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Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN – Encouraging results from the first EP 145 gravity survey and integrated technical report to cover the whole permit
12th November 2021 / Leave a comment
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (AIM: MSMN) the oil exploration, development, and production company, announces an update on the EP 145 exploration permit in NT, Australia.
Mosman continues to progress the exploration of this 100% owned permit which has potential for Hydrocarbons, Helium and Hydrogen. Following the recent airborne gravity survey over the entire permit, Mosman undertook a detailed SEEBASE ® interpretation project with Geognostics Australia Pty Ltd (“Geognostics”), independent geological experts, who recently re-evaluated the basement geology across the whole Northern Territory for NT Geoscience.
The project undertaken by Geognostics for Mosman, and its resulting report dated October 2021 (“Amadeus Basin, EP145 SEEBASE Update”), has integrated gravity, magnetic, seismic and well data to produce a high-resolution geological model across the entire permit. This report has now been officially received and has significantly improved the understanding of the deep structural elements, particularly in areas not currently covered by seismic; “higher definition in the geometry, depth and structure of the Walker Creek Anticline and region surrounding EP145”.
The modelling presented in the Geognostics report provides detailed definition of the basement structure and topography where Hydrocarbons, Helium and Hydrogen are proposed to be trapped. It also confirms the structural and stratigraphic similarities between the Walker Anticline in EP145 and the Mereenie Anticline (which includes the Mereenie oil and gas field) to the northwest results suggest “in profile, the structure of the Walker Creek Anticline is similar (although separate) to the Mereenie trend to the northwest”. Basement modelling confirms the presence of granitoid bodies within and surrounding the permit which are a potential Helium source and suggests likely up dip migration paths into closures along the Walker Creek Anticline .
The other key ingredient for a successful subsalt play, the presence of an evaporite seal, was not a primary objective in this report. The gravity modelling analysed the density of the stratigraphic units including the Gillen Fm, an interbedded evaporite, carbonate and shale unit, which forms the seal in this play. The modelling suggests that massive, low density salt bodies as observed in the south of the basin are not present in the core of the anticline but that interbedded carbonates and evaporites are more likely to be present and still have the potential to form an effective seal. As noted by in the report Geognostics, the chaotic seismic character is “more likely to be faulted and fractured sediments due to deformation folding over the anticline” and “While the presence of massive, mobile salt (halite) bodies has been tested with the gravity models, the presence of thinner salt beds and related evaporite facies near basement is still viable”.
The Geognostics SEEBASE® model provides better insights into the structural architecture and deformation style in this part of the Amadeus Basin. Mosman considers this area may be a potential sweetspot with all the ingredients for hydrocarbons, helium and hydrogen exploration targets are present.
Mosman presented some results from the Geognostics Report at the recent NT Resources Conference (SEAAOC) and this presentation is available at
The next step for Mosman will be to progress the technical work to further define the prospectivity of the permit. Acquisition and interpretation of 2D seismic will comprise the next significant exploration activity in the current permit year (expiring August 2022), prior to identifying a drilling location and drilling an exploration well (by August 2023). It is a requirement that prior to any field projects, including the 2D seismic noted above, a Sacred Site Clearance Survey (“Survey”) is acquired by the Central Land Council (CLC). This was agreed and scheduled by Mosman and the CLC for November 2021. Unfortunately, Mosman has been advised by the CLC very recently that the Survey will not now happen until April 2022. All seismic and drilling activities are subject to obtaining the necessary planning approvals from the NT Department of Industry and Resources, which are currently being coordinated by the project manager (ResourceGeo). In anticipation of any further delays to project approval Mosman may seek an extension and suspension to the current permit year.
John W Barr, the Chairman of Mosman commented: “Mosman is very pleased to see such encouraging results from the first gravity survey and integrated technical report to cover the whole permit resulting in a significant increase in our understanding of its exploration potential.
