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PowerHouse Energy Group #PHE – Appointment of Commercial Operations Manager

PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and end-of-life tyres, is pleased to announce the appointment of Bruce Nicholson as Commercial Operations Manager to bolster the Company’s executive team. 

Bruce brings a proven track record of delivering complex energy projects, which he has built up during 30 years of project management, asset management and business development. His experience includes multi-billion dollar developments in conventional upstream oil and gas as well as emerging sustainable energy technologies. 

Bruce, who joins PowerHouse from Cinch Projects, an independent project management company, has worked with a wide range of organisations including multi-nationals, such as Thyssenkrupp, EDF, Tullow Oil  and BHP, and also with smaller independents.

At PowerHouse, Bruce will accelerate the progress of the commercial operations, business development and partner identification across the Company’s offerings.  “I’m excited to join PowerHouse to deliver the Company’s revolutionary hydrogen production process from waste plastics and tyres, which will significantly contribute to the rapidly emerging and fast growing low carbon economy,” Bruce said.

Keith Allaun, CEO of PowerHouse Energy, commented: “Bruce Nicholson will be a tremendous asset to the Company, and we’re fortunate to be working with him.  His passion and energy, coupled with his focus on the execution of our commercial objectives, will enhance our growing team.  Bruce will be working closely with me, with the Board and with our partner, Waste2tricity, Ltd.  His keen insight has already begun to have an impact at our business.” 

For more information, contact:

PowerHouse Energy Group plc
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer

Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399

WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser)
James Joyce / Chris Viggor

Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666

Turner Pope Investments Ltd (Broker)
Andy Thacker

Tel: +44 (0) 203 621 4120

Gable Communications Limited

Justine James / John Bick

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7193 7463

About PowerHouse Energy

PowerHouse Energy Group plc (‘PHE’) has developed a process producing energy recovery from municipal and industrial waste streams that would otherwise be directed to landfills and incinerators; or from renewable and alternative feed stocks such as and plastics and end of life tyres for power generation, or high-quality hydrogen as a fuel for transport. 

PHE’s process allows for easy, economical, deployment and scaling of an environmentally sound solution to the growing challenges of waste eradication, landfill diversion, electrical demand, and distributed hydrogen production.

PowerHouse Energy Group plc is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market and is incorporated in the United Kingdom.  For more information see www.powerhouseenergy.net

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