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Fenner In Recovery Mode

Fenner FENR now expects results for the current year will be comfortably ahead of previous expectations as a result of gains in market share and refocusing of the businesses. These factors have helped to create an improving trend in order intake and a stronger market position in the US. Australia is doing well and results are ahead of last year.

Crawshaw Group CRAW With like for like sales down by 3.8% for the 5 weeks from 29th November to 31st December and like for like customer numbers down by 4.2%, Crawshaw claims that it has continued to build on previous progress, presumably wishing to rely for justification of its claim that total sales and customer numbers for the same period both rose by 13%. At least the figures for the 5 week Christmas period showed  an improvement on the previous 4 weeks like for like figures when sales had slumped by 8.1% and customer numbers by 9.7%.

Gear4music G4M enjoyed a strong sales performance in the last 4 months of the year and full year profits are now expected to be ahead of the increase indicated at the half year stage. UK sales rose by 29%, Europe and the rest of the world by by 129% and total sales by 55%.  For the year to date growth has totaled 63%.

easyJet EZJ With December traffic figures up by 15.1% easyJet is not allowing itself to be left behind by Ryanair. The rise in load factor at 3.3% was also similar to that of its competitor, although over the rolling 12 month period, load factor did slip slightly by 0.1pp

Sky plc SKY Broker Investec has upgraded its investment rating on Sky plc SKY from reduce to hold and has raised its price target from 800p to 1075p.

Next NXT has suffered from yesterdays results with Citigroup cutting its price target from 4,800p to 4,100p

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