“This work was a critical step in progressing the permit and is all the more impressive in that it was completed against a background of disruptions from the pandemic.”
Qualified Person’s Statement
The information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and approved by Andy Carroll, Technical Director for Mosman, who has over 35 years of relevant experience in the oil industry. Mr. Carroll is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 (‘MAR’) which has been incorporated into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service (‘RIS’), this information is now considered to be in the public domain.
Mosman Oil & Gas Limited John W Barr, Executive Chairman Andy Carroll, Technical Director |
NOMAD and Broker SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP Stuart Gledhill / Richard Hail / Adam Cowl +44 (0) 20 3470 0470 |
Alma PR Justine James / Joe Pederzolli +44 (0) 20 3405 0205 +44 (0) 7525 324431 |
Joint Broker Monecor (London) Ltd trading as ETX Capital Thomas Smith 020 7392 1432 |
Updates on the Company’s activities are regularly posted on its website:
Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN – EP-145 Airborne Survey Completed
21st July 2021 / Leave a comment
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (AIM: MSMN) the oil exploration, development, and production company, has completed the airborne gravity and gradiometry data acquisition over permit EP-145 located in the Amadeus Basin in Central Australia.
The survey is a significant step in the exploration programme for EP-145 as it is the first time data will be acquired for the whole permit and will provide valuable information across the entire 818 sq km permit area. Current subsurface seismic data is limited to the NW and central part of the permit and existing regional gravity data is too sparse to provide sufficient detail of the complex salt related structures which have been identified as hydrocarbon and helium leads within the permit. The survey uses the high resolution Falcon Airborne Gravity Gradiometry System which has the ability to image salt and subsalt geometry across a range of depths. The technique measures the density contrast of the different rock layers with a higher level of resolution and sensitivity than standard gravity tools, improving confidence in the interpretation of high density and gravity features including salt related structures. The Falcon system has been used to successfully interpret drill targets across a variety of geological settings around the world including the Canning Basin Western Australia. The survey was completed by Xcalibur Airborne Geophysics (who recently acquired CGG Aviation (Australia) Pty. Ltd.).
Mosman has contracted Geognostics Australia Pty Ltd. to interpret the geophysical data who will integrate it into the regional basin model, which is estimated to take approximately 8 weeks and cost c A$82,000. Geognostics are global experts in producing SEEBASE® – a depth-to-basement grid and structural model that defines the geodynamic evolution of basin systems through time. They have considerable expertise in the Northern Territory, having recently completed an integrated geological interpretation over the entire state (AGES conference, 2021, www.geognostics.com/nt-seebase)
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute
inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 (‘MAR’) which has been incorporated into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service (‘RIS’), this inside is now considered to be in the public domain.
Mosman Oil & Gas Limited John W Barr, Executive Chairman Andy Carroll, Technical Director |
NOMAD and Broker SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP Stuart Gledhill / Richard Hail / Adam Cowl +44 (0) 20 3470 0470 |
Alma PR Justine James / Joe Pederzolli +44 (0) 20 3405 0205 +44 (0) 7525 324431 |
Joint Broker Monecor (London) Ltd trading as ETX Capital Thomas Smith 020 7392 1432 |
Updates on the Company’s activities are regularly posted on its website:
Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN – Alan Green talks to Executive Chairman John Barr
9th July 2021 / Leave a comment
Alan Green talks to John Barr, Executive Chairman at Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN about the oil assets in production and development in Texas, plus the strategic helium assets in the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territories, Australia. John discusses the Falcon-1 well before moving onto the assets now owned by Mosman following the Nadsoilco acquisition. We then look at the most recent developments and work scheduled at the EP155 and EP145 helium assets in the Amadeus Basin in Australia. John then discusses the company cash position, before providing investors with key inflection points to watch out for during the 2nd half of 2021.
Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN – Update on Nadsoil Acquisition and EP-145 plus Warrant Exercise
2nd July 2021 / Leave a comment
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (AIM: MSMN) the oil exploration, development, and production company, announces an update on: the acquisition of Nadsoilco LLC (“Nadsoil”) and completion of a gas seep study at EP-145 in the Amadeus Basin. In addition, the Company has received notification of the exercise of warrants.
Nadsoil acquisition
In accordance with the contract, the acquisition of all the issued shares in Nadsoil was completed yesterday (1 July 2021), and the initial consideration was paid.
Mosman will now focus on the matters referred to in the recent announcement, including assuming management control of Nadsoil, operatorship of project areas and leases, continuing with the planning to drill the Winters 1 well, and the Stanley 5 well, and completing workovers. The objective being to increase production and thus cashflow.
Exploration in central Australia remains a priority with the gravity survey set to start once a current COVID 19 lockdown expires.
After payment of the Nadsoil initial consideration and the recent exercise of warrants (including those referred to in this announcement), Mosman now has approximately AUD 2.450 million in cash to pursue its objectives, as outlined above.
In the last year, the exercise of the warrants that were due to expire in July 2021 has raised over AUD 1.180million. These funds were an important consideration in proceeding with the Nadsoil Acquisition and establishing the forward planning.
Satellite gas seep study completed over permit EP-145, Amadeus Basin
Mosman has completed a gas seep study using satellite data over EP-145 and the surrounding area, in the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory of Australia. Wells drilled in the Amadeus Basin have recorded significant levels of Helium.
The gas seep study, undertaken by Dirt Petroleum, a satellite image processing company, provides high resolution data regarding the likely presence and distribution of Helium gas within the lower atmosphere directly above ground level. It is a useful tool for detecting gas seeping to the surface via natural fractures and via leaks from wells and pipelines.
The study supported the presence of Helium gas around the Mereenie oil and gas field where economically significant levels of Helium (av 0.23%) have been recorded in gas samples and documented in relevant literature (Boreham et al. 2018). Similar anomalies were observed in Mosman’s EP145 license, close to the Tent Hill-1 exploration well that is located at the eastern extent of the West Walker anticline, in the centre of the permit, and along the eastern permit boundary. This new data set supports the likely presence of helium and may be due to higher levels of Helium gas in the deeper presalt targets where Helium is sourced from Proterozoic crustal rocks and the mantle.
The Company intends to undertake further interpretation work in order to tie this data to the prospects mapped on existing 2D seismic and the Falcon gravity gradiometry survey which will be acquired later this month once a current COVID 19 lockdown expires.
Warrant Exercise
Mosman has received funds and notification to exercise warrants over a total of 77,375,000 new Ordinary Shares of no par value in the share capital of the Company (the ‘Warrant Shares’) at a price of 0.15 pence per share.
The funds from the exercise of the warrants of circa AUD 214,000 will be added to Mosman’s existing cash reserves and is included in the cash position outlined above.
Total Voting Rights
Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange plc for 77,375,000 new Ordinary Shares to be admitted to trading on the AIM market (“Admission”) with Admission expected to occur on or around 8 July 2021. The new Ordinary Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing Ordinary Shares including the right to receive any dividend or other distribution thereafter declared, made or paid. There are no Ordinary Shares held in treasury. Following Admission of the 77,375,000 new Ordinary Shares the total number of voting rights in the Company will be 3,845,138,052.
Consequently, the above figure may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the Company’s Constitution.
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute
inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 (‘MAR’) which has been incorporated into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service (‘RIS’), this inside is now considered to be in the public domain.
