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New UK Investor Magazine Podcast – Covering Persimmon #PSN, Rio Tinto #RIO, M&G #MNG and Smart Metering Systems #SMS



Alan Green joins the Podcast as we discuss the FTSE 100’s top dividend payers by yield and explore the possibility of these yields being maintained.

In times of volatility, investors seek yield to mitigate any potential loss of capital appreciation. However, historical yields of the FTSE 100’s top yielding companies may not be a reliable indication of future yields investors receive.

We look at Persimmon, Rio Tinto and M&G Investments and how their future dividend distributions could be impacted. We explore the earning outlook for each company and how their dividend policies may alter yields.

Our focus leans towards macro influences such as demand of natural resource during ongoing China lockdowns and how the UK housing market will dictate Persimmon dividends.

We finish by looking at Smart Metering Systems (LON:SMS) and the defensive nature of their stock operating in a fast growing market.

Exploring the FTSE 100’s Top Dividend Payers with Alan Green

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