Home » ECR Minerals (ECR) » ECR Minerals #ECR – Andrew Haythorpe & Adam Jones talk to Alan Green – June 2023

ECR Minerals #ECR – Andrew Haythorpe & Adam Jones talk to Alan Green – June 2023

ECR’s Andrew Haythorpe & Adam Jones talk to Alan Green – June 2023. Adam Jones is live from the bush in Queensland, and initially discusses early findings at the Hurricane project, along with the plan of action for sampling and drilling in the coming months. Andrew then discusses the background to Hurricane and his knowledge of the project prior to his time with ECR, before discussing the plan to undertake a LIDAR survey of the project area. Adam and Andrew then discuss the latest progress from Lolworth, and the focus areas for sampling following the gold, niobium and tantalum discoveries last year and how Lolworth is shaping up into a multi commodity project of significant scale. Andrew then discusses the funding position, the challenging markets, plans for further non-core asset disposals and plans for the second drill rig that recently arrived at Melbourne. Finally Andrew re affirms his view that ECR has the some of the best assets he’s seen in recent years

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