Mosman Oil & Gas Limited John W Barr, Executive Chairman Andy Carroll, Technical Director |
NOMAD and Broker SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP Stuart Gledhill / Richard Hail / Adam Cowl +44 (0) 20 3470 0470 |
Alma PR Justine James / Joe Pederzolli +44 (0) 20 3405 0205 +44 (0) 7525 324431 |
Joint Broker Monecor (London) Ltd trading as ETX Capital Thomas Smith 020 7392 1432 |
Updates on the Company’s activities are regularly posted on its website:
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (MSMN) – Amadeus Basin Permit EP 145
15th June 2021 / Leave a comment
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (AIM: MSMN) the oil exploration, development, and production company, advises that the airborne gravity and gradiometry survey over EP 145, in the Amadeus Basin in the Northern Territory of Australia has now been approved by the relevant Government Department.
The contractor for the data acquisition has advised that there is one job currently being completed and that work at EP 145 should commence in the week commencing 5 July 2021.
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 (‘MAR’) which has been incorporated into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service (‘RIS’), this inside is now considered to be in the public domain.
Mosman Oil & Gas Limited John W Barr, Executive Chairman Andy Carroll, Technical Director |
NOMAD and Broker SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP Stuart Gledhill / Richard Hail / Adam Cowl +44 (0) 20 3470 0470 |
Alma PR Justine James / Joe Pederzolli +44 (0) 20 3405 0205 +44 (0) 7525 324431 |
Joint Broker Monecor (London) Ltd trading as ETX Capital Thomas Smith 020 7392 1432 |
Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN awards contract at Amadeus Basin Permit EP 145
2nd June 2021 / Leave a comment
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (AIM: MSMN) the oil exploration, development and production company, has awarded the contract for an airborne gravity and gradiometry survey over EP 145, in the Amadeus Basin in the Northern Territory of Australia, to CGG Aviation (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
The acquisition of data is planned for mid-June and is a significant step in the exploration programme for EP 145 as it is the first time data will be acquired across the whole permit in order to identify where to focus the seismic programme to enable Mosman to identify a drilling prospect. The survey operation is subject to NT government approval, which was applied for in May.
The cA$300,000 gravity survey will provide valuable data regarding the subsurface geology across the entire 818 sq km permit area. Current subsurface seismic data is limited to the NW and central part of the permit and existing regional gravity data is too sparse to provide sufficient detail of the complex salt related structures which have been identified as hydrocarbon and helium leads within the permit.
The survey will be acquired using the high resolution Falcon Airborne Gravity Gradiometry System which has the ability to image salt and subsalt geometry across a range of depths. The technique measures the density contrast of the different rock layers with a higher level of resolution and sensitivity than standard gravity tools, improving confidence in the interpretation of high density and gravity features including salt related structures. The Falcon system has been used to successfully interpret drill targets across a variety of geological settings around the world including the Canning Basin Western Australia.
John W Barr, Chairman of Mosman commented: “This is a significant step in the exploration of EP 145. We are delighted to have awarded this contract in order for Mosman to be able to use the Falcon gravity and gradiometry data to assist with refinement of the 2D seismic programme in order to focus on potential drill targets in the permit.”
Market Abuse Regulation Disclosure
Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.
Mosman Oil & Gas Limited John W Barr, Executive Chairman Andy Carroll, Technical Director |
NOMAD and Broker SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP Stuart Gledhill / Richard Hail / Adam Cowl +44 (0) 20 3470 0470 |
Alma PR Justine James +44 (0) 20 3405 0205 +44 (0) 7525 324431 |
Joint Broker Monecor (London) Ltd trading as ETX Capital Thomas Smith 020 7392 1432 |
Updates on the Company’s activities are regularly posted on its website:
Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN – Amadeus Basin Permit EP145
12th May 2021 / Leave a comment
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (AIM: MSMN) the oil exploration, development and production company, announces that the relevant Minister in the Northern Territory Government has advised that Mosman’s application for a suspension and extension to the work programme conditions for EP145 has been approved.
Mosman will now engage the airborne gravity data acquisition company and as there are not currently any Covid-19 restrictions this survey is able to proceed in the near future.
This results in the suspension and extension mean that the work allocated to be completed in Permit year 3 and was previously due to be completed by 21 August 2021, is now due by 21 August 2022. Subsequent permit years work requirements have also been extended by one year.
