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Brand CEO Alan Green talks Brave Bison #BBSN, Apollo Minerals (ASX:AON), Prairie Mining #PDZ & Bilby #BILB on Vox Podcast
Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Brave Bison #BBSN, Apollo Minerals (ASX:AON), Prairie Mining #PDZ & Bilby #BILB with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets Podcast. Interview is 35 minutes 24 seconds in.
Prairie Mining #PDZ – June 2018 Quarterly Report
Highlights from and subsequent to the quarter end:
Possible Prairie and JSW Co-Operation
- During the quarter, Prairie and JSW continued to exchange technical and commercial information in order to facilitate substantial and more advanced discussions regarding any potential co-operation or transaction(s) options in respect of Prairie’s Polish coking coal projects.
- Further meetings were held between the Company and JSW while Prairie has made available information to JSW in relation to both the Debiensko and Jan Karski mines to allow JSW to conduct assessments of their feasibility and economics.
- In a recent statement made by JSW, they disclosed that they expect to make a decision on any potential transaction with Prairie by the end of August 2018. There can be no certainty as to whether any transaction(s) will be agreed, or the potential form of such transaction(s). The Company will continue to comply with its continuous disclosure obligations and will make announcements to the market as required.
Jan Karski Mine
- Following legal proceedings filed against Poland’s Ministry of Environment due to its failure to grant Prairie a Mining Usufruct Agreement at the Jan Karski Mine:
- the Polish Civil Court ruled in Prairie’s favour by granting an injunction preventing the Ministry from granting any prospecting, exploration or mining concession and concluding usufruct agreements with any other party until full court proceedings are concluded; and
- the decision provides security of tenure over the Jan Karski concessions and effectively safeguards Prairie’s rights at the project until full court proceedings are concluded.
- The Lublin Regional Director for the Environment issued an official notification indicating that the process to establish an Environmental Consent decision for Jan Karski would be extended past 30 June 2018 due to further information requests to supplement Prairie’s original Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and ongoing local authority and public consultations.
· Prairie remains in a financially strong position with cash reserves of A$11 million.
For further information, please contact:
Prairie Mining Limited |
+44 20 7478 3900 |
Ben Stoikovich, Chief Executive Officer |
Sapan Ghai, Head of Corporate Development |
The Debiensko Mine (“Debiensko”) is a permitted, hard coking coal project located in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin in the south west of the Republic of Poland. It is approximately 40 km from the city of Katowice and 40 km from the Czech Republic.
Debiensko is bordered by the Knurow-Szczyglowice Mine in the north west and the Budryk Mine in the north east, both owned and operated by Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA (“JSW”), Europe’s leading producer of hard coking coal.
The Debiensko mine was originally opened in 1898 and was operated by various Polish mining companies until 2000 when mining operations were terminated due to a major government led restructuring of the coal sector caused by a downturn in global coal prices. In early 2006 New World Resources Plc (“NWR”) acquired Debiensko and commenced planning for Debiensko to comply with Polish mining standards, with the aim of accessing and mining hard coking coal seams. In 2008, the MoE granted a 50-year mine license for Debiensko.
In October 2016, Prairie Mining Limited’s (“Prairie” or “Company”) acquired Debiensko with a view that a revised development approach would potentially allow for the early mining of profitable premium hard coking coal seams, whilst minimising upfront capital costs. Prairie has proven expertise in defining commercially robust projects and applying international standards in Poland. The fact that Debiensko is a former operating mine and its proximity to two neighbouring coking coal producers in the same geological setting, reaffirms the significant potential to successfully bring Debiensko back into operation.
Preparation for the Next Phase of Project Studies
Prairie continues to analyse the drill hole data which will be used for engineering design of foundations of structures associated with the shafts, coal handling and preparation plant (“CHPP”) and other surface facilities. These holes are essential in order to assess the soil conditions, properly design structural foundations and thus provide more accurate pricing in the tenders as required for a feasibility study.
Prairie’s team have also designed an infill drilling program that when undertaken will upgrade more of the resource base at Debiensko to the Measured and Indicated resource categories and support JORC compliant reserve estimation.
The Jan Karski Mine (“Jan Karski”) is a large scale semi-soft coking coal project located in the Lublin Coal Basin in south east Poland. The Lublin Coal Basin is an established coal producing province which is well serviced by modern and highly efficient infrastructure, offering the potential for low capital intensity mine development. Jan Karski is situated adjacent to the Bogdanka coal mine which has been in commercial production since 1982 and is the lowest cost hard coal producer in Europe.
Prairie’s use of modern exploration techniques continues to transform Jan Karski with latest drill results re-affriming the capability of the the project to produce high value ultra-low ash semi-soft coking coal (“SSCC”), known as Type 34 coal in Poland whilst confirming Jan Karski as a globally significant SSCC / Type 34 coking coal deposit with the potential to produce a high value ultra-low ash SSCC with a coking coal product split of up to 75%.
Key benefits for the local community and the Lublin and Chelm regions associated with the development, construction and operation of Jan Karski have been recognised as the following:
- creation of 2,000 direct employment positions and 10,000 indirect jobs for the region once operational;
- increasing skills of the workforce and through the implementation of International Standard training programmes;
- stimulating the development of education, health services and communications within the region; and
- building a mine that creates new employment for generations to come and career paths for families to remain in the region.
