Photo-Me Intnl PHTM updates that the year to 30th April has been a year of excellent progress, with profit before tax expected to be at record levels after an increase of about 20% over 2016 which will enable the commitment to a 20% year on year rise in the ordinary dividend, to be met.
Investment in new products, growth of the laundry business, especially in Europe and that old friend, favourable currency movements, have all contributed to the success. The launch of the first ever laundrette in Japan, has proved to be a success.
Plus 500 Ltd. PLUS The positive trends evidenced in the first quarter have continued, Second quarter trading revenue has been stronger and margins have been maintained.
Inmarsat plc ISAT has announced that Quatar Airways Airways has become the first Middle East megacarrier to select its advanced new GX Aviation in-flight broadband solution, which will be initially available on 130 aircraft