Home » Open Orphan (ORPH) » Open Orphan (ORPH) sells its remaining shareholding in Integumen plc

Open Orphan (ORPH) sells its remaining shareholding in Integumen plc

Open Orphan, a European-focussed, rare and orphan drug consulting services platform, announces that it has now sold its remaining shareholding in Integumen plc following its disposal of 30,071,428 ordinary shares.

The total proceeds of the sale are £566,846. This completes the process begun with the divestment of Innovenn UK limited to Integumen plc in November 2016. The disposal allows the Company to focus all its resources on its core strategy of creating a focused orphan drug platform offering a wide range of complementary services to the developers of rare and orphaned drugs.



Open Orphan plc Tel: +353 1 644 0007
Cathal Friel, Chief Executive Officer

Arden Partners (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker) Tel: +44 (0)20 7614 5900
John Llewellyn-Lloyd / Ruari McGirr / Benjamin Cryer

Davy (Euronext Growth Adviser and Joint Broker) Tel: +353 (0)1 679 6363
Anthony Farrell (Corporate Finance)

Camarco (Financial PR) Tel: +44 (0)20 3757 4980
Tom Huddart / Billy Clegg / Daniel Sherwen


Notes to Editors:

Open Orphan plc is a European-focussed, rare and orphan drug consulting services platform. The Company consists of four elements: a European clinical research organisation and consultancy; an orphan drug services business; a Virtual Rep and Data Access Platform consisting of physicians and key opinion leaders; and a Health Data Platform to partner with Patient Advocacy Groups. The Company is targeting rapid growth in one of the fastest growing sectors in the global pharmaceutical industry targeting under-supplied treatment for life threatening or very serious diseases and rare disorders.

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