Polish Civil Court Grants Injunction in Prairie’s Favour against Poland’s Ministry of Environment
On 3 April 2018, Prairie announced that it had commenced legal proceedings against Poland’s Ministry of Environment (“MoE”) due to its failure to grant Prairie a Mining Usufruct Agreement over the concessions which form the Jan Karski Mine and in order to protect the Company’s security of tenure over the project.
Pursuant to the initiated legal proceedings:
- the Polish Civil Court ruled in Prairie’s favour by granting an injunction preventing the MoE from granting prospecting, exploration or mining concessions and concluding usufruct agreements with any other party until full court proceedings are concluded;
- the decision provides security of tenure over the Jan Karski concessions and effectively safeguards Prairie’s rights at the project until full court proceedings have concluded.
The Regional Civil Court in Warsaw has issued a verdict that forms an injunction preventing the MoE from concluding exploration or mining usufruct agreement(s) regarding the Jan Karski Mine area (including the “Lublin” deposit, as well as the former K-4-5, K-6-7, K-8 and K-9 concession areas) with any party, other than PD Co Sp. z. o.o. (Prairie Mining’s wholly owned Polish subsidiary). The Court has also ordered that the MoE does not grant any concessions (for prospecting, exploration and/or mining) to any party other than PD Co Sp. z. o.o. This highly favourable court ruling was issued in response to Prairie’s application submitted as part of the legal proceedings commenced by Prairie to protect its tenure at Jan Karski.
As a result of the ruling by the Regional Civil Court in Warsaw, security of tenure over the Jan Karski concessions will be safeguarded until full court proceedings have concluded. It is anticipated that full court proceedings could take 12 months or more to complete.
In the justification to the Court’s ruling, the judge stated that: “Based on the evidence one may at this point state that the plaintiff [Prairie] enjoys the right to request conclusion of the requested mining usufruct agreement for the “Lublin” hard coal area (otherwise known as Jan Karski) resulting from Article 15 of the Geological and Mining Law.”
As discussed above, in April 2018, Prairie commenced legal action against the MoE for breaching the Polish Geological and Mining Law (2011) (“GML”) in relation to the award of a Mining Usufruct Agreement to Prairie at Jan Karski.
Prairie has provided the MoE with all documents required by Polish Law to conclude a Mining Usufruct Agreement, including the Geological Documentation approval and an official application for a Mining Usufruct Agreement.
To date the MoE has still not provided Prairie with a Mining Usufruct Agreement for Jan Karski.
Based on professional advice, Prairie considers that the MoE breached the GML and Polish law and is defending its position having commenced legal proceedings against the MoE through the Polish courts to protect its tenure at Jan Karski.
The Company will also consider any other actions necessary to ensure its concession rights are reserved which may result in the Company taking further action against the MoE including invoking the protection afforded to the Company under any relevant bi-lateral or multi-lateral investment treaties or such other actions as the Company may consider appropriate at the relevant time.
Prairie will continue to update the market in relation to this matter as required.
Regional Director for the Environment sets a new deadline for issuing an Environmental Consent Decision
Prairie completed an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and made submissions to the Lublin Regional Director for the Environment (“RDOS”) for an Environmental Consent decision for Jan Karski in October 2017. During the quarter, the RDOS issued a notice indicating that the Environmental Proceedings would be delayed further, subject to the receipt of additional information requested by the RDOS which the Company, together with its appointed environmental consultants, are working to provide. During the quarter, there was a change of personnel fulfilling the functions of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Lublin RDOS.
Possible Co-Operation between Prairie and JSW
Prairie and JSW have entered into a Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”) with respect to potential co-operation regarding Prairie’s two Polish coal projects. The purpose of the NDA is to allow for the exchange of technical and commercial information in order to facilitate substantial and more advanced discussions regarding any potential transaction(s) options in respect of Prairie’s projects.
Prairie will make available information in relation to the hard coking coal project under the Debiensko concession, to allow JSW to conduct an assessment of its feasibility and economics, taking into consideration factors including, but not limited to: its stage of development, conditions of the mining concession, environmental permits, and the mining usufruct contract. JSW will also assess other various risks and opportunities, including JSW’s existing infrastructure at the neighbouring Knurów-Szczygłowice mine.
Prairie will also make available to JSW information in relation to the Jan Karski project in the Lublin Coal Basin, to allow JSW to conduct an assessment of the project’s feasibility and economics regarding coking coal, taking into consideration factors including, but not limited to: its phase of development, the physical and chemical parameters of the coal (in particular its coking parameters), the timeframe and conditions with regards to obligations to obtain a mining concession, as well as other various risks and opportunities.
It is emphasised that any potential transaction(s), should they occur, may be subject to a number of conditions including, but not limited to, obtaining positive evaluations and expert opinions, necessary corporate approvals, consents and approvals related to funding, consents from Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) if required, and any other requirements that may relate to the strategy, objectives and regulatory regimes applicable to either Prairie Mining or JSW.
In a recent statement made by JSW, they disclosed that they expect to make a decision on any potential transaction with Prairie by the end of August 2018. There can be no certainty as to whether any transaction(s) will be agreed, or the potential form of such transaction(s).
The NDA, signed at the end of March 2018, provides for discussions to be conducted for an initial period up to 6 months, which may be extended by mutual agreement of both parties. The companies will continue to comply with their respective disclosure obligations to the relevant markets, as required.
