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#SVML Sovereign Metals – Former Rio Tinto Executive Joins Sovereign Board


· Leading international mining executive, Mr Nigel Jones, appointed as Non-Executive Director of Sovereign Metals and Chairman of the ESG Committee

· Mr Jones has over 30 years of mining industry experience with 22 years in a number of senior roles at Rio Tinto Group

· Most recently, Mr Jones was Managing Director of Rio Tinto’s Simandou iron ore project, one of the world’s largest proposed mining devlopment


Sovereign Metals Limited (ASX:SVM; AIM:SVML) (the Company or Sovereign) is pleased to announce that highly experienced mining industry executive Mr Nigel Jones has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director of the Company.

From 2019 to 2021, Mr Jones was Managing Director of Rio Tinto Group’s (Rio Tinto) very large Simandou iron ore project in Guinea, west Africa. In this role, he was accountable for all aspects of the project’s development, including its complex environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy. Such aspects included impacts on natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and community and government relations.

Mr Jones was also a member of the senior leadership team of the Energy and Minerals product group, which incorporated Rio Tinto’s titanium dioxide feedstock businesses in Canada and southern Africa. Prior roles in Rio Tinto included Head of Business Development, Head of Business Evaluation and Managing Director of the group’s Marine operations.

Sovereign’s Managing Director Dr Julian Stephens commented : “We are delighted to welcome Nigel to the board of Sovereign Metals. To attract an individual of Nigel’s calibre is not only testament to the commercial potential of Kasiya, but also the very favourable ESG characteristics of the project, in which we strive to be best-in-class. Nigel’s input into our ESG strategy will significantly benefit our pursuit to ensure that sustainability, diversity and community are core in everything we do.”

Nigel Jones commented : “I am delighted to be joining the team at this very exciting stage for the Company. Sovereign has very quickly already demonstrated the huge potential of its Kasiya rutile discovery in Malawi as it continues to explore and develop this asset that will be of strategic importance to the titanium feedstock industry. I very much look forward to being part of the Company’s growth as it moves towards becoming a standard-bearer for the importance of sustainable mining practices for a better future.”



Dr Julian Stephens (Perth)
Managing Director

+61(8) 9322 6322

Sam Cordin (Perth)
+61(8) 9322 6322

Sapan Ghai (London)
+44 207 478 3900



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