Home » Catenae Innovation (CTEA) » Catenae Innovation #CTEA – Posting of AGM

Catenae Innovation #CTEA – Posting of AGM

Catenae Innovation PLC (AIM: CTEA), the AIM quoted provider of digital media and technology announces that the Notice of Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) has been sent to shareholders.

A copy of the Notice of AGM is available on the Company’s website.

The AGM will be held on Friday 25 September 2020 at 12 pm at the offices of Goodman Derrick LLP at 10 St Bride Street, London EC4A 4AD.

Given the current circumstances in relation to Covid-19, the board of directors of the Company has made the decision that the AGM will be held as a closed meeting as permitted by the provisions of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020. This means that the AGM will be convened with the minimum quorum of shareholders (facilitated by the Company) to conduct the formal business of the AGM. As such, for the safety and security of all involved, shareholders and their proxies are unable to attend the AGM in person this year. Any Shareholder who attempts to attend the meeting in person will have to be refused entry. In light of this, you are strongly advised to appoint the Chairman of the meeting as your proxy to ensure that your vote is counted.

– Ends –

For further information please contact:

Catenae Innovation PLC+44 (0)191 580 8545
Guy Meyer, Chief Executive Officer
Cairn Financial Advisers LLP (Nominated Adviser)+44(0)20 7213 0880
Liam Murray / Jo Turner
Brandon Hill Capital Limited, Broker+44 (0)20 3463 5000
Andy Gutmann
Yellow Jersey PR (PR & IP)+44 (0)20 3004 9512
Sarah Hollins / Annabel Atkins

Notes to Editors:

About Catenae Innovation PLC

Catenae Innovation is an AIM quoted provider of digital media and technology services. Catenae use the power of blockchain to deliver solutions where its people-centric technology enables trust and certainty allowing organisations to gain better control over their operations, manage staff and safely welcome customers.

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