Home » Feedback (FDBK) » ShareProphets – Feedback Shares Soften, but is that a Buying Opportunity?

ShareProphets – Feedback Shares Soften, but is that a Buying Opportunity?

ShareProphetsBy Malcom Stacey at ShareProphets

FBKlogoHello Share Sappers. I beg your indulgence to return to Feedback (FDBK), the company which uses whizzo computers to help diagnose and monitor many types of cancer. As reported previously, this could be a topping investment. Though, as per usual, we should always add a cautionary note about medical pioneers.

This is because they can always be taken over by some even more revolutionary gizmo or they might not get every licence they hope for.

There is also the worry that the NHS, to name just one medical services giant, is short of money these days as the number of patients grow, fuelled by longevity.

Having said that, I want to go over a few reasons why I’m so enthusiastic about Feedback.

One, it is a small company, capitalised at just £5million and has a comparatively small number of shares out there.

A heck of a lot of these shares are owned by directors, families and friends.

This means there are even fewer shares in the market place. And we all know the effects of limited supply and demand.

Also the very fact that the big cheeses of Feedback have so much skin in the game is very re-assuring.

As usual with this sort of pioneering company, a bit of good news – like a tasty new contract – will send the shares skywards. And, after a fallow time, good news could be about due.

The shares reached a high not so long ago at 3.2 pence. It’s softened to 2.8p since then, as profit takers have succumbed to temptation. But nothing has happened to justify the slight fall, and if you read the company’s bumph and believe it, there should be some jolly profit to come.

Click here for full ShareProphets article.

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