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easyJet Still Flying High

easyJet EZJ October passenger statistics showed a rise of 9.9% in passengers carried and load factor increased yet again to 92.5pp up by 2.3%. On a rolling 12 months basis the figures were 10% and 1.5pp.

Ortac Resources OTC is to acquire an additional 33.82% of Casa Mining Ltd and will be making an offer for the balance. The deal includes converting the $2mn convertible loan note at an amended reduced share conversion price of $0.5586, and represents a major step forward in the delivery of the Company’s revamped strategy, announced on 11 September 2017, to focus on its high potential African exploration mining assets. Chairman Nick von Schirnding said the proposed acquisition of Casa “is a turning point in the Company’s recent history” and the board “look forward to a new chapter for Ortac and its shareholders. ”

Wizz Air Holdings WIZZ the cheeky upstart grew its passenger numbers by 30% in October as it added its 144th destination. Its load factor rose by 2.1% to 92.1pp, virtually the same as that of its much bigger brother.

SysGroup plc SYS Eventually gets round to admitting that it is issuing a profit warning, after explanations which are so long winded that they are made to sound less like explanations and more like excuses, such as difficulties in clawing back first half margin under performance, the Board in the end comes out with the admission that full year EBITDA and adjusted profit before tax will be significantly below market expectations.

AFH Financial Group AFHP reports strong organic growth for the year to the 31st October, together with a significant increase in recurring fee income. Total revenue for the year is expected to show a rise of 35% bout half of which will come from acquisitions. The board is confident of further expansion through its mix of organic growth coupled with acquisitions.

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