Financial Position and Balance Sheet
Prairie has cash reserves of A$11 million. With CD Capital’s right to invest a further A$68 million as a cornerstone investor, Prairie is in a strong financial position to progress with its planned activities at Debiensko and Jan Karski.
During the quarter, the convertible loan note held by CD Capital with a principal amount of A$15 million was converted into 44.8 million ordinary shares and the subsequent issue of 22.4 million A$0.60 unlisted options.
Forward Looking Statements
This release may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on Prairie’s expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward looking statements are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Prairie, which could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements. Prairie makes no undertaking to subsequently update or revise the forward-looking statements made in this release, to reflect the circumstances or events after the date of that release.
Competent Person Statements
The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results was extracted from Prairie’s announcement dated 21 February 2018 entitled “Drill Results Affirm Jan Karski’s Status as a Globally Significant Semi-Soft (Type 34) Coking Coal Project”. The information in the original announcement is based on, and fairly represents information compiled or reviewed by Mr Jonathan O’Dell, a Competent Person who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr O’Dell is a part time consultant of the Company. Mr O’Dell has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Prairie confirms that: a) it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original announcements; b) all material assumptions and technical parameters included in the original announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed; and c) the form and context in which the relevant Competent Persons’ findings are presented in this presentation have not been materially modified from the original announcements.
As at 30 June 2018, the Company has an interest in the following tenements:
Location |
Tenement |
Percentage Interest |
Status |
Tenement Type |
Jan Karski, Poland |
Jan Karski Mine Plan Area (K-4-5, K-6-7, K-8 and K-9)* |
100 |
Granted |
Exclusive Right to apply for a mining concession |
Jan Karski, Poland |
Kulik (K-4-5) |
100 |
Granted |
Exploration |
Jan Karski, Poland |
Syczyn (K-8) |
100 |
Granted |
Exploration |
Jan Karski, Poland |
Kopina (K-9) |
100 |
Granted |
Exploration |
Debiensko, Poland |
Debiensko 1** |
100 |
Granted |
Mining |
Debiensko, Poland |
Kaczyce 1 |
100 |
Granted |
Mining & Exploration (includes gas rights) |
* In July 2015, Prairie announced that it had secured the Exclusive Right to apply for a Mining Concession for Jan Karski as a result of its Geological Documentation for the Jan Karski deposit being approved by Poland’s MoE. The approved Geological Documentation covers areas of all four original Exploration Concessions granted to Prairie (K-4-5, K-6-7, K-8 and K-9) and includes the full extent of the targeted resources within the mine plan for Jan Karski. As a result of the Exclusive Right, Prairie was the only entity with a legal right to lodge a Mining Concession application over Jan Karski for the period up and until 2 April 2018. Under the Polish GML, a Mining Concession application comprises the submission of a Deposit Development Plan (“DDP”), approval of a spatial development plan (rezoning of land for mining use) and an Environmental Consent decision. Prairie has previously announced that the DDP and spatial development plans for Jan Karski have already been approved.
However, as of the date of this quarterly, Prairie has not yet received the required Environmental Consent decision, which remains pending. Prairie completed an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and made submissions to RDOS for an Environmental Consent decision in October 2017. Prairie has not been able to apply for a Mining Concession for Jan Karski due to the delay in the issuance of an Environmental Consent decision. However, the Environmental Consent proceedings continue to progress and the Company has received notice from the RDOS to provide supplementary information to the originally submitted Environmental & Social Impact Assessment.
The approval of Prairie’s Geological Documentation in 2015 also conferred upon Prairie the legal right to apply for a Mining Usufruct Agreement over Jan Karski for an additional 12-month period beyond April 2018, which precludes any other parties being granted any licence over all or part of the Jan Karski concessions. Under Polish law, the MoE is strictly obligated, within three months of Prairie making an application for a Mining Usufruct Agreement, to grant the agreement. It should be noted that the MoE confirmed Prairie’s priority right in two written statements (i.e. in a final administrative decision dated 11 February 2016 and in a formal letter dated 13 April 2016). Prairie applied to the MoE for a Mining Usufruct Agreement over Jan Karski in late December 2017. As of the date of this quarterly the MoE has not made available to Prairie a Mining Usufruct Agreement for Jan Karski, therefore breaching the three-month obligatory period for the agreement to be concluded. Legal advice provided to Prairie concludes that failure of the MoE to grant Prairie the Mining Usufruct Agreement is a breach of Polish law. Accordingly, the Company commenced legal proceedings against the MoE through the Polish courts in order to protect the Company’s security of tenure over the Jan Karski concessions. Since the MoE has not provided a decision within three months regarding Prairie’s Mining Usufruct application, the Polish civil court has the power to enforce conclusion of a Usufruct Agreement in place of the MoE. In the event that a Mining Usufruct Agreement is not made available to the Company on acceptable terms or the Company does not enter into a Mining Usufruct Agreement for any other reason, other parties may be able to apply for exploration or mining rights for all or part of the Jan Karski concession area. However, given that the Civil Court has approved Prairie’s motion for an injunction against the MoE, as described above, the MoE is now prevented from entering into a Usufruct agreement or concession with any other party besides Prairie until the full court proceedings are concluded.
