously Semafone).

Mobile data computing services and technology provider Touchstar (TST) increased first half revenues by 7% to £3.1m, with two-fifths of these revenues recurring. The order book is 75% ahead at £1.1m. Full year earnings could be 5.5p a share and net cash is expected to be £2.4m – at least one-third of the current market capitalisation.

Printed circuit technology developer and supplier Trackwise Designs (TWD) says that there are further delays to its large electric vehicle contract. There will be compensation for delays causing shortfalls in the minimum supply levels in the agreement. The Stonehouse improved harness technology (IHT) facility will be fully up and running by the end of the year and there are additional contracts that could be won, although most would not reach significant volumes until 2024. Management is confident that it can secure hire purchase and other facilities to cover the additional finance required.

Recruitment company Empresaria Group (EMR) is reporting interims on 11 August. The interim trading statement indicates that the expected weakness in health care is being offset by other operations. Net fee income is 15% higher at £32.6m. Net debt fell from £14m to £11.8m over six months.

Stanley Gibbons (SGI) intends to cancel its AIM quotation. The largest shareholder Phoenix SG believes it is better to cancel the quotation considering the limited free float and additional costs. The 58% shareholder also says that it would reconsider its financial support if shareholders do not agree to the cancelation. Stanley Gibbons remains loss making. Graham Shircore is stepping down as chief executive in September and he will be replaced by Tom Pickford.

In-content advertising company Mirriad Advertising (MIRI) expects flat revenues in 2022 because of weak market conditions in China. The Chinese operations will be closed next year and that will save annualised costs of £1m. That is on top of the £2.5m of annualised savings expected for the rest of the business. Interim revenues have halved, although US revenues increased. There is £17.7m in the bank and cash should be higher than previously expected at the end of 2022.


Finance and insight and control software provider Aptitude Software (APTD) grew annualised recurring revenues by 33% in the first half through a combination of organic and acquisitive growth. Revenues were 31% higher at £36.1m. Higher research and development spending is holding back short-term margins, but they should recover in the next couple of years. Operating profit declined from £5.1m to £4m. Net cash was £10.7m at the end of June 2022 and it should increase in the second half. The interim dividend is unchanged at 1.8p a share.

Gresham Technologies (GHT) generated 19% organic growth in revenues to £23m in the first half of 2022. Strong US dollar revenues offset the weaker pound. Net cash is £6.5m. New contract opportunities mean that management is confident that it can meet full year pre-tax profit expectations of £5.8m.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 25 July 2022


In the six months to March 2022, S-Ventures (SVEN) reported an increase in revenues from £1.5m to £4.1m, although it remains loss making. The full benefits of acquisitions and the consolidation of warehousing has yet to show through. Even so, VSA has cut its 2021-22 revenues forecast from £11m to £9.4m S-Ventures will continue to lose money.

Arbuthnot Banking Group (ARBB) improved interim underlying pre-tax profit from £6.5m to £10.7m. NAV is 1300p a share.  The interim dividend is 17p a share. Customer loans increased by 5% to £2.1bn. Assets under management dipped to £1.3bn after the decline in stockmarkets. A West End long leasehold property has been sold at a value of £60m and a yield of 3.75%.

Shepherd Neame (SHEP) has acquired Bournemouth seaside bar and restaurant Urban Reef. This takes the total number of pubs owned by the Faversham-based brewer to 300.

Psych Capital (PSY) says that investee company Awakn Life Sciences has received C$2.5m of UK government funding for the phase III trial for a ketamine-assisted therapy for alcohol use disorder. Awakn will finance the other C$1.25m cost of the trial.

Vulcan Industries (VULC) is selling Orca Doors for £1. That gets rid of net liabilities of £751,000 and continued cash outflows. The fire door supplier has been hit by lockdowns and requires additional investment.

Ananda Developments (ANA) subsidiary DJT Plants has successfully self-crossed the first generation of cannabis plants. This will continue for six generations. The performance of various cannabis cultivars is being assessed.

AQRU (AQRU) subsidiary Accru Finance is partnering with Quickbit, a Sweden-based fintech, which will offer the Accru yield generating products to its customers.

Black Sea Property (BSP) has completed the purchase of Star Mil EOOD for a total consideration of Euro5.15m. The company owns a Black Sea hotel complex. A loan of Euro4.2m helped to finance the purchase.

