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Stockbox interview with Cadence Minerals #KDNC CEO Kiran Morzaria

Stockbox Media spoke to Cadence Minerals #KDNC CEO Kiran Morzaria, where he discussed ongoing optimization studies aimed at reducing the capital expenditure for the plant at the Amapa Iron Ore project.

  • Cadence Minerals has developed a new processing flow sheet that has increased the iron concentrate quality to 67%, up from previous levels.
  • This improvement could enable the company to market a higher quality product, potentially opening up new markets such as the United States, where there is a demand for high-grade material for green steel production. This advancement is expected to have a significant positive impact on the project’s net present value (NPV).
  • Progress is being made towards obtaining environmental & installation licenses, which are crucial for moving forward with the construction and rehabilitation of the mine. Additionally, discussions are underway on financing including both debt and equity components.

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