** Under the terms of the Debiensko Mining Concession issued in 2008 by the MoE (which is valid for 50 years from grant date), commencement of production was to occur by 1 January 2018. In December 2016, following the acquisition of Debiensko, Prairie applied to the MoE to amend the 50 year Debiensko Mining Concession. The purpose of the concession amendment was to extend the time stipulated in the Mining Concession for first production of coal from 2018 to 2025. Prairie has now received an initial and appealable, first instance decision from the MoE that has denied the Company’s amendment application. However, Prairie continues to have valid tenure and ownership of land at Debiensko. Not meeting the production timeframe stipulated in the concession does not immediately infringe on the validity and expiry date of the Debiensko Mining Concession, which is June 2058. Prairie also holds a valid environmental consent decision enabling mine construction. Prairie will appeal the MoE’s decision on the basis that its justification for denial is fundamentally flawed for a number of reasons including failure to take into account the requirements of the law and public interest in Poland, and the relevant facts of the Company and its amendment application. Prairie will strongly defend its position and continue to take relevant actions to pursue its legal rights regarding the Debiensko concession. Prairie’s legal team is in the process of preparing this appeal, which will point out the deficiencies of the MoE’s first instance decision. However, if Prairie’s appeal is unsuccessful, then this may lead to the commencement of proceedings by the MoE to limit or withdraw the Debiensko concession. Prairie also has the right of further appeal to Poland’s administrative courts. The Company will consider any other actions necessary to ensure its concession rights are preserved, which may result in the Company taking further action against the MoE including invoking the protection afforded to the Company under any relevant bi-lateral or multi-lateral investment treaties or such other actions as the Company may consider appropriate at the relevant time.
+Rule 5.5
Appendix 5B
Mining exploration entity and oil and gas exploration entity quarterly report
Introduced 01/07/96 Origin Appendix 8 Amended 01/07/97, 01/07/98, 30/09/01, 01/06/10, 17/12/10, 01/05/13, 01/09/16
Name of entity |
Quarter ended (“current quarter”) |
23 008 677 852 |
30 June 2018 |
Consolidated statement of cash flows |
Current quarter $A’000 |
Year to date (12 months) |
1. |
Cash flows from operating activities |
– |
– |
1.1 |
Receipts from customers |
1.2 |
Payments for |
(805) |
(5,679) |
(a) exploration & evaluation |
(b) development |
– |
– |
(c) production |
– |
– |
(d) staff costs |
(417) |
(1,990) |
(e) administration and corporate costs |
(360) |
(1,076) |
1.3 |
Dividends received (see note 3) |
– |
– |
1.4 |
Interest received |
73 |
370 |
1.5 |
Interest and other costs of finance paid |
– |
– |
1.6 |
Income taxes paid |
– |
– |
1.7 |
Research and development refunds |
– |
– |
1.8 |
Other (provide details if material) (a) Business development costs (b) Property rental and gas sales |
(104) 104 |
(777) 504 |
1.9 |
Net cash from / (used in) operating activities |
(1,509) |
(8,648) |
2. |
Cash flows from investing activities |
(3) |
(88) |
2.1 |
Payments to acquire: |
(a) property, plant and equipment |
(b) tenements (see item 10) |
– |
– |
(c) investments |
– |
– |
(d) other non-current assets |
– |
– |
2.2 |
Proceeds from the disposal of: |
– |
497 |
(a) property, plant and equipment |
(b) tenements (see item 10) |
– |
– |
(c) investments |
– |
– |
(d) other non-current assets |
– |
– |
2.3 |
Cash flows from loans to other entities |
– |
– |
2.4 |
Dividends received (see note 3) |
– |
– |
2.5 |
Other (provide details if material) |
– |
– |
2.6 |
Net cash from / (used in) investing activities |
(3) |
409 |
3. |
Cash flows from financing activities |
– |
– |
3.1 |
Proceeds from issues of shares |
3.2 |
Proceeds from issue of convertible notes |
– |
2,627 |
3.3 |
Proceeds from exercise of share options |
– |
– |
3.4 |
Transaction costs related to issues of shares, convertible notes or options |
– |
(182) |
3.5 |
Proceeds from borrowings |
– |
– |
3.6 |
Repayment of borrowings |
– |
– |
3.7 |
Transaction costs related to loans and borrowings |
– |
– |
3.8 |
Dividends paid |
– |
– |
3.9 |
Other (provide details if material) |
– |
– |
3.10 |
Net cash from / (used in) financing activities |
– |
2,445 |
4. |
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents for the period |
12,529 |
16,809 |
4.1 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
4.2 |
Net cash from / (used in) operating activities (item 1.9 above) |
(1,509) |
(8,648) |
4.3 |
Net cash from / (used in) investing activities (item 2.6 above) |
(3) |
409 |
4.4 |
Net cash from / (used in) financing activities (item 3.10 above) |
– |
2,445 |
4.5 |
Effect of movement in exchange rates on cash held |
(1) |
1 |
4.6 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
11,016 |
11,016 |
5. |
Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents |
Current quarter |
Previous quarter |
5.1 |
Bank balances |
3,016 |
2,029 |
5.2 |
Call deposits |
8,000 |
10,500 |
5.3 |
Bank overdrafts |
– |
– |
5.4 |
Other (provide details) |
– |
– |
5.5 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter (should equal item 4.6 above) |
11,016 |
12,529 |
6. |
Payments to directors of the entity and their associates |
Current quarter |
6.1 |
Aggregate amount of payments to these parties included in item 1.2 |
(188) |
6.2 |
Aggregate amount of cash flow from loans to these parties included in item 2.3 |
Nil |
6.3 |
Include below any explanation necessary to understand the transactions included in items 6.1 and 6.2 |
Payments include executive remuneration (including bonuses), director fees, superannuation and provision of a fully serviced office. |
7. |