Rogue Baron (SHNJ) has made its first sales of Shinju Japanese whisky to Austria and Switzerland.

Lombard Odier has reduced its stake in Chapel Down Group (CDGP) from 9.97% to 4.99%. Mark Horrocks has increased his stake in Quetzal Capital (QTZ) from 5.3% to 6%. A company related to Marula Mining (MARU) chief executive Jason Brewer has acquired 100,000 shares at 2.75p each.

Oscillate (MUSH) has acquired 2.5 million warrants in fully listed Dev Clever (DEV) for £250,000. The warrants are exercisable at 1p each up until 21 January 2024. Dev Clever is currently undertaking a reverse takeover.


Business restructuring business Begbies Traynor (BEG) increased underlying pre-tax profit from £11.5m to £17.8m in the year to April 2022. This was a combination of acquisitions and organic growth. The dividend has been increased from 3p a share to 3.5p a share. Net cash improved from £3m to £4.7m. Insolvencies are increasing, although the higher margin administrations are still relatively low. This could change over the next year or so, making the outlook positive.

Credit provider Morses Club (MCL) says an increasing level of customer redress claims means that it is considering a scheme of arrangement. This could provide certainty about the potential total level of claims over a set period. Management is talking with the FCA. The scheme would have to be approved by the majority of claimants. There will be an additional provision of £45m in the 2021-22 accounts and underlying pre-tax profit could be below £3.5m. Tighter controls mean that sales are declining, and Morses Club won’t make a profit in 2022-23. Fewer competitors could help Morses Club recover in the following year.

Disinfection products supplier Tristel (TSTL) announced a special dividend of 3p a share on top of a final dividend of 3.93p a share. Full year revenues are 4% ahead at £28.4m and adjusted pre-tax profit is 12% higher at £4.5m. The second half was stronger as more patient procedures have been undertaken. FDA approval for the Duo ULT could be achieved next year.

Footwear supplier Unbound Group (UBG) announced a fundraising generating £3.3m at a heavily discounted 15p a share. An open offer, which closes on 8 August, could raise up to £1m more. The footwear supplier is launching an online platform to sell third party branded products to a database of 4.6 million individuals. The cash will help to finance the expansion.

Stanley Gibbons (SGI) intends to cancel its AIM quotation. Graham Shircore is stepping down as chief executive in September and he will be replaced by Tom Pickford. The largest shareholder Phoenix SG believes it is better to cancel the quotation considering the limited free float and additional costs. The 58% shareholder also says that it would reconsider its financial support if shareholders do not agree to the cancelation. Stanley Gibbons remains loss making.

In-content advertising company Mirriad Advertising (MIRI) expects flat revenues in 2022 because of weak market conditions in China. The Chinese operations will be closed next year and that will save annualised costs of £1m. That is on top of the £2.5m of annualised savings expected for the business as a whole. Interim revenues have halved, although US revenues increased. There is £17.7m in the bank and cash should be higher than previously expected at the end of 2022. Cash outflows are still significant, though.

Window fittings supplier Titon (TON) says that supply problems with raw materials and components exacerbated by cost inflation have led to a reduction in margins. There have also been problems with IT, so this year’s figures will be lower than expectations. South Korea sales are disappointing but there should be a small profit contribution.

Restructuring services provider FRP Advisory (FRP) increased revenues from £79m to £95.2m in the year to April 2022, with 11% organic growth. Pre-tax profit improved from £21.2m to £23.1m. There are signs that administrations are starting to increase and that will boost demand for services.

Cambridge Cognition (COG) directors are buying shares following yesterday’s trading update. Chief executive Matthew Stork and finance chief Stephen Symonds each bought 22.950 shares at 113p each. The latter did not previously own shares. The digital brain health products developer increased interim revenues by 31% to £5.9m. The order book is worth £18.6m. There was a small profit and £8.6m in the bank at the end of June 2022.

The merger between Tern (TERN) and Pires Investments (PIRI) is not going ahead because not enough of the latter’s shareholders voted for it. Tern wants to generate cash from exiting one or more of its investments as soon as it is feasible. There will not be any new investments until there is a realisation of an investment, although there are likely to be commitments to existing investments that may mean a fundraising will be required.

