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IMC Exploration Group (IMCP) – Update on Exploration Programme

IMCIMC Exploration Group Plc is pleased to announce that, in conjunction with its joint venture partner Koza Limited, it has recently commenced an extensive target generation, mapping and rock sampling programme on its Goldmines River licence PL 3857 in Co. Wicklow, and on licence PL 2551 in Co. Wexford. This work, scheduled to commence in early 2017, is in addition to the previous drilling programme, and is part of our works programme on our five precious metal Licence Areas, and is essential preparatory work for our next phase fully funded drilling programme.

Commenting on this development, IMC Chairman, Liam McGrattan said: “The recently published Geological Survey of Ireland Tellus Survey confirms high levels of gold in streams near the Goldmines River and Avoca regions of Wicklow, areas included in our licences.  The fact that the new data identifies gold values in streams that flow across and along the edges of the Leinster granite, a complex area long thought to be the source for the gold mineralisation in the region encourages us to believe that this comprehensive, extensive and agreed works programme will identify promising drill targets.”

The Directors of the issuer accept responsibility for this announcement.

Contact Details:

IMC Exploration Group Plc
Mr. Liam McGrattan
Tel. Ireland: +353 87 2745427

Keith Bayley Rogers & Co. Limited
Mr. Hugh Oram
Tel. +44 207 464 4090

Brand Communications
Mr. Alan Green
Tel. +44 (o)7976 431608

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