Home » Tertiary Minerals (TYM) » Creamer Mining Weekly – Tertiary granted exploitation permit for Sweden fluorspar play

Creamer Mining Weekly – Tertiary granted exploitation permit for Sweden fluorspar play



TYM1Johannesburg – Aim-listed Tertiary Minerals has been granted a 25-year exploitation permit to extract fluorspar at its 184 ha, 100%-owned Storuman project.

The company would be required to pay SKr500 000 to the Mining Inspectorate prior to the start of mining operations, which would serve as economic security for the rehabilitation measures after the mine was closed.

Meanwhile, the company said in a statement that it would also make a land allocation application, with the concession area predominantly limited to the area of the proposed openpit.

The concession area did not include the processing plant, tailings facility and associated infrastructure – these areas would be dealt with through the subsequent environmental permit process.

Tertiary expected to develop the project into a one-million-tonne-a-year operation with a mine life exceeding 20 years.

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