Payments to related entities of the entity and their associates |
Current quarter |
7.1 |
Aggregate amount of payments to these parties included in item 1.2 |
– |
7.2 |
Aggregate amount of cash flow from loans to these parties included in item 2.3 |
– |
7.3 |
Include below any explanation necessary to understand the transactions included in items 7.1 and 7.2 |
Not applicable
8. |
Financing facilities available |
Total facility amount at quarter end |
Amount drawn at quarter end |
8.1 |
Loan facilities |
– |
– |
8.2 |
Credit standby arrangements |
– |
– |
8.3 |
Other (please specify) |
– |
– |
8.4 |
Include below a description of each facility above, including the lender, interest rate and whether it is secured or unsecured. If any additional facilities have been entered into or are proposed to be entered into after quarter end, include details of those facilities as well. |
9. |
Estimated cash outflows for next quarter |
$A’000 |
9.1 |
Exploration and evaluation |
(1,000) |
9.2 |
Development |
– |
9.3 |
Production |
– |
9.4 |
Staff costs |
(500) |
9.5 |
Administration and corporate costs |
(200) |
9.6 |
Other (provide details if material) |
(100) |
9.7 |
Total estimated cash outflows |
(1,800) |
10. |
Changes in tenements |
Tenement reference and location |
Nature of interest |
Interest at beginning of quarter |
Interest at end of quarter |
10.1 |
Interests in mining tenements and petroleum tenements lapsed, relinquished or reduced |
– |
– |
– |
– |
10.2 |
Interests in mining tenements and petroleum tenements acquired or increased |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Compliance statement
1 This statement has been prepared in accordance with accounting standards and policies which comply with Listing Rule 19.11A.
2 This statement gives a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.
[lodged electronically without signature]
Sign here: …………………………………………………… Date: 31 July 2018
(Director/Company secretary)
Print name: Dylan Browne
1. The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the entity’s activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect on its cash position. An entity that wishes to disclose additional information is encouraged to do so, in a note or notes included in or attached to this report.
2. If this quarterly report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, the definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources and AASB 107: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report. If this quarterly report has been prepared in accordance with other accounting standards agreed by ASX pursuant to Listing Rule 19.11A, the corresponding equivalent standards apply to this report.
3. Dividends received may be classified either as cash flows from operating activities or cash flows from investing activities, depending on the accounting policy of the entity.
Prairie Mining #PDZ – Change of Director’s Interest Notice
Name of entity Prairie Mining Limited |
ABN 23 008 677 852 |
We (the entity) give ASX the following information under listing rule 3.19A.2 and as agent for the director for the purposes of section 205G of the Corporations Act.
Name of Director |
Thomas TODD
Date of last notice |
16 September 2014 |
Part 1 – Change of director’s relevant interests in securities
In the case of a trust, this includes interests in the trust made available by the responsible entity of the trust
Note: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (i) of the definition of “notifiable interest of a director” should be disclosed in this part.
Direct or indirect interest |
Nature of indirect interest (including registered holder) Note: Provide details of the circumstances giving rise to the relevant interest. |
T2 Resources Pty Ltd (Director and shareholder)
Date of change |
30 June 2018
No. of securities held prior to change |
A. 2,800,000 B. 1,400,000 |
Class |
A. Fully paid ordinary shares B. Unlisted options exercisable at $0.45 each on or before 30 June 2018 |
Number acquired |
Nil |
Number disposed |
A. Nil B. (1,400,000)
Value/Consideration Note: If consideration is non-cash, provide details and estimated valuation
Nil |
No. of securities held after change |
A. 2,800,000 B. Nil |
Nature of change Example: on-market trade, off-market trade, exercise of options, issue of securities under dividend reinvestment plan, participation in buy-back |
Expiry of unlisted options |
Part 2 – Change of director’s interests in contracts
Note: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (ii) of the definition of “notifiable interest of a director” should be disclosed in this part.
Detail of contract |
Not applicable
Nature of interest |
Not applicable
Name of registered holder (if issued securities) |
Not applicable |
Date of change |
Not applicable
No. and class of securities to which interest related prior to change Note: Details are only required for a contract in relation to which the interest has changed |
Not applicable |
Interest acquired |
Not applicable
Interest disposed |
Not applicable
Value/Consideration Note: If consideration is non-cash, provide details and an estimated valuation |
Not applicable |
Interest after change |
Not applicable
Part 3 – +Closed period
Were the interests in the securities or contracts detailed above traded during a +closed period where prior written clearance was required? |
No |
If so, was prior written clearance provided to allow the trade to proceed during this period? |
Not applicable |
If prior written clearance was provided, on what date was this provided? |
Not applicable |
Initial notification/Amendment |
Initial |
213800EHCGNYSCN9T108 |
Place of transaction |
Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) |
Rule 3.19A.2
Appendix 3Y
Change of Director’s Interest Notice
Information or documents not available now must be given to ASX as soon as available. Information and documents given to ASX become ASX’s property and may be made public.