An independent decision means that Newcrest Mining can pay $60m to Greatland Gold (GGP) to take up an option to acquire a further 5% stake in the Havieron project. Given the progress that has been made on the project over the past year this is an attractive price, and it is likely to take up the option. The cash will pay off the $50m loan facility from Newcrest and leave money for further investment. Greatland Gold will still own 25% of Havieron.


Palace Capital (PCA) is changing its strategy. It was originally going to reinvest the cash from the sale of its industrial property assets into new regional office investments. Shareholder feedback means that the potential £46.5m raised from the disposal of the industrial portfolio and other non-core assets, after repayment of related debt, will be distributed in dividends or paid back via a tender offer. Three non-exec directors have resigned.

Kin + Carta (KCT) says revenues grew 48% in the year to July 2022. Peel Hunt has upped its 2021-22 pre-tax profit forecast from £16.6m to £16.9m. Net debt is estimated at £2.5m. Kelly Manthey will be taking over as chief executive.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 18 July 2022


Hydro Hotel, Eastbourne (HYDP) increased interim revenues by 882% to £1.82m and this enabled a move from a loss of £383,000 to a pre-tax profit of £22,277. There are cash and deposits of £1.8m.

Hydrogen Utopia International (HUI) has announced a proposed joint venture with AIM-quoted Powerhouse Energy (PHE) in Tipperary, Ireland. This will be a 50/50 joint venture and it will build a plant on a site leased by Trifol Resources. Negotiations concerning the site should be completed over the coming months. Electron Technologies BV has completed the first design phase for the company’s thermal processing system.

AQRU (AQRU) has launched ByBrix in partnership with Blimp Technologies Inc. This new business is involved in the crypto-mortgage market. Blimp has expertise in embedding blockchain technology in the real estate market.

Goodbody Health Inc (GDBY) intends to consolidate ten existing shares into one new share.

Reflexivity Research Ltd has increased its stake in KR1 (KR1) from 7.6% to 20.3%. This relates to a performance fee of £30.1m.

IPGL Ltd, which is associated with Chapel Down Group (CDGP) non-exec Samantha Wren, has acquired 250,000 shares in the wine maker at 19.2795p each. Cadence Minerals (KDNC) chief executive Kiran Morzaria bought 100,558 shares at 9.9p each. This takes his stake to 1.43 million shares. Invinity Energy Systems (IES) executive director Jonathan Marren has acquired 44,101 shares in the battery storage technology developer at 45.35p a share.

Oscillate (LON: MUSH) non-exec Narisha Ragoonanthun has stepped down from the board.

Lift Global Ventures (LFT) has appointed Optiva Securities as corporate adviser. The accounting reference date is changed from May to June.

EPE Special Opportunities Ltd (EO.P) had net assets of 283.05p a share at the end of June 2022.


Capital equipment manufacturer Mpac Group (MPAC) warned that full year profit will be significantly below expectations. Interim revenues are better than last year, and the order book is higher. However, difficulties sourcing components and delays to the timing of orders have hampered progress. The longer lead times for components and inflationary pressures will continue for the rest of the year. There was cash of £14.5m at the end of 2021, which has enabled investment in inventories. The interims will be published on 8 September.

CMO Group (CMO) slumped to 35p after a profit warning, making it the worst AIM performer of the week. Last year’s placing price was at 132p. The online retailer of building products says revenues in the 27 weeks to June 2022 are 10% ahead, or 2% higher like-for-like. Full year guidance is that 2022 revenues will increase from £76.3m to at least £86m, but previously £95.5m was expected. The EBITDA estimate has been reduced from £5.55m to around last year’s level of £3.7m. Supply problems have increased costs and trading is getting tougher.

TransGlobe Energy Corporation (TGL) is merging with fully listed VAALCO Energy (EGY) to create an Africa-focused exploration and production company. VAALCO is offering 0.6727 of one share for each TransGlobe share. TransGlobe shareholders will own 45.5% of the enlarged group. The transaction is valued at $307m.

A positive first half trading statement from international payments services provider Cornerstone FS (CSFS) initially triggered a bounce back in the share price, but it fell back when the chief executive resigned.

Embedded computer boards supplier Concurrent Technologies (CNC) has received a new order from a global medical technology company. The initial order is worth $2.2m in the first year of product shipments and there should be orders for several years. This further diversifies the customer base away from defence, which was 70% of the revenues of £20.5m in 2021.

