Home » Uncategorized » New UK Investor Magazine Podcast – covering Rishi Sunak, Barclays #BARC, Reckitt Benckiser #RKT, Blencowe Resources #BRES and Kavango Resources #KAV

New UK Investor Magazine Podcast – covering Rishi Sunak, Barclays #BARC, Reckitt Benckiser #RKT, Blencowe Resources #BRES and Kavango Resources #KAV

uk investor magazine podcast

The UK Investor Magazine is joined by Alan Green for a broad discussion around key market themes and a number of UK equities.

We start with a look at Rishi Sunak’s early moves as Prime Minister. He has moved to unify his party and made early progress in increasing confidence in UK assets. We look at what the future holds for him.

Barclays have enjoyed the benefits of higher interest rates and increased bond trading in the third quarter. However, the economic outlook is a cause for concerns and market sentiments echoed those of HSBC yesterday.

Reckitt Benckiser shares fell as Q3 sales rose but volumes fell. We explore what the coming months could mean for the consumer company.

We finish with the success of secondary placings in junior explorers Kavango Resources and Blencowe Resources.

Barclays, Reckitt Benckiser, and Rishi Sunak with Alan Green

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