Introduced 30/09/01 Amended 01/01/11
Name of entity Prairie Mining Limited |
ABN 23 008 677 852
We (the entity) give ASX the following information under listing rule 3.19A.2 and as agent for the director for the purposes of section 205G of the Corporations Act.
Name of Director |
Todd HANNIGAN (alternate director for Thomas TODD)
Date of last notice |
22 December 2015 |
Part 1 – Change of director’s relevant interests in securities
In the case of a trust, this includes interests in the trust made available by the responsible entity of the trust
Note: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (i) of the definition of “notifiable interest of a director” should be disclosed in this part.
Direct or indirect interest |
Nature of indirect interest (including registered holder) Note: Provide details of the circumstances giving rise to the relevant interest. |
T2 Resources Pty Ltd (Director and shareholder) DITM Pty Ltd (Director and shareholder) |
Date of change |
30 June 2018
No. of securities held prior to change |
A. 3,504,223 B. 1,400,000 |
Class |
A. Fully paid ordinary shares B. Unlisted options exercisable at $0.45 each on or before 30 June 2018 |
Number acquired |
Nil |
Number disposed |
A. Nil B. (1,400,000)
Value/Consideration Note: If consideration is non-cash, provide details and estimated valuation
Nil |
No. of securities held after change |
A. 3,504,223 B. Nil |
Nature of change Example: on-market trade, off-market trade, exercise of options, issue of securities under dividend reinvestment plan, participation in buy-back |
Expiry of unlisted options |
Part 2 – Change of director’s interests in contracts
Note: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (ii) of the definition of “notifiable interest of a director” should be disclosed in this part.
Detail of contract |
Not applicable
Nature of interest |
Not applicable
Name of registered holder (if issued securities) |
Not applicable |
Date of change |
Not applicable
No. and class of securities to which interest related prior to change Note: Details are only required for a contract in relation to which the interest has changed |
Not applicable |
Interest acquired |
Not applicable
Interest disposed |
Not applicable
Value/Consideration Note: If consideration is non-cash, provide details and an estimated valuation |
Not applicable |
Interest after change |
Not applicable
Part 3 – +Closed period
Were the interests in the securities or contracts detailed above traded during a +closed period where prior written clearance was required? |
No |
If so, was prior written clearance provided to allow the trade to proceed during this period? |
Not applicable |
If prior written clearance was provided, on what date was this provided? |
Not applicable |
Initial notification/Amendment |
Initial |
213800EHCGNYSCN9T108 |
Place of transaction |
Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) |
JSW: A decision soon on Prairie Mining’s #PDZ assets
JSW assumes that by the end of July it will decide on the assets of Prairie Mining – informed the president Daniel Ozon. “I assume that by the end of July we will be after full analysis and technical reports and reports from legal and financial advisors and at the end of July we will probably make such a decision “– said the president of JSW.
At the end of March, JSW reported on the conclusion of an agreement with Prairie Mining on the potential establishment of cooperation on Prairie coal projects in Poland
. Prairie was to provide information about the coking coal mining project in the Dębieńsko-1 concession and information about the Jan Karski project in the Lublin Coal Basin. “For several weeks, including advisors, we have audited these concessions and are investigating the state of their legal status,” Ozon said.
He added that it is not simple, among others due to disputes with Bogdanka’s management regarding Jan Karski. “The next stage we would possibly go through is price-related issues and price negotiations, if we find out that these assets are interesting to us,” he said. He repeated that there are various scenarios: cooperation with Prairie Mining, takeover of one or both projects or total abandonment of these concessions.
Ozon informed that, theoretically, for the Dębieńsko-1 deposit, JSW can reach from the Szczygłowice mine. The total resources of this deposit are estimated at 301 million tonnes, and the resources shown to be acquired at 93 million tonnes. The planned service life is about 50 years.
“Potentially, we could consider the scenario that in the first phase of exploitation we are able to extract coal without the need to build a shaft and infrastructure, using the Szczygłowice infrastructure, and at the same time build the shaft to start production at full steam around 2-2.5 million tonnes annually, “said Ozon.
“The Dębina concession in potentially two stages of accessibility is interesting for us, because it enables fairly rapid entry into decks and production in the first phase, without major investment outlays, to 0.5 million tonnes of coal,” added JSW.
He informed that in the case of the Jan Karski mine project, total resources are estimated at 728 million tons of coal, and resources indicated for acquisition at 352 million tons. JSW informed PAP Biznes several weeks ago that after the results for the first half of the year the company could enter the US market with the issue of bonds and ends talks with banks regarding a syndicated loan in the amount of approx. PLN 1 billion in refinancing on the domestic market.
On Friday, Ozon said the issue of bonds is being analyzed. “As for debt refinancing, in the summer we should finalize a five-year syndicated loan,” said Ozon.
Polish Press Agency
Original article here
Prairie Mining #PDZ see shares rise on WSE as the chance of JSW asset purchase and resolution of MoE dispute looks increasingly likely
Coal mine (photo: Jakub Orzechowski / Agencja Gazeta)
Even by over 18 percent. On Tuesday, shares of the Australian company Prairie Mining on the Polish stock exchange were ticking. The situation from the end of March is repeated. And then, today, the minds of stock market players lit up the news about the sale of assets of Prairie Mining Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa (JSW).
