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TexRAD presenting 19 papers at RSNA 2016 – Feedback (FDBK)

TexRAD is attending the 102nd scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, running from the 27th November to 2nd December 2016 at the McCormick Place in Chicago, USA. 

This year at the RSNA there will be around 19 presentations (5 of which have won student awards) from our customer sites spread across USA, Canada, UK, EU and China focused predominantly on CT texture analysis (CTTA) and few on MR texture analysis (MRTA). These talks, posters and teaching sessions will cover different research applications in the area of oncology and also new applications in cardiology. A brief list of the individual presentations is provided as below.

(Note the RSNA program is here: https://rsna2016.rsna.org/program/. Searching on the Session ID  in the table below will take you straight to the relevant part of the program.)

Session ID Details
SSA07-05 Sunday 10:45-12:15 PM | SSA07 | Room: E353ASurvival Prediction in Patients Treated by Folfiri and Bevacizumab using Contrast-enhanced CT Texture Analysis: Ancillary Study of a Multicenter Prospective Study (PRODIGE 9)

Anthony Dohan, MD | Benoit P. Gallix, MD, PhD | Caroline Reinhold, MD, MSc | Philippe A. Soyer, MD, PhD | Boris Guiu, MD | Karine Le Malicot | Jaafar Bennouna, MD | Francois Ghiringhelli | Valerie Boige, MD,PhD | Julien Taieb, MD,PhD | Olivier Bouche | Eric Francois, MD | Jean-Marc Phelip, MD | Christian Borel, MD | Roger Faroux, MD | Jean-Francois Seitz, MD | Stephane Jacquot, MD | Dominique Genet, MD | Jean-Louis Jouve, MD | Francoise Desseigne, MD | Come Lepage I, MD,PhD | Thomas Aparicio, MD,PhD | Christine C. Hoeffel, MD

This study originated in collaboration between our customers from McGill University in Montreal, Canada and Reims, France.

 SSA10-03  Sunday 10:45-12:15 PM | SSA10 | Room: E351Can Quantitative CT Texture Analysis be used to Differentiate Subtypes of Renal Cell Carcinoma on Multiphasic Multidetector CT Images?

Gu Mu Yang Zhang, MD | Hao Sun, MD | Bing Shi | Huadan Xue, MD | Zheng Yu Jin, MD | Balaji Ganeshan, PhD

This paper won a Student Travel Award. This study originated from our customer Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing, China

 SSA10-04  Sunday 10:45-12:15 PM | SSA10 | Room: E351Differentiation of Papillary Type 1 and Type 2 RCC on CT Textural Analysis

Diana Kaya, MD | Balaji Ganeshan, PhD | Behrang Amini, MD, PhD | Pheroze Tamboli, MD | Christopher G. Wood, MD | Raghunandan Vikram, MBBS, FRCR

This study originated from our customer MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA

 SSA10-06  Sunday 10:45-12:15 PM | SSA10 | Room: E351CT Texture Analysis of Post-contrast and Non-contrast Images; Early Observations on Differences in Renal Tumor Types

Azadeh Tabari, | Cinthia Cruz, MD | Michael S. Gee, MD, PhD | Sarabjeet Singh, MD | Debra A. Gervais, MD

This study originated from our customer Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

 SSA11-05  Sunday 10:45-12:15 PM | SSA11 | Room: E353BTexture Analysis as an MR Imaging Biomarker to Identify Histological Features or Tumor Aggressivity and to Predict Tumor Response to Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Cancer of the Uterine Cervix

Maria Ciolina, MD | Valeria Vinci, MD | Marco Rengo, MD | Lucia Manganaro, MD | Andrea Laghi, MD

This paper won a Student Travel Award. This study originated from our customer “Sapienza” – University of Rome, Italy.

GU203-SD-SUA4  Sunday 12:30-1:00 PM | GUS-SUA | GU/UR Community, Learning Center2D MRI-based Texture Analysis for Assessment of Lymphovascular Space and Deep Myometrium Invasion of Endometrial Cancer

Yoshiko Ueno, MD, PhD | Behzad Forghani, MENG | Reza Forghani, MD, PhD | Anthony Dohan, MD | Benoit P. Gallix, MD, PhD | Caroline Reinhold, MD, MSc

This study originated from our customer from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

 SSC01-04 Monday 10:30-12:00 PM | SSC01 | Room: S502ABFeasibility Study of Myocardial Texture Analysis to Differentiate between Hypertrophic and Amyloid Cardiomyopathies

shu jiang | Gu Mu Yang Zhang, MD | Yining Wang, MD | Hao Sun, MD | Huadan Xue, MD | Zheng Yu Jin, MD

This study originated from our customer Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing, China.

