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Tag Archives: Alan Green Brand CEO

UK Investor Magazine Podcast discusses Next shares, Zenova IPO and an African growth story with Alan Green

This week’s UK Investor Magazine Podcast with Alan Green covers Next shares (LON:NXT), the Zenova Group (LON:ZED) IPO and an under appreciated African growth story in AirTel Africa (LON:AAF).

The FTSE 100 has suffered bouts of volatility over the last week as COVID cases rise globally and concerns about inflation persist. We question whether we could see more meaningful downside in markets in the third quarter and look at the potential buying opportunities in such a circumstance.

Next shares gave a boost to the FTSE 100 following a strong trading update that demonstrated the successful shift to online sales during the pandemic. With such bumper sales figures, it does raise the possibility it is simply a result of pent up demand that diminishes through the rest of 2021.

We discuss Zenova Group – which popped higher on its IPO – and what the future holds for the innovative fire protection company.

Finally there is attention paid to a very fairly priced African growth company that may have flown under the radar.

Alan Green talks Team17 #TM17 and Bidstack #BIDS on Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green talks Team17 #TM17 and Bidstack #BIDS on today’s Vox Markets podcast. Interview starts at 47 minutes and 14 seconds.

Alan Green discusses the Investment Case for Altona Rare Earths #REE #ANR in Stockbox Media Research talk

Research Talks – The Investment Case for Altona Rare Earths #REE #ANR with Alan Green.

Alan Green talks Coinsilium (COIN), CVS Group (CVSG) and British Honey Company (BHC) on the Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green discusses Coinsilium (COIN), CVS Group (CVSG) and British Honey Company (BHC) on the Vox Markets podcast.

Brand CEO Alan Green talks about: Metro Bank #MTRO Cadence Minerals #KDNC and Smart Metering Systems #SMS on the Vox Podcast.

Brand CEO Alan Green talks about: Metro Bank #MTRO Cadence Minerals #KDNC and Smart Metering Systems #SMS on the Vox Podcast.
Interview starts at 19 minutes 33 seconds.

Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications talks about: Metro Bank #MTRO CVS Group #CVS Bacanora Minerals #BCN & i3 Energy #I3E

Interview starts at 20 minutes 45 seconds

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