Home » Kavango Resources (KAV) » Kavango Resources #KAV Raises £31,250 in warrant exercise

Kavango Resources #KAV Raises £31,250 in warrant exercise

Exercise of Warrants

Kavango announces it has received notices to exercise warrants over 1,250,000 new ordinary shares of 0.001 each in the Company (the “Warrant Shares”).

The Warrant Shares are being issued pursuant to the exercise of warrants granted on 1 December 2020.  Subscription monies of £31,250.00 have been received by Kavango in respect of these exercises.

Admission and Total Voting Rights

Application will be made for the Warrant Shares to be admitted to the Standard List segment of the Official List and to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange plc (“Admission”).  It is expected that Admission will become effective and that dealings in the Warrant Shares will commence at 8.00am on or around 20 July 2021.

Following Admission, the total issued share capital of the Company will consist of 366,568,048 Ordinary Shares. Therefore, the total number of voting rights in the Company following Admission on or around 20 July will be 366,568,048. This figure may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest, in the share capital of the Company. 

On 5 July 2021 the Company announced the successful Placing of 35,272,727 Ordinary Shares, and on 6 July 2021 announced Director Subscriptions for 1,090,911 New Ordinary Shares. Following admission of the Placing and Director Subscription shares on or around 2 August 2021, the total issued share capital of the Company will consist of 402,931,686 Ordinary Shares. An updated Total Voting Rights announcement will be made by the Company following admission, in accordance with the requirements of DTR 5.6.

Further information in respect of the Company and its business interests is provided on the Company’s website at  www.kavangoresources.com  and on Twitter at #KAV. 

For further information please contact:

Kavango Resources plc   

Michael Foster


First Equity (Joint Broker)

+44 207 374 2212

Jason Robertson 

SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker) 

+44 1483 413500

Nick Emerson

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