John W Barr, Chairman, said: “All going well the gravity will be flown in June and the interpretation will be completed afterwards. The results from the gravity work will provide important details and will also affect the final Seismic programme which is currently in advanced planning stage.”
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.
Mosman Oil & Gas Limited
John W Barr, Executive Chairman – jwbarr@mosmanoilandgas.com
Andy Carroll, Technical Director – acarroll@mosmanoilandgas.com
NOMAD and Broker
SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP
Stuart Gledhill / Richard Hail / Adam Cowl
+44 (0) 20 3470 0470
Alma PR
Justine James
+44 (0) 20 3405 0205 / +44 (0) 7525 324431
Joint Broker
Monecor (London) Ltd trading as ETX Capital
Thomas Smith.
020 7392 1432
Updates on the Company’s activities are regularly posted on its website:
Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN – EP 145 Update
5th May 2021 / Leave a comment
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (AIM: MSMN) the oil exploration, development and production company, advises an update in respect to EP 145 in the Amadeus Basin in the Northern Territory of Australia (“NT”).
As previously advised, Mosman is now operating in two distinct divisions. Dr Julie Daws, in consultation with the Technical Director, Mr. Andy Carroll, is managing Mosman’s exploration work in Australia, specifically EP 145 airborne gravity and seismic acquisition. Bids have now been received for the airborne gravity data acquisition and are currently being evaluated. As there are not currently any Covid-19 restrictions in the Northern Territory where EP145 is located, and no ground access is required, this survey is able to proceed in the near future once a contractor is selected and equipment is available.
Planning for the seismic acquisition is ongoing. Mr. Andy Carroll and Dr Julie Daws met with the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority (“APAA”) and the Central Land Council (“CLC”) in Alice Springs to discuss the current work programme. An AAPA Sacred Site Clearance Certificate is required to ensure no damage to sacred sites, and this has been received.
Other requirements prior to the seismic acquisition include the CLC requirement for a heritage survey (needed prior to ground access), where Mosman is awaiting clarity from CLC on timing and also the requirement for an on-ground environmental survey and Environmental Management Plan before the crews can access the area to acquire the seismic data. Given delays related to Covid-19, Mosman no longer considers it feasible to obtain and process the seismic data under the original EP 145 permit seismic schedule of August 2021, and Mosman has applied to the NT Government for an extension.
The subsalt play is a focus of exploration across the Amadeus Basin, including Mosman operated EP145. Two wells in the Amadeus Basin, Magee-1 in EP38 (Pacific O&G, 1992) and Mt Kitty-1 in EP125 (Santos, 2014), encountered hydrocarbons with up to 9% helium within this interval and other significant structures have been identified including Dukas-1 in EP112 (Santos, 2019) and the Zevon lead in EP115 (Central Petroleum) which is located close to EP145.
In addition to the subsalt prospectivity, EP145 contains the West Walker-1 gas discovery which lies on trend with the Mereenie oil and gas field which produces from the Ordovician Pacoota Sandstone unit and the Palm Valley gas field that have both been under production for over 30 years.
Two wells have been drilled in EP145, the first West Walker -1 (1982) tested the western end of an anticlinal feature and flowed wet gas to surface at a rate of 3.5MMscf/d from the Pacoota Sandstone, also the main producing reservoir in the Mereenie Field. A follow up well drilled, called Tent Hill -1 (1984), located to the southeast on the same anticline was deemed unsuccessful, although oil was observed weeping from cores.
As previously announced, independent resource estimates by SRK (2016) support prospective resources of 22Bcf in the Pacoota Sandstone play and additional unconventional prospective resources of 1,456Bcf in the Horn Valley Siltstone (SRK report 2016, P50 gross unrisked) on EP145.
