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Ian Pollard – #888 excited by growth prospects.

888 Holdings plc 888 updates that it has delivered further progress during the second half of the year. In the UK the  initial positive trends in revenue seen in the first half have continued in the second half. In the US it remains very excited by long-term growth opportunities  with significant operational progress  made throughout the year. the Board also remains excited by the company’s long-term growth prospects.

Cambridge Cognition COG Total sales order intake for the year to 31st December is expected to exceed £7.6m, compared with £5.1m in 2017. In addition a number of materially significant contracts are expected to be signed in Q1 2019.The total order book at the end of the year is expected to show a 40% increase over last December.The financial performance of the company in 2018 was however impacted by the adoption of IFRS15 which is expected to show revenue of about £6.0m rather than the £7.0m which it would otherwise have been and compared with £6.7m in 2017. The consequence of this is that the loss for the year is expected to be £1.5m as against the loss for 2017 of £0.3m,

Begbies Traynor BEG is increasing its interim dividend by 14% for the half year to the 31st October, after a good first half with both revenue and adjusted earnings ahead of a strong comparative period. It claims to be well placed to deliver upon current market expectations for the full year and continues to anticipate a further year of increased revenue and earnings. Adjusted profit before tax rose from £2.9m to £3.2m and adjusted basic earnings per share from 2p to 2.2p

Beachfront  houses for sale in Greece;   http://www.hiddengreece.net

Bellway – Moderate Price Increases For 2017

Bellway Homes BWY claims another excellent financial performance for the half year to the 31st January but the effervescence and price rises, such regular features of previous years, appear to be moderating. Increases are well within single digit figures except for earnings per share which just managed to break through the 10% barrier. Revenue  rose by 5.9% and profit before tax by 9.3%. One good sign for the future is that as at the 12th March, the order book is 18% higher than a year ago and 5% more houses are expected to be sold in the current year as against 6.5% more completed. Average price increases for private sales  are expected to rise by over 4% but this is positively pedestrian compared to industry figures for previous years. Perhaps a sign of the times there.

888 Holdings 888 2016 was another year of outstanding progress, in fact “fantastic” is how the CEO describes it, with very strong organic revenue and profit growth. Revenue for the year to 31s December grew by 13%, or 18% on a constant currency basis. whilst basic earnings per share were up by 74%. Total dividends for the year are increased from 15.5 cents to 19.4 cents, after a final of 5.1 cents plus an additional dividend of 10.5%. trading for the current year so far, is already 11% ahead of a year ago.

Good Energy Group GOOD produced a robust performance in 2016 in an increasingly competitive UK energy market. Revenue rose by 41%, EBITDA by 39% and profit before tax was up from just above a break even point of £100,000 in 2015 to £1.4m. The total dividends for the year remain unchanged.

Mears Group MER produced strong organic growth in the year to the end of December, especially in the Housing Division. Like for like profit before tax rose by 13% and the dividend is being raised by 6% to 11.7p.

Fevertree Drinks FEVR enjoyed exceptional growth in the year to 31st December.  Revenue rose by 73%, adjusted EBITDA by 97% and diluted earnings per share more than doubled.  The final dividend of 4.71p per share makes a total for the year of 6.25p compared to 2015’s 3.08p.

Villas & Houses For Sale in Greece; http://www.hiddengreece

Naked Wine on Cloud Nine

The CEO of Majestic Wine (WINE) is very excited about Naked Wines record sales of £100 m., already achieved in the year to 31st March 2016. For those who like their wine clothed and in a glass, Naked Wine is an online crowd funding platform and apparantly one of the best things since sliced bread.

Enterprise Inns (ETI) Reinvigoration of leased and tenanted pubs is continuing, leading to like for like net income growth of 1.5% in the 25 weeks to the 19th March.Its quality commercial property portfolio has seen rapid expansion and a new share buy back programme of up to £25 million is being initiated.

Science in Sport (SiS) is still running up losses despite revenue growth of 18% in the 9 months to 31st December. The underlying operating loss came in at £0.25m as against £0.19m for the previous 12 months due to investment in brand awareness and market entry costs in Australia and the US.

888 Holdings (888) has been hit by a triple whammy of Duties, VAT and adverse currency movements. Despite that it puts a brave face on things and claims that 2015 was a very good year with a like for like revenue rise of 12%, casino revenue leading the way with a rise of 18%. Unless one adjusts it, profit before tax has been halved from $67.9m to $32,5m and similarly with earnings per share which are down to 8.3 cents from the previous years 16.1 cents – gain, unless one adjusts it.  Total dividends for the year are being increased from 15 cents to 15.5 cents

Thomas Cook (TCG) claims to be going for margins rather than volume, which is perhaps as good an excuse as any whilst times are hard and summer bookings are falling. Conditions are challenging and volatile and confidence has been affected by disruption in key destinations.

Winter UK bookings are down 3%, continental Eurrope by 8% and only Northern Europe shows a rise.

Summer holidays are 40% sold which is 2% down on last year =, whilst summer bookings are down 5%.

Hang on to those margins Mr Cook at least until you have to start discounting later in the year, if things get worse.

Villas & houses for sale in Greece;   http://www.hiddengreece.net


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