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‘So brave’ Alexander is ‘doing very well’ and happy to be home!

article from White Horse News

Local toddler, Alexander Vinson and his family are settling back into life in Dilton Marsh after returning from treatment in the USA a couple of weeks ago.

Three year-old Alexander Vinson arrived back in England at the end of January after finishing  proton beam therapy in America for a brain tumour.

His mum Raluca told the White Horse News, “We are all very pleased to be back home and getting back to normal.

“It was a good experience and it went really well. Alexander was so brave and we are very proud of him. He was scared at first, but after a few days he was absolutely fine. In fact, the first thing he said when we woke up was ‘Are we ready to go?’

“He watched the Bee Movie every day, it was like his comfort blanket. He loved all the doctors and nurses that were there –  we all did. They really looked after us and made us feel at home.

“Alexander is very happy to be home and back with his toys that we couldn’t take with us. He understands that there is something wrong with him and that we are trying to make him better. He says, “Are we going to make me better?” We have explained it all to him but he’s only little, so he doesn’t understand it all.

“Alexander will continue with chemotherapy and then hopefully in a couple of months he will have a scan to see if the treatment was a success. The area is still inflamed, so we have to wait until it’s gone down so they can see properly.

“The support from everyone has been amazing and we really appreciate it. We feel very loved by all our friends and family and we love them very much for what they have done for us.”

Full article here

Appeal boost for Westbury brain tumour boy Alexander, 2, who needs £150,000 for US proton treatment

From Western Daily Press

The family of a two-year-old with a rare brain tumour who needs a treatment only available in America said the support of a major national charity means they can now hope for ‘the best Christmas present ever’.

The parents of little Alexander Vinson, from Dilton Marsh, near Westbury in Wiltshire, are faced with the daunting task of quickly raising £150,000 to send their son to the US for groundbreaking proton beam therapy.

The two-year-old has been diagnosed with a rare atypical teratoid rhabdoid brain tumour, known as ATRT. The fast-growing tumour is developing swiftly in Alexander’s brain and spinal cord, giving his parents Philip and Raluca a race against time.

Alexander has already undergone two eight-hour operations at Southampton hospital to remove approximately 80 per cent of the tumour. He is already undergoing chemotherapy and will receive radiation treatment when he turns three.

Full story here: http://www.westerndailypress.co.uk/Appeal-boost-Westbury-brain-tumour-boy-Alexander/story-28086156-detail/story.html

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