Angle (AGL) has raised £20m at 80p a share. The cash will be used to take full advantage of the recent FDA approval for the use of its Parsortix diagnostic technology in harvesting breast cancer cells for analysis. Discussions are ongoing with medtech and pharma companies. The pharma services operation will be expanded, and laboratory developed tests launched. The liquid biopsy market could be worth up to $100bn in the US.

A £3.75m fundraising at 0.5p a share by EQTEC (LON: EQT) was not well received by the market and the share price fell below the offer price. EQTEC raised more than the minimum of £3m that it was seeking. The cash will fund wase to energy projects, including a 9.9Mwe advanced gasification technology facility and 2MW anaerobic plant at Deeside. EQTEC has to invest £2.3m to gain a 32% stake in the company owning the project.

Ironveld (IRON) has raised £4m at 0.3p a share to finance the acquisition and refurbishment of Ferrochrome Furnaces Ltd and may raise up to £1m more. Directors’ loans and fees of £351,000 has been capitalised. Management has raised the cash because it is not certain that Grosvenor Resources will be able to complete the promised cash injection. Shareholder approval is required at a general meeting on 1 August.

Portmeirion (PMP) says interim revenues were 5% ahead at £45m, but it remains cautious about the full year. Shipping costs are reducing, although other costs have risen.

Gaming machine monitors and consoles supplier Quixant (QXT) has increased order intake by more than expected. Interim revenues are 46% ahead at $53.3m. The main growth is in the gaming sector, although the screens business grew by 21%.

Regional legal firm consolidator Knights Group Holdings (KGH) reported full year figures in line with expectations. Revenues were 22% higher at £125.6m, although earnings per share fell nearly 6% to 17.23p because more shares are in issue.

Plant-based polymers developer Itaconix (ITX) increased interim revenues by 124% to $3m. Revenues trebled from cleaning products using the company’s plant-based ingredients, but beauty and hygiene revenues declined due to lower order volumes. There was $900,000 of net cash at the end of June 2022.


Property investor Town Centre Securities (TOWN) is selling its stake in YourParkingSpace app for up to £20.7m. The initial payment is £9.6m with a further £7.5m payable over the next two years. There could be up to £3.6m more payable depending on performance in the 14 months after acquisition. The book value of the stake was £1.47m. A loan of £1.95m will be repaid. A tender offer to acquire four million shares at 185p each has been launched. The tender is well below NAV. Tender forms have to be received by 8 August.

BATM (BVC) has secured a deal with CityFibre, which will pilot the Edgility platform with selected partners. This could lead to a national roll-out. CityFibre wants to increase its fibre coverage to 285 cities in the UK.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 11 July 2022


Hargreaves Lansdown has added stocks in the Access segment of the Aquis Stock Exchange to its electronic trading platform.

Wine maker Chapel Down Group (CDGP) says interim revenues are in line with the same time last year due to the disappointing 2021 harvest. This year’s harvest should be better and full year revenues are expected to be higher. Price increases should help to improve margins. Net cash was £3.76m at the end of June 2022. Net assets are 19.5p a share. Five directors bought shares at between 19.6p and 19.9p a share.

Samarkand (SMK) says trading is in line with expectations in the year to March 2022. Revenues are estimated at £16.5m and the loss at £8.3m. There was £4m in the bank at the end of March 2022. Samarkand provides e-commerce technology and services to clients that wish to access the Chinese market. Trading has been hampered by Covid lockdowns. Management says that trading conditions are improving, although 2022-23 revenues are likely to be flat. Margins should improve.

Clean Invest Africa (CIA) says that clan coal business CoalTech has commenced commercial coal production in South Africa, and it will initially build up production to 3,500 tonnes/month. Production is expected to double in 2023. That could be enough to eventually generate annual net profit of $1.2m.

Ecotricity has increased its stake in Good Energy (GOOD) from 26.1% to 27.2%.

CBD products supplier Love Hemp Group (LIFE) is in discussions with a replacement corporate adviser so that the trading suspension of the shares can be ended. Executive chairman Andrew Male has moved to a non-exec role. Garry Cook has stepped down from the board and replaced by Anthony Dyer.

Invinity Energy Systems (IES) says that the world’s largest hybrid energy storage system, incorporating a 5 MWh Invinity Vanadium Flow battery, was launched at the Energy Superhub Oxford. Jonathan Marren has been appointed as chief development officer, having previously been a non-exec director.

