Home » Uncategorized » New UK Investor Magazine podcast covering: Redrow #RDW – Bidstack #BIDS – Cleantech Lithium #CTL – Evriman #EVA

New UK Investor Magazine podcast covering: Redrow #RDW – Bidstack #BIDS – Cleantech Lithium #CTL – Evriman #EVA


In this Podcast we discuss:

  • Redrow (LON:RDW)
  • Bidstack (LON:BIDS)
  • CleanTech Lithium (LON:CTL)
  • Evrima (LON:EVA)

Register for the UK Investor Magazine Virtual Investor Conference 27th September here.

Alan Green joins the Podcast for a deep dive into UK equities and global markets. We start by looking and the most recent instalments of inflation data from the US and UK.

In both circumstances CPI inflation fell from the prior month’s reading with the US falling to 8.3% and the UK dipping to 9.9%. However, the US reading of 8.3% was above estimates of 8.1% and at odds with the market’s pricing of equities in the run up to the announcement. US stocks posted the biggest declines since 2020 yesterday and we explore the potential playbook for investors going forward.

Redrow is a company particularly exposed higher interest rates and the cost of living crisis but has still managed to produce to 10% revenue increase in 2021. We look at how their shares could perform in the coming weeks and months.

Bidstack recently posted £2m profit for the first half, a dramatic increase from the same period a year prior. Given the huge potential for the company, we explore how Bidstack provide shareholder value in the future.

CleanTech Lithium released a resource upgrade yesterday and we drill down into the numbers and what investors can expect in the near future.

We finish by dissecting Evrima’s portfolio and the discount of their mining investments compared to the current share price.

Redrow, CleanTech Lithium, and Bidstack with Alan Green

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