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IMC Exploration Group plc (IMC) Collaboration with Raw Materials Research Group at Trinity College Dublin

The Directors of IMC are pleased to announce an update on the collaboration between the Raw Materials Research Group at Trinity College Dublin and the Company. IMC’s Board believes access to world class micro-analytical facilities at Trinity College Dublin is a tremendous development for IMC and its Avoca properties.  Trinity College Dublin was established by royal charter in 1592 and is committed to excellence in both research and teaching. Trinity College Dublin hosts one of Europe’s finest raw materials characterisation laboratories with state-of-the-art analytical facilities and full sample preparation facilities for rock crushing and mineral separation.

The Raw Materials Characterisation Laboratory at Trinity College Dublin is undertaking petrographic and micro-analytical work, on samples from IMC drill-holes targeting the gold-rich Kilmacoo zone, and focussing on the paragenetic association of gold and the various sulphide phases. This research is being carried out in coordination with the Geological Survey of Ireland’s ERAMIN II Gold InSight Initiative and the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG). Preliminary results suggest that significant free gold is present and that, for oxidised materials (i.e., the spoils at Avoca), free gold may be liberated during the oxidation of sulphides. The occurrence of free gold in late cross-cutting (orogenic) veins suggests a potential for further gold occurrences in similar structures across the Avoca belt (McClenaghan et al., 2019; Riegler et al., 2019).

The gold-rich Kilmacoo zone at the northeast end of the Avoca Mine property was identified by Mianrai Teoranta in the 1950s, intersecting 19 metres of quartz veined schist with 2.88 g/t Au and 16.6 g/t Ag (Milner and McArdle, 1992). The site was the focus of further exploration in the 1980s by Riofinex and although no resource was published by Riofinex, Milner and McArdle (1992) state that a (non-compliant) resource of up to 500,000t at up to 2 g/t Au may be present over a 125 metres’ strike length.  More recently, further drilling on the property has been carried out by IMC.

The presence of a significant inferred resource of gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc in the Avoca spoils and tailings was set out in IMC’s Mineral Resource Estimate announcement on 11 Sept 2019.
Eamon O’Brien, Chairman commented ‘IMC is delighted to have established this collaboration with the Raw Materials Research Group at Trinity College Dublin.  I am extremely pleased that our Avoca gold project was highlighted by Trinity College for their research into resolving the paragenesis of gold in Caledonian terranes across Ireland.  We look forward to working with them on this exciting project.’

Eamon P. O’Brien,
Executive Chairman,
Dublin, 23rd September 2019


Milner, A. L. and McArdle, P. (1992), Gold Mineralization in the Ordovician Rocks at Kilmacoo, Co. Wicklow: its exploration and geological controls. In ‘The Irish Minerals Industry 1980-1990’.  Bowden, A. A., Earls, G., O’Connor, P. G. and Pyne, J. F. (Editors), Irish Association for Economic Geology, p 77-88;
McClenaghan, S.H., Riegler, T., Drakou, F. (2019) Resolving the paragenesis of gold at the Avoca VMS Deposit: Implications for exploration in Caledonian terranes of southeast Ireland. Society for Geology applied to Mineral Deposits, 15th Biennial Meeting, 4p;
Riegler, T., McClenaghan, S.H., Drakou, F., Thomas, H., Wanhainen, C., Bark, G., Bauer, T. (2019) Petrographic and mineralogical study of the Kilmacoo gold occurrence, Avoca District, Southeast Ireland. Society for Geology applied to Mineral Deposits, 15th Biennial Meeting, 4p.

This RIS release has been approved by Eur Geol Professor Garth Earls, PGeo, FSEG, who is an independent consulting geologist and a Competent Person as described in the JORC 2012 reporting code. The Directors of IMC, after due and careful enquiry, accept responsibility for the contents of this announcement.


Contact Details:
Kathryn Byrne: +353 85 233 6033
IMC Exploration Group plc

Graham Atthill-Beck: +44 20 7464 4091/+971 50 856 9408 / Graham.Atthill-Beck@kbrl.co.uk
Brinsley Holman: +44 20 7464 4098 / Brinsley.Holman@kbrl.co.uk
Keith, Bayley, Rogers & Co. Limited

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