Valereum (VLRM) reported an increased loss of £1.84m for 2021. There is still £1.43m in cash anies, v,ld net assets were £2.51m at the end of 2021.

Forbes Ventures (FOR) has decided that the litigation funding securitisation will not go ahead. Peter Moss, the director handling the deal, has resigned and Forbes Ventures is seeking to recover costs. A potential acquisition is being negotiated.

IamFire (FIRE) has an option to subscribe for up to £3.75m in convertible loan notes in WeShop Holdings Ltd. It paid £250,000 for this option. The conversion price is 100p a share. WeShop has launched its social network shopping platform, which offers shares with every purchase – initially 20% of the purchase price.

AQRU (AQRU) has appointed First Sentinel as corporate adviser and Tennyson Securities as broker. They replace Novum Securities. The decentralised finance-focused incubator has launched AQRU Trend, a high-return strategy optimised for cryptocurrencies designed for small investors to access competitive returns in the crypto market. It is available through the AQRU.io platform.

All Star Minerals has changed its name to Marula Mining (LON: MARU) and consolidated 100 shares into one new share.

Macaulay Capital expects to join Aquis on 22 July. It intends to originate and manage corporate transactions and invest its own funds, in shares and loan stock, along with other investors. Macaulay will earn an arrangement fee, an annual director fee for supplying a director to the investee company and an annual management fee of 2% a year for five years once third-party investors have been repaid their initial investment – payable by the investors. There is also a potential performance fee if returns are better than the threshold set.

Shore Capital has been appointed broker to Arbuthnot Banking (ARBB).

BWA Group (BWAP) has issued 3.35 million shares at 0.5p each in order to satisfy directors fees.


Immediate Acquisition acquired new bank Fiinu (BANK) for £37.5m in shares at 20p each, which is the same price as in the placing price that raised £8.01m. Pro forma net assets are £11.7m, including £11.2m in cash. Fiinu intends to invest £2.3m of the cash raised in further technology development and £6.6m will provide regulatory capital. Fiinu has developed the Plugin Overdraft, which provides customers with an overdraft facility without the requirement to switch banks. When someone applies for the overdraft via the Fiinu app they give permission for Fiinu to access their account details at their bank. Fiinu can then assess whether they meet the requirements for access to the Plugin Overdraft. Fiinu will take deposits on fixed-terms, and these will fund shorter term lending via the Plugin Overdraft.

In the year to March 2022, Mercia Asset Management (MERC) increased its NAV from 40p a share to 45.6p a share, thanks to valuation increases in some of its direct investments. The investment manager had Assets under management of £959.2m at the end of March 2022 and this has subsequently risen above £1bn following VCT fundraisings. The dividend has been raised from 0.3p a share to 0.5p a share. There is cash and short-term investments of £61.3m.

CML Microsystems (CML) improved full year revenues from £12.5m to £17m, underlying pre-tax profit doubled from £1.1m to £2.2m. The investment in technology development is starting to pay off with design wins for internet of things, 5G and satellite products. These design wins will be making significant contributions in two years. Net cash is £24.6m and the dividend was raised from 9p a share to 10.8p a share. A 2022-23 pre-tax profit of £2.5m is forecast with cost rises offset by increasing volumes.

Fashion retailer Quiz (QUIZ) reported a strong recovery in revenues from £39.7m to £78.4m and it moved back into profit last year. Revenues are still much lower than pre-pandemic levels, but the £800,000 pre-tax profit is similar to the level prior to Covid-19. There were £1m of government grants included in income in the year to March 2022. There was an operating cash inflow of £5.3m and net cash was £4.4m. There was a strong recovery in UK stores revenues, but online also grew. Price rises will help to maintain gross margin. First quarter sales are 62% ahead at £27.3m and there could be further improvement in profit this year as long as overheads are controlled.

Iodine producer Iofina (IOF) has secured debt funding for expanding capacity. There were 234 metric tonnes of iodine produced in the first half of 2022. Second half production should be between 255-275 MT. Iodine prices are higher than $70/kg.

Shares in parcel and freight delivery company DX (DX.) remain suspended, but it believes that its 2020-21 accounts and the corporate governance investigation could be finalised before the end of September. Trading remained strong in 2021-22 and net cash is £27m. That could provide scope for dividends or some other way of returning cash to shareholders.

