Home » Open Orphan (ORPH) » Open Orphan #ORPH – Result of General Meeting

Open Orphan #ORPH – Result of General Meeting

Open Orphan is pleased to announce that at the Company’s General Meeting held earlier today in relation to the Company’s proposed merger with hVIVO plc and the Proposed Placing, all of the Resolutions put to the meeting were duly passed.

The Board is excited by the growth potential of the Enlarged Group following completion of the merger and looks forward to updating Shareholders on the Company’s progress going forward.

The Offer remains subject to fulfilment of all other conditions set out in Part III of the Offer Document, and has not yet been declared unconditional in all respects.

Director Changes

As described in the Company’s admission document dated 9 December 2019 (“Admission Document”), Dr Trevor Phillips will be appointed as Chief Executive Director of the Company with effect from completion of the Acquisition and Michael Meade and Dr Mark Warne will be appointed as Non-Executive Directors of the Company with effect from the same time.

Additionally, David Kelly, Michael Ryan, Maurice Treacy and Christian Milla will resign as directors of the Company with effect from completion of the Acquisition. Maurice Treacy and Christian Milla will remain employees of the Company.

Admission of the Enlarged Share Capital

Application will be made for the admission of the Consideration Shares and the Existing Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM and Euronext Growth, which is expected to become effective and dealings commence at 8.00 a.m. on 20 January 2020.

The Company anticipates that admission of the Placing Shares will follow the admission of the Consideration Shares and the Existing Ordinary Shares and the Company will update shareholders in due course.

Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this announcement are as defined in the Admission Document.


Open Orphan plc

Cathal Friel, Chief Executive Officer

+353 (0)1 644 0007

Arden Partners plc (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker)

John Llewellyn-Lloyd / Ben Cryer

+44 (0)20 7614 5900

JE Davy (Euronext Adviser and Joint Broker)

Anthony Farrell

+353 (0)1 679 6363

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