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Go-ahead Group Lagging

Go-Ahead Group GOG is lagging behind in too many areas although it is doing its best to cover the weak spots. The pre close trading statement for t he year to 1st July claims that expectations for the full year are unchanged and the balance sheet is robust. Regional buses showed mixed growth in passenger journeys with some ares being strong and some weak.Passenger numbers and revenue growth were slightly subdued. Full year like for like growth in revenue is expected to be 1% but mileage is expected to be down 1.5%

Full year like for like figures showed passenger revenue up 3% and 4.5% in South Eastern and London Midland  but down 4%  in GTR. Passenger journeys fell by 4% in both South Eastern and London Midland and up by a tiny 0.5% in South eastern. It does not need a mathematics wizard to work out that these appear to illustrate prices rising whilst passenger journeys fall, which is not the best way to run a railway.

Chemring Group CHG Has restored its interim dividend  for the half year to the  30th April, with a payment of 1p per share. Operational and financial performance continued to improve and revenue for the half year rose from £180m. to£ 249.6m. Last years underlying loss before tax of £4m was turned into a profit of £11.3m. On a statutory basis loss before tax fell from last year’s £16.8m to £6.8m and return on sales rose to 6.9% from 2.1%. However the order book at half time was down from £591m to £556.

Frontier Development FDEV expects to report a rise in operating  profit of over 500% to £7.2m for the year to the 3rd May. Revenue is also expected to be slightly ahead of previous guidance with a rise of 75%.

Latham (James) plc LTHM reports good trading results for tjhe year to 31st March and an increase in the final dividend to 10.85p, up from last years 10.3p. Pre-tax profit was £13.8m, up £0.9m from £12.9m last year. Since the year end, revenue in April and May has shown a like for like rise of 3%

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