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Ian Pollard – Paddy Power #PPB All of A Flutter

Paddy Power Betfair PPB Somebody at PPB thinks it is a good idea to rename the company Flutter Entertainment plc and hopes that the shareholders will be silly enough to give approval, when they are asked to do so in May. In February the company took podium position (as it calls it ) in Georgia with the acquisition of Adjarabet. As for the year to 31st December revenue rose by 9% and earnings per share fell by 6% whilst the the dvidend remained flat at 200p. per share. 2018 was a challenging year with regulatory and tax changes but Paddy Power regained its mojo, which management seems to regard as a good thing. 2019 has started with good momentum across key divisions

Costain Group plc COST announces it has performed strongly again in 2018 with an increase in underlying operating profit, a record order book and an 8% increase in the total dividend. The Chairman states that Costain is at the forefront of the rapidly-evolving UK infrastructure market. The record  order book of £4.2 billion was of a higher quality and the growth in underlying profit reflected enhanced margins.

Legal & General Group LGEN  Revenue for the year to the end of December rose by 9% and earnings per share fell by 6% whilst the dividend remained flat at 200p per share. Annuity sales rose to a record £10bn, operating profit rose by 10%,  profit after tax fell by 3% and profit before tax rose by 2%. having impacted by of volatility in global financial markets. Its market leading businesses  and high quality people have enabled LGEN to deliver eight years of compound annual profit growth of over ten per cent.

Allergy Therapeutics plc  AGY  Interim Results for the six months ended 31 December 2018 showed continued good sales growth and strong operating profit. Revenue increased by 10.6%  and pre-R&D operating profit grew by 27%. This reflects a strong start to the financial year with market share in Germany increasing to 14.5%. The clinical pipeline  is described as exciting making 2019 a very important year for the Group.

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