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Graphite planned to be produced as a co-product from the Kasiya rutile operation is estimated to sit at the lowest end of the global flake graphite cost curve |
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As one of the world’s largest flake graphite deposits, Kasiya has potential for a dominant market position due to production scale of a coarse flake, high purity and highly crystalline product which should be suitable for lithium-ion batteries and wider traditional industrial uses |
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Kasiya’s graphite flake size distribution compares favourably to industry peers suggesting potential to achieve a high graphite basket price |
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Independent Life Cycle Assessment Study demonstrates Kasiya’s high quality natural graphite concentrate should have a significantly lower carbon footprint than Chinese-produced natural graphite |
o China currently produces over 75% of the world’s natural graphite, almost 80% of the world’s synthetic graphite and 100% of the world’s natural graphite anodes used in lithium-ion batteries |
o Each tonne of graphite produced from Kasiya is expected to have a Global Warming Potential of only 0.2 tonnes CO2e which represents 5x less greenhouse gas emissions compared to natural graphite produced in the Heilongjiang Province, China |
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Recent independent studies published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology estimates global warming potential of synthetic graphite to be 20.6 t CO2e i.e., 103x that estimated for Kasiya’s natural graphite |
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Updated Scoping Study for Kasiya on track and due for completion shortly |
Sovereign Metals Limited (ASX:SVM; AIM:SVML) (the Company or Sovereign) is pleased to report recent analysis of Kasiya Rutile Project’s (Kasiya) graphite co-product, one of the critical raw materials contained with the Kasiya deposit.
Natural graphite concentrate would be produced as a co-product from Kasiya, the world’s largest rutile deposit. Benchmarking of characteristics of Kasiya’s natural graphite demonstrate that it can be produced in line with the 2021 Scoping Study with:
· one of the lowest potential production costs globally
· extremely low carbon footprint versus hard-rock operations or synthetic graphite production
· favourable flake size distribution suitable for a wide range of end uses including feedstock for the lithium-ion battery sector – technology crucial to tackling global climate change.
Sovereign’s Managing Director, Dr Julian Stephens commented: “Not only is Kasiya the world’s largest rutile deposit and one of the largest flake-graphite resources, but our latest graphite industry benchmarking also demonstrates the potential for Kasiya to be a globally dominant supplier and low-cost flake graphite producer at scale. Importantly, the very low graphite production costs at Kasiya should allow Sovereign to compete aggressively on price point across global graphite markets.“
Dr Julian Stephens (Perth) +61(8) 9322 6322 |
Sam Cordin (Perth) |
Sapan Ghai (London)
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RFC Ambrian |
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+44 20 3440 6800 |
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