Mr. Andy Carroll and Dr Julie Daws attended the Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar 2021 Conference in Alice Springs on 19-20 April. The presentations included Federal and State Minister speeches with government supporting investment in exploration and infrastructure. Part of the State $9 million per annum pledge of support includes a 50% grant for geophysical work (up to $100,000 per survey) and Mosman has applied for this grant.
There was also a presentation of the SEEBASE basement map for the whole of N Northern Territory, which will help Mosman integrate the local data obtained in EP 145 with regional geophysical data.
Further details of timing will be provided once known.
Qualified Person’s Statement
The information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and approved by Andy Carroll, Technical Director for Mosman, who has over 35 years of relevant experience in the oil industry. Mr. Carroll is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.
Mosman Oil & Gas Limited John W Barr, Executive Chairman Andy Carroll, Technical Director |
NOMAD and Broker SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP Stuart Gledhill / Richard Hail / Adam Cowl +44 (0) 20 3470 0470 |
Alma PR Justine James +44 (0) 20 3405 0205 +44 (0) 7525 324431 |
Joint Broker Monecor (London) Ltd trading as ETX Capital Thomas Smith 020 7392 1432 |
Updates on the Company’s activities are regularly posted on its website:
Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN – £1.5m Placing completed for Helium, Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Exploration at EP-145 and Update on Falcon well
19th March 2021 / Leave a comment
Mosman Oil and Gas Limited (AIM: MSMN) the oil exploration, development and production company announces an update on its 100% owned EP-145 project in the Amadeus Basin, in the Northern Territory of Australia and the completion of a £1.5 million Placing to fund the next phase of development of this project. Mosman also provides an update in respect of recent developments at the Falcon well where the Operator of the Falcon-1 well in East Texas, USA, has reported that the downhole logs have been completed and a course of action agreed.
Placing to fund EP145 exploration
Mosman had considered joint venture partnerships to develop EP-145, however, on further review the Board believes it is an exciting opportunity and would be beneficial to retain its 100% ownership. With the benefit of a £1.5m placing, Mosman now plans further exploration on this project in the Amadeus Basin where drilling results in nearby permits have demonstrated the commercial production of hydrocarbons and the presence of significant amounts of helium (up to 6% in Magee-1) and hydrogen.
The Placing will fund all the following work planned for 2021. It does not include drilling wells.
• Airborne gravity survey in June 2021 to provide more detail regarding the deep geology in the permit, in particular the presence and distribution of salt deposits that provide the seal for helium, hydrogen and hydrocarbons.
• The processing and interpretation of gravity data and updating the geological model.
• The acquisition of seismic in September/October 2021 aimed at defining a drilling prospect.
• The processing and interpretation of seismic data November/December 2021.
• Planning and long lead items for drilling.
John W Barr, Chairman, said: “ Mosman has always seen the potential in EP-145 and with a global shortage of helium and demand increasing, combined with the opportunity to fund this exciting exploration project, we look forward to the results of the next phase of the exploration programme later this year.”
Details of the Fundraising
To fund the exploration programme and drilling at EP-145, the Company has raised £1.5m (before expenses) by way of a placing of 1,000,000,000 new ordinary shares of no par value in the capital of the Company (“Placing Shares”) through the company’s broker Monecor (London) Ltd, trading as ETX Capital, at a placing price of 0.15p per share (the “Placing Price”) (the “Placing”). Investors are also receiving a one for two warrant exercisable at a price of 0.25p with a term of 24 months (the “Placing Warrants”).
Helium has become an increasingly valuable strategic resource, used in medical, nuclear and space technology and a vital element in the manufacture of MRIs, semiconductors, and is critical for fibre optic cable manufacturing. The demand for Helium significantly exceeds current production levels and this undersupply has pushed prices to over 100 times that of natural gas resources.
Until relatively recently most of the Helium resources were supplied by the US, however, Australia is currently one of the leading producers of Helium, producing 3% of the world’s supply and holds significant potential resources to expand production.
