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More Strong Performances & Growth from British Industry

Costain COST Produced a strong performance in the year to the end of December and is raising the years total dividends by 15%, with a final payment of 8.4%. Annual revenue rose from £1.3b to £1.7b and reported profit before tax was up from £26m to £30.9m. The forward order book stands at record levels.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Fisher (James) FSJ enjoyed strong growth in 2016 with rises of 11% in underlying profit before tax and earnings per share and the final dividend is being increased by 10%. The company entered 2017 with a strong order book. Currency gains played only a limited part in the growth.  With its wide spread of businesses across multiple sectors of the marine services market Fisher was also able to offset the downturn in the oil and gas sector.

BBA Aviation BBA produced a strong performance in 2016 with revenue rising by 25%, EBITDA up by 59%, operating profit by 60% and profit before tax  by 60%.  Exceptional items such as the previously reported accounting impairment meant that on a statutory basis, the outcome for the year was a loss of over $82m but as a sign of confidence in the future the final dividend is being increased by 5%.

Empresario Group EMR Produced record profit before tax, up by 11% and adjusted earnings per share up by 14% in the year to 31st December. Revenue rose by 33% and the final dividend is being increased by 15%.   Further exciting opportunities are seen to deliver increased profits in 2017

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