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Governor of The Bank of England Tries to Save Cameron

A technical recession could be one of the results of Brexit, says Mark Carney, just one of the many lies the establishment is anxious to promote even at the risk of damaging their reputations and making themselves look like charlatans.

Is the Governor of The Bank of England, so blind, so ignorant of the realities of the UK economy that he is completely unaware that the UK has already entered into recession and not just a technical one but a real one. It was one of the major business headlines three days ago.  It was issued by the Office For National Statistics and Carney did not know about it?

The day after the announcement, i.e. two days ago, Carney committed what must surely have been one of the biggest blunders of his career with his announcement that the only threat of recession faced by the UK was of a technical one if we decided to leave the EU next month. Why did he put his reputation on the line by failing to disclose that we were already in a real recession and that it was the third such real recession which the UK had suffered from in eight years. Eight years during each of which we had been a full member of the EU.

It smacks of desperation on the part of the Establishment when Cameron  is reduced to bullying the Governor of the Bank of England into supporting him at all costs. Cameron himself has turned into the biggest bully and the biggest liar of the campaign. Can one forget his savage attack on Jeremy Corbyn in the House of Commons when he browbeat the opposition leader about the strength of the UK economy – an economy which Cameron knew but dared not admit was already mired in recession. Our leader instead preferred to lie to the commons. And this was only a few weeks before the demise of TATA and the British steel industry, all because the EU had for two years failed to take any steps, adopt any policies, to protect European industry from  dumping and the other illegal and unfair trade practices of the Chinese.

One of the surprising outcomes of all this fearmongering about leaving the EU, is that many are now highly suspicious about the motives of our leaders. Why are they so desperate to tell lie after lie to keep us in a union which has brought recession after recession.

The stark truth is that a recession occurs when industrial production  for two consecutive quarter.  In each of the last two quarters to the end of March  ours fell by 0.4%. for the first quarter of 2016 our industrial production ws down by a frightening 1.9% on a year ago.

Surprisingly the establishment is beginning to make Corbyn look not only very serious but even worse, very honest.  He does not behave like a politician.  He does not lie like a politician.  He is not an establishment figure. Camerons arrogance is forcing people into the Brexit camp.He could also just be creating his own political demise. The Brits love an underdog and Corbyn and Brexit are two of the biggest underdogs we have had for years.

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