D4T4 Solutions (D4T4) is paying a 12.5p a share special dividend following better than expected figures for the year to March 2022. The underlying pre-tax profit declined from £4.4m to £3.3m as a move towards a subscription model delayed revenue recognition. Annual recurring revenues were £14m by the end of the period.

Stripping out flotation related costs, 4Global (4GBL) made an operating profit before government grants. The sports data and analysis company increased revenues from £2.68m to £3.64m, which is around pre-Covid levels.

Cambium Global Timber (TREE) is holding a general meeting on 3 August to gain shareholder approval to cancel the AIM quotation and wind up the company. There is £5.47m in the bank and a further £1.5m of deferred consideration is due. Cost reductions will be made and there will be an initial distribution of 6.5p a share. There could be a second distribution of 1.5p a share.


Kitchenware retailer ProCook Group (PROC) made a pre-tax profit of £9.5m on revenues of £69.1m last year. That was in line with downgraded expectations. The dividend is 0.9p a share. Like-for-like revenues have fallen by 16% so far this year, but there are short-term indications that the market could be improving. ProCook continues to win market share, but pre-tax profit is likely to be lower this year.

Spiritus Mundi (SPMU) is a cash shell seeking acquisitions in the clinical diagnostics sector and it has directors with experience in this area. A subscription raised £280,000 at 5p a share and along with previous share issues, this means that there is around £1m of cash available. Pro forma assetd are just over 2p a share.

Data integrity and control software provider Gresham Technologies (GHT) says interim revenues were 56% higher at £23.1m, including a full six-month contribution from Electra Information Systems, which was acquired in June 2021. Organic revenue growth was 19%. Clareti software annual recurring revenues are £25.9m. Net cash is £6.4m. The interims will be announced on 26 July.

Andrew Hore

Quoted Micro 16 May 2022


Brewer Adnams (ADB) says that trading is in line with expectation in the first four months of the year. The retail side is trading ahead of the same period in 2019. Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge has reduced its shareholding from 5.27% to 4.22%., while Michael Heald increased his stake from 18.2% to 19.3% by acquiring 3,200 B shares at 8870p each.

Silverwood Brands (SLWD) has made its first investment since joining Aquis last year. Ginger Teleporter is licenced to operate e-scooters and e-bikes in England. Silverwood Brands has subscribed for a convertible loan note of £200,000 with an interest rate of 15%. The conversion price is £28.94. Silverwood Brands directors Paul Hodgins and Andrew Gerrie are also directors of Ginger. Along with another shareholder in Ginger they have agreed to sell shares to Silverwood Brands at a nominal cost if the target valuation is less than two times the original investment.

National Milk Records (NMRP) says third quarter revenues were 4% higher at £5.63m, with all main parts of the business increasing their contribution. Health testing is growing fastest, but it is still less than one-quarter of the total. Milk purchase prices have been increased to cover higher farm costs.

Talent management and livestreaming company All Things Considered (ATC) invested $6m in a new company focused on music digitisation and blockchain technology, which has announced the acquisition of Napster.

Gunsynd (GUN) has sold 175,000 shares in Charger Metals NL, raising £93,000. It still owns 2.825 million shares.

ChallengerX (CXS) has signed a digital asset monetisation agreement with US-based online TV network FOXD. This is a five-year deal.

Hydrogen Utopia International (HUI) says it is in talks with Powerhouse Energy (PHE) about a project in Ireland.

Peterhouse Capital resigned as corporate adviser to Love Hemp (LIFE) prior to the announcement that an investor had not made the promised £1.2m subscription. A new corporate adviser is required for trading in the shares to recommence. A strategic review is ongoing, and a finance director is being sought.

AQRU (AQRU) says that its decentralised finance subsidiary has more than $50m of assets under management five months after the launch of the AQRU.io platform.

SuperSeed Capital Ltd (WWW) managing director sold 50,000 shares at 100p each. He still owns 79.6%.

EPE Special Opportunities Ltd (ESO) had net assets of 355.46p a share.


There have not been any large contract wins for telecoms billing software provider Cerillion (CER) this year, but the interims show the benefit of previous wins. In the six months to March 2022, revenues increased from £12.8m to £16.1m. Annualised recurring revenues are £9.8m. Underlying pre-tax profit jumped from £3.8m to £6.3m. The business is highly cash generative and net cash has reached £16.5m. There are no borrowings. The dividend has been raised by 24% to 2.6p a share. Although the order book has dipped from £42.1m to £39.7m it is still well above previous years. There is a weighted pipeline of prospective customer business of £35m and there is a good chance that some deals could be secured before the end of September.

