Eckoh ECK has won its largest ever contract, to provide secure payment solutions to one of the largest corporations in the United States. The contract worth $7.4m. has delighted the CEO of Eckoh and is expected to make a modest financial contribution in the current year, with the majority coming in the following two financial years.
Range Resources Ltd. RRL has seen a significant improvement in operational and financial performance during the 12 months to the 1st June. Revenue increased by 55% to $13.1m.after a 25% increase in production from Trinidad and a 25% increase in the realised oil price from $44.7 per barrel to this years $55.4 dollar per barrel. The loss for the year has been materially reduced from last years US $54.4 million to $17.5m.
Imaginatik IMTK Updates that its financial performance has improved since the 1st June.and not only that but its sales pipeline has has been cleaned, whatever that may mean. The immediate focus of the new management team is for the business to become self funding as soon as possible.
Iomart Group IOM has continued to perform strongly in the six months to the 30th September with both revenue and trading profits expected to be well ahead of last year’s first half. Good levels of new business have continued to be won and these are expected to filter through into increased sales in the second half.
Wey Education plc WEY reports that in its traditional online school and B2B division sales are materially ahead of the same time last year. The formation of the joint venture in China is taking longer to complete than originally anticipated but the delay is not expected to have any material effect on revenues or profits for the current year.
Big Sofa Tech. Grp. BST Claims to have made considerable progress in the half year to the 30th June, with revenue up by 20% on last year and work commissioned showing a rise of 100% compared to a year ago. The company is still loss making but the loss for this half year has been reduced by 19% from £2.1m to £1.7m.
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