Home » ECR Minerals (ECR) » ECR Minerals PLC’s (LON:ECR) new non-executive director Sam Garrett speaks to Proactive London’s Andrew Scott

ECR Minerals PLC’s (LON:ECR) new non-executive director Sam Garrett speaks to Proactive London’s Andrew Scott

ECR Minerals looking to replicate Havieron success at Windidda project in Yilgarn region, Western Australia

Proactive London’s Andrew Scott speaks to ECR Minerals PLC‘s (LON:ECR) new non-executive director Sam Garrett.

Garrett’s a geologist with experience in multi-national and junior mining firms and was one of the first to identify the potential of the Havieron project in Western Australia which was later acquired by Greatland Gold PLC (LON:GGP).

Havieron and Greatland have been in the headlines this week following the significant joint venture news with Newcrest Mining LTD (ASX:NCM).

Garrett says he’s now looking to replicate that success within ECR’s portfolio.

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