The Bayu-Undan gasfield located offshore in the Timor Sea is a source of Helium to the LNG plant in Darwin. The Helium accounts for 0.1-0.3% of raw feed gas and after processing comprises A grade liquid Helium.
Two wells have drilled into the older Proterozoic stratigraphy of the Amadeus Basin and both have encountered naturally occurring helium gas. The first well, Magee-1, drilled in 1992 flowed gas containing 6.2% Helium from the Heavitree Quartzite which directly overlies fractured grantic basement. A second well, Mt Kitty-1 drilled in 2014, encountered gas within fractured basement, containing up to 12% Helium. These extremely high concentrations are amongst the highest in the world to date.
Helium production has been primarily associated with natural gas production these high concentrations observed in the Amadeus Basin may be sufficient to enable helium extraction independent of natural gas (Waltenberg, 2015).
Mosman Australian Operations
Mosman Oil and Gas operate its Australian permits from Sydney, Australia and have a highly experienced technical team. Technical director, Andy Carroll has 40 years of international operating experience including drilling and production with BP. Geological Advisor, Dr Julie Daws has over 25 years in the oil and gas industry working with large multi-national companies including ConocoPhillips, Statoil and independent Australian producers in hydrocarbon basins across the world. Andy and Julie have been involved in progressing EP 145 for several years with visits to EP 145 and meetings with the government and the Central Land Council. The team utilizes the expertise of Australian based Geophysical companies, including Synterra Technologies to acquire seismic and other geophysical surveys.
Permit EP145 contains proven hydrocarbon resources in traditional post-salt plays and there is evidence from seismic of large, pre-salt structures with the potential to hold significant resources of helium and hydrogen in addition to natural gas. Operators of adjacent permits EP 112 and EP 115 have identified large prospects including Dukas and Zorba (ref Central Petroleum Limited).
Other Matters
The fundraising is being completed by the company’s broker Monecor (London) Ltd, trading as ETX Capital. ETX will receive 20 million two year warrants exercisable at 0.15p (the placing price).
Admission to AIM and Total Voting Rights
The Placing is conditional on, inter alia, the Placing Shares being admitted to trading on AIM. Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the Fundraising Shares, which will rank pari passu with the Company’s existing issued ordinary shares, to be admitted to trading on AIM and dealings are expected to commence at 8:00 a.m. on or about 25 March 2021.
Following the issue of the Fundraising Shares, the Company’s share and total voting rights will comprise 3,646,513,052 Ordinary Shares of no par value and the Company does not hold any shares in treasury .
Consequently, the above figure may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the Financial Conduct Authority’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Falcon well update
The Operator of the Falcon-1 well in East Texas, USA, has reported that the downhole logs have been completed.
The recent production logs indicate water is entering the well bore through the lowest perforation. The well continues to produce oil, gas and water. The Operator is preparing an AFE to squeeze cement and re-perforate the same pay zone to attempt to reduce the water flow. Subject to the results of that workover, the JV may consider completing the well in a higher zone.
Mosman has a 50% working interest in the well and will provide further updates as appropriate including in relation to the impact of reduced Falcon production on the expected results for the financial year ended 30 June 2021.
Competent Person’s Statement
The information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and approved by Andy Carroll, Technical Director for Mosman, who has over 35 years of relevant experience in the oil industry. Mr. Carroll is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.
Mosman Oil & Gas Limited John W Barr, Executive Chairman Andy Carroll, Technical Director
NOMAD and Joint Broker SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP Stuart Gledhill / Richard Hail / Adam Cowl +44 (0) 20 3470 0470
Alma PR Justine James +44 (0) 20 3405 0205 +44 (0) 7525 324431 |
Joint Broker Monecor (London) Ltd trading as ETX Capital Thomas Smith +44 (0) 20 7392 1432 |
Updates on the Company’s activities are regularly posted on its website: www.mosmanoilandgas.com
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