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New UK Investor Magazine Podcast – Tesco #TSCO, First Class Metals #FCM and Deltic Energy #DELT


Alan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine Podcast for discussion around key market themes and a number of UK equities.

We look at the FTSE 100 and the dynamics driving trade as markets access the progress of the UK government.

Tesco reported interims this morning and provided an insight into the health of the UK consumer and the battle between the traditional top 4 supermarkets and the discounters.

First Class Metals floated this year at 10p and now trade just beneath 15p following a raft of positives updates and corporate developments. As a shareholder, Alan outlines the company’s investment proposition.

UK Natural Gas has won the spotlight during the energy crisis and Deltic Energy have the potential to add to the UK’s supply if their exploration joint venture with Shell proves successful.

Tesco, First Class Metals, and Deltic Energy with Alan Green

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