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Paddy Power Hurt by Trump And Football Bets

Paddy Power Betfair PPB  did not have a happy fourth quarter. Firstly it got its odds wrong on the US presidential elections and Trumps victory cost it almost £5m. On top of that its European sportsbook lost money on football bets in December and far too many customer friendly results reduced group revenue by some £40m. Adverse sports results reduced online gaming revenue by 3%, despite a 15% rise in sportsbook stakes. Australia helped to save the day with a rise of 25% in the stakebook and 18% in revenue. The year as a whole however still showed healthy growth.

Petra Diamonds PDL reports strong operational results for the half year to 30th December visit their website. Despite flat rough diamond prices, revenue rose by 48%, as diamonds sold surged by 47%. Production during the half year was up by 24% and the new Cullinan plant is due to be commissioned towards the end of the third quarter.

Safestyle UK SFE produced another year of record turnover in 2016 as strong trading continued throughout the year. Installations rose by 4.7%, frames manufactured by 3.2% and revenue for the year was up by 9.8% helped by price increases at the start of the year. Cautious optimism prevails for 2017

Thalassa Holdings THAL has doubts that the global recovery is convincing and  believes that it is far weaker than meets the eye because there is no sign of it being matched by rising employment in the major industrialised countries. However it is anticipated that 2016 profits will exceed market expectations and the board is extremely pleased with the strength of the year’s operational and financial results. A new stock buy back programme will be introduced when the present scheme comes to an end. As for the outlook for 2017, Thalassa is cautiously optimistic

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