The sharp rise in pricing of the Prairie Mining stock seems to be connected with the statements of Daniel Ozone, President of JSW, published on Monday evening. In an interview with PAP Biznes, he spoke about his company’s intentions regarding Prairie Mining’s assets.
– We analyze all Prairie assets in Poland, although assets in the Lublin region are more distant, complicated. I would like us to be able to make certain decisions in July. Various options are possible: theoretically, there is an option to take over the entire Prairie, as well as individual assets, because each concession is in a subsidiary – Daniel Ozon explained.
These words, together with the additional explanations of the president who told PAP how he wants to finance the purchase of assets from Australians and that the decision to buy JSW would like to take place in July, caused the Prairie Mining course to start on Tuesday. A few moments after the start of the session, the shares of the Australian company cost over 18 percent. more than on Monday at closing. Moments later, they were a bit cheaper, but they still gain a lot.
What does JSW want to buy from Prairie Mining?
Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa (JSW) wants to buy from Prairie Mining above all the Karbonia company, which has a mining license for the closed Dębieńsko mine located south of Gliwice. Australians have it since 2016 – they bought it for 2 million euros from the bankruptcy of NWR.
The Dębieńsko mine was established in 1898 and operated until 2000. In 2006, it was bought by the Czech coal concern NWR, which two years later received a 50-year mining license. Since October 2016 , design work in Dębieńsk has been carried out by Prairie Mining.
– The new Dębieńsko mine will extract high quality type 35 coal. The evaluation study published in March 2017 showed an average operating cost of $ 47 / ton with a stable production of 2.6 million tonnes. This will be the lowest production cost of coking coal delivered to markets in Central Europe, according to Prairie Mining’s press release from February.
The Dębieńsko mine is ideally suited to the JSW portfolio. Let us recall the coal company that specializes in the extraction of coking coal used in metallurgy. He also wants to significantly increase his extraction. It will be difficult to do without a new mine.
Prairie Mining also wanted to build a coal mine Jan Karski in the province Lublin. The facility was to be built near the place where the mine is being led by the Bogdanka mine and extracting steam coal.
Prairie Mining in a dispute with the Ministry of the Environment
Importantly, Prairie Mining shares grow after strong declines at the end of May – this is clearly seen in the chart below.
Quotes Prairie Mining Stooq.pl
The shares of the Australian company were then cheap because of the information that the Ministry of Environment (Ministry of Environment) rejected the request of Prairie Mining Limited for changes in the concession for the Dębieńsko project. The resort does not agree that the Australians will postpone the deadline for starting production in the mine for 2025. Earlier, Prairie Mining was to launch it in January this year.
-. Prairie is convinced that the reasons for the decision are flawed and do not take into account legal requirements, public interest, company facts and change requests, which provides further evidence of discriminatory treatment of Prairie as a foreign investor in Poland – we read in a company statement from the end of May .
In addition, the company added that the ministry needed 17 months to issue a decision, while it was legally obliged to respond to the request within two months.
The Ministry of the Environment also has doubts about signing an agreement with the Australians on the so-called mining use in the case of the Jan Karski mine. Without it, the construction of a new facility is impossible. At the beginning of April, Prairie reported that it had begun court action against the Ministry of the Environment due to the failure to grant mining rights in the area covered by the law, including the planned mine, Jan Karski.
All this suggests that our government is not sympathetic to Prairie Mining’s investments in Poland. It seems that it is trying to force the company to sell assets controlled by the JSW state. Risky game – it can end with another expensive process and compensation for a foreign investor.
The text comes from the blog PortalTechnologiczny.pl .
Brand CEO Alan Green discusses #PDZ, #IMCP and #BON with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast
Brand CEO Alan Green discusses developments at Prairie Mining #PDZ, IMC Exploration #IMCP and VectorVest stock pick Bonmarche #BON with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. The interview is 34 minutes 26 seconds in.
Prairie Mining #PDZ – Update regarding discussions on possible co-operation with JSW
Further to Prairie Mining #PDZ announcement on 29 March 2018 on the possible co-operation between Prairie and Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA (“JSW”), Prairie notes recent press articles regarding comments by representatives from JSW on possible transaction(s) between the Company and JSW with respect to Prairie’s Polish coal projects.
The Company advises that discussions continue to take place as part of the exchange of technical and commercial information as referenced in the Company’s announcement on 29 March 2018. Commercial discussions continue to be at a preliminary stage and that even if they move onto discussions of specific transactions terms there can be no certainty as to whether any transaction(s) will be agreed, or the potential form of such transaction(s). The Company expects further exchange of information will continue with JSW.
Any potential transaction(s), should they occur, may be subject to a number of conditions including, but not limited to, obtaining positive evaluations and expert opinions, necessary corporate approvals, consents and approvals related to funding, consents from Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) if required, and any other requirements that may relate to the strategy, objectives and regulatory regimes applicable to the respective issuers.
The Company will continue to comply with its continuous disclosure obligations and will make announcements to the market as required.
