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M3 Helium


M3 Helium is an innovative company focused on helium exploration in Kansas. We are dedicated to sustainable and efficient extraction practices, leveraging advanced technology to minimize environmental impact and maximize production efficiency.

Helium is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert gas. It is the second lightest and second most abundant element in the observable universe, being present at about 24% of the total elemental mass. Helium’s low boiling point makes it useful for cooling applications, and it is relatively rare on Earth.

M3 Helium are:

  • Leading the Helium Revolution
  • Pioneering Helium Exploration and Extraction for Tomorrow’s Technologies
  • Our Mission: Commitment to innovative helium extraction and sustainability
  • Our Vision: To become a leading supplier of helium and drive technological advancements.
  • Expert Team Teamwork Makes the Dream Work


1,000+ Possible Wells
The target area has already produced 27 trillion cubic feet of helium-bearing natural gas. Leading to the development of substantial infrastructure and commercial agreement with Scout Energy Partners.


25+ Possible Wells
1 Producing well, 2 others near completion.


25+ Possible Wells
The Fort Dodge has seen rates as high as 2.9 million cubic feet of gas per day were tested, containing a whopping 4.6 percent helium concentration.

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