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UK Investor Magazine podcast – Barclays, US Tech Stocks and Junior Miners with Alan Green

Alan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine Podcast for our latest instalment of UK equities and global markets. We discuss Barclays (LON:BARC), Power Metal Resources (LON:POW) and Tertiary Minerals (LON:TYM)

We start with looking at US Tech stocks in Apple and Alphabet and go through the numbers from their bumper quarterly updates. Both produced revenue figures that surpassed analyst estimates in a strong quarter for two of the world’s largest technology companies.

Given the strong results from Apple and Alphabet, we explore whether we may be reaching the top of the earnings cycle as we come out of the pandemic and if a period of weaker growth could cause waves in equities.

Barclays (LON:BARC) also reported a huge jump in profits as they released half year profits that rose to £5bn helped by the reversal of COVID provisions and strong investment banking activity. Barclays also increased their dividend and we look forward to what investors could expect from Barclays and other UK banks in terms of payouts in the future.

We also explore Power Metal Resources (LON:POW) and Tertiary Minerals (LON:TYM).

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