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HSBC – Positive Jaws And An Urivalled Footprint ! – A fish with feet !!

HSBC Holdings HSBA announces that a further share buy back programme of up to 2bn pounds will start shortly and will be completed in the second half of 2017. The interim dividend remain unchanged after a rise of 12% in adjusted half year profit before tax, following a 3% rise in revenue. Global banking performed strongly with a 16% rise in revenue and to match its positive jaws which delivered a rise of 0.5%, it claims that its footprint in Asia and the Middle East is now unrivalled.

Trinity Mirror TNI Claims a resilient performance for the half year to 2nd July despite difficult trading conditions and a volatile environment in print. Like for like revenue fell by 14.6% and management claims full credit for being so strong and managing to limit the fall in adjusted operating profit to only 9.4%. The interim dividend is to be increased by 7.1% to 2.25 p. per share and the second half is expected to show improving revenue momentum.

Coats COA Good to know that we still have a textile industry and that this part of it seems to be thriving. Coats is increasing its interim dividend by 7% after a strong first half in which adjusted operating profit for the six months to the 30th June rose by 14% and revenue  by 5%, both at constant exchange rates. Adjusted  basic earnings per share rose by 38%

Utilitywise UTW warns that revenue for the year to today will be 4.0 to 4.5m below managements previous expectations. The gross order book for the year however is 18% higher than for the year to 31st July 2016.

Hiscox HSX Interim profit before tax for the half year to the 30th June halved to 102m or rose by 12.5% if the impact of foreign exchange movements are ignored and  the interim dividend is to be raised from  8.5p to 9.5p per share . Hiscox USA stood out with growth in premiums of 31.3% in local currency terms.

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