 SSC04-08 Monday 10:30-12:00 PM | SSC04 | Room: E353ACT Image Biomarker Analysis (Size, Density and Texture) to Predict response of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma to Neoadjuvant Folfirinox Chemotherapy and ChemoRT

Kristine S. Burk, MD | Rodrigo Canellas, MD | Cristina Ferrone, MD | Dushyant V. Sahani, MD

This study originated from our customer Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

 SSC06-09  Monday 10:30-12:00 PM | SSC06 | Room: N228Can CT Textural Analysis Differentiate between Lipid-poor Adrenal Adenomas and other Solid Adrenal Lesions? A Preliminary Study

Shaunagh McDermott, FFR(RCSI) | Rodrigo Canellas, MD | Hei Shun Yu, MD | Colin J. McCarthy, MD | Michael S. Gee, MD, PhD | Michael A. Blake, MBBCh

This study originated from our customer Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

 IN223-SD-MOB6  Monday 12:45-1:15 PM | INS-MOB | IN Community, Learning CenterPET/CT In Lung Cancer: An Automated Imaging Tool for Decision Support

Jakub Nalepa | Janusz Szymanek | Sarah J. McQuaid, PhD | Raymondo Endozo | Vineet Prakash, MBBCh | Balaji Ganeshan, PhD | Alex Menys | Mike Hayball | Veni Ezhil, MRCP,FRCR | Liz Bellamy | James Crawshaw, MBBS | John Hall, FRCR | Ashley M. Groves, MBBS | Andrew Nisbet, PhD

This study was performed in collaboration with our customers from Ashford and St Peters Hospital, Guildford and University College London, London, UK

 SSE01-05 Monday 3:00-4:00 PM | SSE01 | Room: Arie Crown TheaterComputerized Texture Analysis of Locally Advanced Breast Cancers on Pre Treatment MRI May Identify Triple-Negative Tumors and Help Predicting Response to Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy

Foucauld Chamming’s, MD, PhD | Yoshiko Ueno, MD, PhD | Romuald Ferre, MD | Caroline Reinhold, MD, MSc | Benoit P. Gallix, MD, PhD

This study originated from our customer from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

 SSJ15-03  Tuesday 3:00-4:00 PM | SSJ15 | Room: E450BDetection of Myeloma Infiltration of Bone Marrow using Texture Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Maps: A Feasibility Study

Qin Wang, MD | Huadan Xue, MD | Shuo Li, MD | Zheng Yu Jin, MD

This paper won a Student Travel Award. This study originated from our customer Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing, China.

 RC513-05  Wednesday 8:30-12:00 PM | RC513 | Room: E352Textural Analysis Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Lymph Nodes on Contrast Enhanced CT in Pediatric Patients
Aoife Kilcoyne, MBBCh | Azadeh Tabari, | Shaunagh McDermott, FFR(RCSI) | Sarabjeet Singh, MD | Michael S. Gee, MD, PhDThis study originated from our customer Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
 SSK06-09  Wednesday 10:30-12:00 PM | SSK06 | Room: E353ATexture Analysis on MRI of Low Rectal Cancer Improves Evaluation of Tumor Response and Outcome after Combined Chemoradiation Therapy
Anthony Dohan, MD | Vipul Bist | Stephanie Nougaret, MD | Marc Ychou, MD,PhD | Philippe Rouanet | Christophe Cassinotto, MD | Frederic Bibeau | Caroline Reinhold, MD, MSc | Benoit P. Gallix, MD, PhDThis paper won a Student Travel Award. This study originated from our customer from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
 SSK07-04  Wednesday 10:30-12:00 PM | SSK07 | Room: E353BPrediction of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Grade on CT Images using A Software Based Texture Analysis
Rodrigo Canellas, MD | Sreejita Bhowmik, MBBS | Renata R. Almeida | Kristine S. Burk, MD | Shaunagh McDermott, FFR(RCSI) | Dushyant V. Sahani, MDThis paper won a Student Travel Award. This study originated from our customer Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
 SSM13-05  Wednesday 3:00-4:00 PM | SSM13 | Room: S504CDAdded Value of CT Textural Analysis Compared to PET-CT alone in Differentiating Benign from Malignant Adrenal Lesions?
Shaunagh McDermott, FFR(RCSI) | Leslie K. Lee, MD | Rodrigo Canellas, MD | Hei Shun Yu, MD | Michael S. Gee, MD, PhD | Michael A. Blake, MBBChThis study originated from our customer Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
GU254-SD-THB3  Thursday 12:45-1:15 PM | GUS-THB | GU/UR Community, Learning CenterDiagnostic Performance of Quantitative CT Texture Analysis for Differentiating Lipid-poor Adrenal Cortical Adenoma from Pheochromocytoma
Bing Shi | Gu Mu Yang Zhang, MD | Hao Sun, MD | Huadan Xue, MD | Zheng Yu Jin, MDThis study originated from our customer Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing, China.
IN255-SD-THA6  Thursday 12:15-12:45 PM | INS-THA | IN Community, Learning CenterReproducibility of CT Texture Parameters by Leveraging Publically Available Patient Imaging Datasets

Shih-Hsin Chen | Balaji Ganeshan, PhD | Francesco Fraioli, MD

This study was performed in collaboration with our customer from University College London, London, UK.

 MS162-ED-X   All Day | MS162-ED-X | MS Community, Learning CenterTexture Analysis: Technique, Clinical Facts and Fictions for Tumor Response to Treatment in Abdomen and Pelvis with Focus on Colorectal Cancer

minju kim, MD | Chandana G. Lall, MD | Balaji Ganeshan, PhD

This study originated from our customer University of California, Irvine, California, USA.

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