For further information, please contact:
Prairie Mining Limited |
Tel: +44 207 478 3900 |
Ben Stoikovich, Chief Executive Officer |
Email: info@pdz.com.au |
Sapan Ghai, Head of Corporate Development |
Prairie Mining #PDZ – CD Capital now a substantial shareholder
On 5 June 2018, Prairie Mining Limited was notified via the filing of a Form 603 with ASX that CD Capital Natural Resources Fund III LP (CD Capital) had provided notice of initial substantial holder (as defined by the Corporations Act 2001) of the Company as of 30 May 2018, following the conversion of a convertible loan note with a principal amount of A$15,000,000, exchangeable into 44,776,120 ordinary shares. CD Capital now holds 44,776,120 ordinary shares, representing 17.43% of the Company’s issued share capital.
For further information please contact:
Prairie Mining Limited |
Tel: +44 207 478 3900 |
Ben Stoikovich, Chief Executive Officer |
Email: info@pdz.com.au |
Sapan Ghai, Head of Corporate Development |
Prairie Mining #PDZ – JSW coal eyes making decision on Prairie assets in July, could seek USD financing for further capex – PAP Biznes
Article by PAP Biznes
Listed coking coal miner JSW is in the midst of talks with coal miner Prairie Mining regarding potential investment in Prairie assets and might seek USD financing for capex projects related to Prairie assets if a positive decision is taken in July, CEO Daniel Ozon told PAP.
“Some talks with Prairie Mining have been conducted, further ones are scheduled for June,” Ozon said. “I would like us to make some decisions in July.”
“Those assets would generate for us 2-2.5 mln tons of coal annually,” he said.
JSW options include taking over Prairie Mining as a whole, or particular assets, because mining licenses belong to subsidiaries, not the firm itself. While all the assets are in play, the Lubelskie region projects are “remote, complicated.”
To finance the Prairie-related spending, JSW could seek financing on the US market, possibly a USD 500 mln benchmark bond issue, but first needs to complete the process of securing a debt rating.
“We could finance the transaction itself with cash, but further capex for example for a new shaft and the processing plant could be estimated at several billion zloty,” the CEO said.
“If we finish process with [rating] agencies … and the situation on the market is still good, then one can imagine that after H1 results we could go out with an issue of possibly benchmark size of some USD 500 mln,” he said.
Elsewhere in financing, JSW is in advanced talks with Polish banks on PLN 1 bln in refinancing.
‘We are quite advanced with closing deals with banks on refinancing,” the official said. “We are targeting neighborhood PLN 1 bln, we are talking here about a consortial loan.”
Prairie Mining #PDZ – Notification of Major Holding(s) in Company
TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings
NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the FCA in Microsoft Word format if possible)i |
1a. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attachedii: |
Prairie Mining Ltd Sedol BYSQ580 |
1b. Please indicate if the issuer is a non-UK issuer (please mark with an “X” if appropriate) |
Non-UK issuer |
X |
2. Reason for the notification (please mark the appropriate box or boxes with an “X”) |
An acquisition or disposal of voting rights |
An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments |
An event changing the breakdown of voting rights |
X |
Other (please specify)iii: |
3. Details of person subject to the notification obligationiv |
Name |
1Lansdowne Partners International Limited 2Lansdowne Partners Limited 3Lansdowne Partners (UK) LLP 4Lansdowne European Equity Master Fund Limited
City and country of registered office (if applicable) |
London, United Kingdom |
4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)v |
Name |
n/a |
City and country of registered office (if applicable) |
n/a |
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedvi: |
30/05/2018 |
6. Date on which issuer notified (DD/MM/YYYY): |
01/06/2018 |
7. Total positions of person(s) subject to the notification obligation |
% of voting rights attached to shares (total of 8. A) |
% of voting rights through financial instruments |
Total of both in % (8.A + 8.B) |
Total number of voting rights of issuervii |
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached |
Less than 5% |
Less than 5% |
212,275,089 |
Position of previous notification (if applicable) |
6.06% |
6.06% |
8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedviii |
A: Voting rights attached to shares |
Class/type of ISIN code (if possible) |
Number of voting rightsix |
% of voting rights |
Direct (Art 9 of Directive 2004/109/EC) (DTR5.1) |
Indirect (Art 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC) (DTR5.2.1) |
Direct (Art 9 of Directive 2004/109/EC) (DTR5.1) |
Indirect (Art 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC) (DTR5.2.1) |
B 1: Financial Instruments according to Art. 13(1)(a) of Directive 2004/109/EC (DTR5.3.1.1 (a)) |
Type of financial instrument |
Expiration |
Exercise/ |
Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/converted. |
% of voting rights |
B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to Art. 13(1)(b) of Directive 2004/109/EC (DTR5.3.1.1 (b)) |
Type of financial instrument |
Expiration |
Exercise/ |
Physical or cash settlementxii |
Number of voting rights |
% of voting rights |
n/a |
n/a |
Cash |
Less than 5% |
Less than 5% |
Less than 5% |
Less than 5% |
9. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please mark the applicable box with an “X”) |
Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuerxiii |
Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the |
X |
Namexv |
% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold |
% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold |
Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold |
Lansdowne Partners International Limited |
Less than 5% |
Less than 5% |
Lansdowne Partners Limited |
Lansdowne Partners (UK) LLP |
Less than 5% |
Less than 5% |
Lansdowne European Equity Master Fund Limited |
Less than 5% |
Less than 5% |
10. In case of proxy voting, please identify: |
Name of the proxy holder |
The number and % of voting rights held |
The date until which the voting rights will be held |
11. Additional informationxvi |
Place of completion |
London |
Date of completion |
01 June 2018 |