In that case you will want to speak to Money Back CFDs. We represent individuals who have lost money trading CFDs or Spread Betting with an advisory broker.
Most people we speak to who have traded CFD’s, or who have placed a Spread Bet with an advisory broker have lost money.
CFD’s and Spread Bets are high risk trading products that should only be available to experienced traders and sophisticated investors.
It is a matter of great concern to us that most of the individuals we speak to are wholly unsuited to this high-risk trading instrument. As a matter or record these people should not have had access to the product in the first place.
During the last year both the FCA and the ESMA have both criticised the product and the behaviour of the brokers. Both regulators are now in the process of taking action across the CFD/Spread betting industry.
In most cases the firms involved have over exposed or over traded the client, without the client’s knowledge, approval or in many cases understanding.
Some individuals we speak to believe they understood the risks involved. Even if this were true, in many cases making money on the trade would have been virtually impossible due to the spread, commissions charged and stop loss and profit levels being taken. Armed with these facts, Money Back CFDs have a very strong chance of retrieving your funds.
Money Back CFDs have years of experience and knowledge of the industry, and are very well placed to help you. The process is very simple and our team undertake all the work on your behalf.
As you will see from our website and client testimonial comments, our team have a solid and consistent track record in recovering your funds. Our process is based on no win no fee, so if you have lost money trading CFD’s or placing Spread Bets with an advisory broker in the past, you can now contact us to start the recovery process with nothing to lose.
Click here to register with us and start the recovery process.
Click here to go to our website for more information.
A small selection of our testimonials:
‘Many thanks for the successful recovery of funds’
TM, December 2016
‘Great job guys. I would thoroughly recommend Money Back CFDs to anybody.’
JS, October 2017
‘Long ago I took positions with 2 CFD providers some of which were successful and some not. On reflection, I felt that I had been harassed with some of my selections and advised to make placements specifically to generate commission for the traders. I ceased trading after taking substantial losses. Along come Moneybackcfds to the rescue. Collating all the paperwork for the verification process was long and arduous but extremely worthwhile as I now (29th Nov 2017) have an extra £25,000 in my bank account!! Moneybackcfds seem to know just which buttons to press. If you feel you have suffered similarly. then this is a retrieval service with real experience. I fully recommend you sign on. ‘
BW, November 2017
‘Much to my delight I received good news from Money Back CFDs on 7th December 2017 a refund had been achieved. This was due to their perseverance and tenacity so well done to the team at Money Back CFDs. I will most certainly retain again, and recommend the team to any person requiring help with any financial matter. ‘
DH, December 2017
‘I can highly recommend money back CFDs, I found there service professional, they kept me updated with status of my claim and explained everything clearly through the whole process. ‘
OM, December 2017
‘I was contacted directly by MoneyBackCFDS in October 2017 regarding some “Advisory” CFD trading that I had undertaken in 2014. I had lost considerable sums of money and had long since come to realise that trading in this way was somewhat foolhardy, and had therefore ‘written off’ the money closing the relevant accounts, putting down the whole sorry episode to bad experience. Following various protocols and my divulgence of relevant information regarding my trading practices., Oliver Foskett of MoneyBack CFDs took up the cause on my behalf and last week I received full compensation via the FSCS. I was elated. There was minimal contact necessary with myself, Oliver working away on my behalf in the background. Any contact was professional, friendly, succinct and easy to follow. Even though, I held most of the relevant information in order to get the case started, Oliver progressed it to its ultimate conclusion. I would not have had the wherewithal to accomplish this on my own therefore I would fully recommend MoneyBack CFDs, in cases such as mine. It should also be noted that unless a positive result is achieved for their clients then the whole process is at no cost to the client.’
NL, April 2018