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Airbus seeks titanium sources beyond Russia to safeguard production ramp-up – Sovereign Metals #SVML

Airbus SE is searching for alternative sources of titanium to ensure a lack of access to the lightweight metal doesn’t interfere with the planemaker’s plan to increase production.

The planned ramp-up to a rate of 65 A320-family narrow-bodies per month by mid-2023 is the number one priority for the group, European sales chief Wouter Van Wersch said in an interview. Airbus relies on Russia for about half its supply, creating the potential for disruption if shipments are interrupted.

“We are looking into it very closely to see how we can ensure it doesn’t impact our supply chain and our ramp-up,” Van Wersch said on the sidelines of the Airlines for Europe meeting in Brussels. “For now, there’s no issue.”

Link here to full Mining.com story (Sovereign Metals #SVML)

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