Home » Tertiary Minerals (TYM) » Proactive Investors – Tertiary Minerals #TYM focuses attention on single acquisition in second half of financial year

Proactive Investors – Tertiary Minerals #TYM focuses attention on single acquisition in second half of financial year

 The AIM-listed miner reported a pre-tax loss for the period of £133,539, narrowing from £211,850 in the same period last year

Tertiary said it was focusing on one fluorspar project that had potential for near term revenue


Tertiary Minerals PLC (LON:TYM) said it is focusing its acquisition efforts on one particular project as it provided an update in its half-year report.

The AIM-listed miner reported a pre-tax loss for the period of £133,539, narrowing from £211,850 in the same period last year, while the group ended the period with cash and cash equivalents totalling £474,052, up from £145,212 for the same period a year ago.

READ: Tertiary Minerals in constructive dialogue with authorities in Sweden about mine permit

The group added that following an evaluation of several potential acquisitions, it was now focusing its efforts on one fluorspar project that has the potential to generate revenue in the near term.

Tertiary also said that the Swedish Mining Inspectorate was assessing feedback from key stakeholders regarding its application for an exploitation permit for the Storuman Fluorspar project in Sweden.

In April, the firm had said dialogue between itself and the relevant authorities in Sweden had continued to make constructive progress regarding the potential development of the project.

Meanwhile, scoping study level bench scale metallurgical testwork was progressing at SGS Lakefield in Canada for the company’s MB Fluorspar project in Nevada, USA.

Executive chairman of Tertiary, Patrick Cheetham, said: “The pricing environment for fluorspar has continued to strengthen, particularly for delivery into Europe where, after a period of disconnect, prices are now catching up with Chinese domestic prices which have traditionally set the pricing benchmark. Downstream processors of fluorochemicals have recently reported strong sales and increased prices.”

He added that the company was still entitled to further payments on the definition of ore reserves and mineral resources and a royalty on production in relation to the sale of its Finnish gold projects to Aurion Resources Ltd, in which the company profited £31,264.

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