Motor dealer Vertu Motors (VTU) had an exceptionally strong 2021-22 due to the delayed demand for cars due to lockdowns in the previous year. The figures were ahead of expectations. Revenues were £3.62bn, which is 18% higher than in 2019-20. Pre-tax profit jumped from £24.6m to £80.7m. The profit should more than halve this year. Supply shortages are continuing, although used car prices are set to come down over the rest of the year.

Omnichannel retail software provider itim Group (ITIM) has annual recurring revenues were £11.1m in 2021 and it has already reached £13m this year. Clients pay a monthly fee. There was a £1m pre-tax profit in 2021 and investment in growing the business means that it could halve this year. The company raised cash so that it could finance the replacement of an existing system with its own software without charging an upfront fee.

Healthcare technology investor and adviser Netscientific (NSCI) increased net assets to £18.5m at the end of 2021. There are 22 investments in the portfolio. WH Ireland has a sum of the parts valuation of 180p a share.

Trellus Health (TRLS) has changed its strategy to focus on the direct-to-consumer model and is broadening the market by including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Trellus Health can provide personalised care for people with chronic conditions with the initial focus inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). There should be initial revenues in 2022. Net cash is $32m and this should last more than two years as revenues build up.

Plug-in cards developer Concurrent Technologies (CNC) says component shortages held back revenues and they dipped from £21.1m to £20.5m in 2021. Even so, pre-tax profit improved from £3.7m to £4.1m thanks to lower operating expenses. Chief executive Miles Adcock joined the AIM-quoted company last June. He has reviewed strategy plans to launch new products more quickly. This year there should be eight new products – double the previous level. A manufacturing partner in the US will help the group win more business. Although there was an increased interim dividend, the total dividend for the year was unchanged at 2.55p a share.

Advanced coatings provider Hardide (HDD) is recovering but it is still some way from profit. Interim revenues were 50% ahead at £2.7m and while the loss was nearly halved it was still £771,000. Revenues for the year to September 2022 could be double the interim level, but so could the loss. Net debt was £335,000 at the end of March 2022. Overheads have fallen following the completion of the move to a new factory in the UK. Variable gross margin is 70%, so additional revenues will rapidly reduce the loss.

Further good news from NWF (NWF) thanks to the fuels business due to short-term volatility. Trading in the year to May 2022 will be significantly ahead of expectations.

Credit hire and legal services firm Anexo (ANX) increased 2021 revenues by 36% to £118.2m, while pre-tax profit was 50% ahead at £24.1m. The new housing disrepair business made a contribution, and the credit hire business is running at high levels. There is still potential upside from the VW emissions case. The total dividend is 1.5p a share.

Iodine producer Iofina (IOF) increased 2021 revenues from $29.7m to $39m and underlying pre-tax profit from $1.3m to $4.9m, even though iodine production was lower. Net debt was $3m at the end of 2021. Iodine prices remain above $60/kg. Plans are being made for additional production capacity.

Duke Royalty (DUKE) has raised a further £20m via a placing and PrimaryBid offer at 35p a share. The additional cash should enable Duke to increase its debt facility by £25m. Cenkos forecasts royalty revenues of £21.3m in the year to March 2023. That should generate enough cash for a 3p a share dividend.

Immedia Group (IME) has completed the disposal of its operating business and it is changing its name to Immediate Acquisition.

Sweden-based investor AB Traction has increased its stake ceramics and fragrance products manufacturer Portmeirion (PMP) to 5.08%.


GS Chain (GSC) is a shell seeking a technology acquisition. It was introduced to the standard list at 1p a share. The share price opened on 13 May at 3p before ending the day at 3.625p (3.5p/4p). There is nearly £1m in cash that should last 12 months. The pro forma asset value is less than 0.18p a share.

Macfarlane (MACF) says first quarter sales and profit are ahead of the same period last year. Better packaging sales to industrial and hospitality sectors has offset weaker sales for e-commerce.

Flavours supplier Treatt (TET) grew revenues by 9% to £66.3m, although underlying pre-tax profit fell to £6.3m. Forecast revenues have been upgraded, but the profit estimate is the same due to lower margins. Orange oil prices have risen.

Andrew Hore

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