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Memorandum between the state and ČEZ: The state will support the construction of a Czech gigafactory for batteries for electric cars

On Monday, the government approved a memorandum between the state represented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and ČEZ on support for a project for a battery factory for electric vehicles in the Czech Republic, the so-called gigafactory. This was stated on Twitter (https://twitter.com/KarelHavlicek_/status/1419679992041156611) by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Transport Karel Havlíček (for YES). According to him, the expected investment of over 50 billion crowns will bring at least 2,300 jobs. The investment should amount to at least 52 billion crowns (Approx £1.6bn) in the 1st phase. Havlíček and CEZ CEO Daniel Beneš will sign the memorandum on Tuesday morning.

Havlíček announced last year that CEZ Group was considering building a factory for lithium batteries for cars in northern Bohemia in the next few years, which it described as a gigafactory project. Together with investors from the automotive industry, the company wants to use lithium from the Cínovec area in the Ore Mountains for the production of batteries.

Link here to read the full article –Memorandum between the state and CEZ_ The state will support the construction of a Czech gigafactory

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