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ECR Minerals #ECR – Director Adam Jones Discusses The Latest Drilling Updates with Alan Green

Head Geologist & Director Adam Jones discusses the latest drilling updates with Alan Green. We look at the new license area EL006907 sited between the Ballarat East-Nerrina goldfield and the current Creswick exploration licence area. Adam also covers the new license at the Tambo area, and some recent work he has undertaken to understand the opportunity. We then move to the pre Christmas updates at Bailieston HR3, where results from holes BH3DD010 and BH3DD011 have “exponentially grown the understanding of the Maori Anticline.” Adam explains the ‘dilation jog’ model, the soil anomalies and the implications for HR3 with the data now acquired. We the look at the properties acquired at Bailieston, Creswick and Sebastian, the ‘skyrocketing’ property values there and how they will contribute in 2022, along with the near term assay schedule and milestones, (including progress at Blue Moon) for investors to look out for.

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