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Ian Pollard – JD Sports Grows Internationally With Significant US Progress

JD Sports Fashion JD  reports total sales growth of 15% for the cumulative 48-week period to 5 January as it makes further significant progress in its international development. Gross profit margins have been maintained at last year levels. In the second half the first two stores in Thailand were opened plus  the first five JD stores in the United States. Group profit before tax for the year ended 2 February  will be at the upper end of published market expectations.

Page Group plc PAGE The fourth quarter Group gross profit growth of 15.4%  was a record. All four regions delivered growth,with 20 countries growing by over 20% each. Gross profit before tax of 15.9% for the full year was also a record.and expected to be at the upper end of published market expectations. the UK proved a laggard but still managed to deliver a second consecutive quarter of marginal growth, up 2.1% whilst Michael Page declined by 1%, compared to Brazil and Latin America with rises of 25% and 28%.  In Europe, Germany managed growth of 28%.

Dechra Pharmaceuticles DPH traded strongly during the six months to the end of December, with reported net revenue up by 18% and both Europe and North America showing identical increases. The CEO confirms that the company is contining to deliver above market revenue growth in both its  existing business and in its acquisitions, in line with the Board’s expectations.

Surgical Innovations SUN enjoyed significantly stronger trading in the second half of the year to 31st December and Group revenue for the full year should represents growth of approximately 25% or £11.0m.

Avingtrans AVG has continued to perform well in the first half of the financial year and is trading in line with market expectations. The prospect pipeline for the HT businesses is robust. Recent acquisitions are also integrating well. and Brexit is Brexit is not expected to have a material impact on the company’s operations operations


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