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#MNRG MetalNRG plc- Litigation Update
31st October 2022 / Leave a comment
MetalNRG plc (“the Company”) announces that further to the High Court’s written judgements in the Company’s application for summary judgement against BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd, the first and third defendants (together the “Defendants”), in its action for recission of certain contracts and restitution, the deadline for the Defendants to make payment to the Company in the sum of £1,122,961.85 (which includes interest awarded and interim costs recovery) was 4.00pm on 26th October 2022) (the “Payment Deadline”).
The First Defendant has now made total payments to the Company of £556,270.33 (of which only £250,001 was received by the Payment Deadline and only £16,269.22 has been paid in respect of interest awarded to the Company).
The Defendants have now written to the Company’s solicitors purporting to have paid the balance that they consider due to the Company pending an appeal of part of the judgement (which appeal notice has also now been served); seemingly awarding themselves a unilateral stay of execution despite such a stay being applied for at the hearing and refused by the Court, and a further stay application pending before the Court of Appeal (and only being made after the deadline for payment having passed).
Clearly such action in is direct contravention of the order made by the High Court and the Company has accordingly commenced enforcement proceedings against the Defendants by the issue and service of statutory demands for the balance due.
The grounds set out in the notice of appeal are, in the opinion of the Company and its advisers, entirely without substance or merit, and the Company will make representations at any hearing to consider granting leave to appeal accordingly.
Separately, the Company and its directors (who are also separately represented) have filed for the strike out of the petition filed by Mr Rocco under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006 (the “Petition”) on the grounds that: (i) Mr Rocco has no real prospect of succeeding on the Petition or for obtaining the claimed relief; (ii) in any event, that Mr Rocco has no real prospect of successfully advancing those claims directed against the Company; and (iii) in any event, there is no other compelling reason why that case should be disposed of at trial.
The grounds stated above also reflect the conclusions of the in the Supplemental Judgment, delivered by Deputy ICC Judge Kyriakides who expressed her own concerns about the purpose of the request for a stay of enforcement in connection with the Petition. In particular, she held that “it would appear that what [Mr Rocco] is seeking to do by relying on his section 994 Petition in this application to stay the Judgment is to confer an indirect and collateral benefit on the [Corporate Defendants] who are not members of the Company and, as already stated, are not parties to the Section 994 Petition.”
She went on to state, at paragraph 4.2.4 of the Supplemental Judgment, that:
(a) “[i]t is difficult to see how it is in the interests of the [Company], and, therefore, in the interests of [Mr Rocco] for there to be a stay of the Judgment”;
(b) “[n]o evidence has been adduced […] to show that the [Company’s] interests would be advanced if the rescission of the April Transaction were to be reversed”; and
(c) “the only interests that would be served if [she] were to order a stay (which, in any event, could only be a stay on the rescission order and not on any liability to account) would be those of the [Corporate Defendants]”.
The Company and its advisers remain of the firm view that Mr Rocco’s requests for relief in the Petition are likely to be disposed of in similar fashion by the High Court and that the Petition is an entirely disingenuous legal action, filed by Mr Rocco as part of a wider scheme to advance his own interests in a personal capacity.
Contact details:
MetalNRG plc Rolf Gerritsen |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 20 7469 0930 |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 1483 413500 |
#MNRG MetalNRG plc – Facility Repayment
31st October 2022 / Leave a comment
MetalNRG plc (“the Company”) announces that further to the announcement made on 7 October 2022 that the Company’s obligations to Global Investment Strategy UK Limited had been reduced from £158,663.09 to £ 58,663.09, the Company is now pleased to report that the final balance has been repaid and the convertible note facility has been retired without the issue of additional equity.
Contact details:
MetalNRG plc Rolf Gerritsen |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 20 7469 0930 |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 1483 413500 |
#MNRG MetalNRG PLC – Further Litigation Update
27th October 2022 / Leave a comment
MetalNRG plc (“the Company”) announces that further to the High Court’s written judgements in the Company’s application for summary judgement against BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd, the first and third defendants (together the “Defendants”), in its action for recission of certain contracts and restitution, the deadline for the Defendants to make payment to the Company in the sum of £1,122,961.85 (which includes interest awarded and interim costs recovery) was 4.00pm yesterday (26th October 2022) (the “Payment Deadline”).
The Company has this morning received the second payment of £250,000 mentioned in the previous release and therefore a total of £500,001 has been received, the Defendants are currently in default in the sum of £622,960.85.
As previously announced the Company will today issue statutory demands for the unpaid balance, as a measure to protect its and its shareholders interests, and if such balance is not paid in full by the Defendants (with such additional interest as may accrue), will proceed to petition for the winding up of, or administrators appointed over, the Defendants on grounds of insolvency.
Contact details:
MetalNRG plc Rolf Gerritsen |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 20 7469 0930 |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 1483 413500 |
#MNRG MetalNRG PLC – Litigation Update
27th October 2022 / Leave a comment
MetalNRG plc (“the Company”) announces that further to the High Court’s written judgements in the Company’s application for summary judgement against BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd, the first and third defendants (together the “Defendants”), in its action for recission of certain contracts and restitution, the deadline for the Defendants to make payment to the Company in the sum of £1,122,961.85 (which includes interest awarded and interim costs recovery) was 4.00pm yesterday (26th October 2022) (the “Payment Deadline”).
The Company received a total of £250,001 before the Payment Deadline and were informed that further £250,000 had been remitted, although as at the current time the second payment has not actually been received, accordingly the Defendants are currently in default in the sum of £972,960.85.
Given that representatives of the Defendants made public statements that they were able to pay the judgement in full, additionally requesting and being granted an extra 14 days from the court to pay over the standard 14 day period, and that the Defendants are now in default of those judgements made by the High Court, the Company will today issue statutory demands for the unpaid balance, as a measure to protect it and its shareholders interests, and if such balance is not paid in full by the Defendants (with such additional interest as may accrue), will proceed to petition for the winding up of, or administrators appointed over, the Defendants on grounds of insolvency.
Contact details:
MetalNRG plc Rolf Gerritsen |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 20 7469 0930 |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 1483 413500 |
#MNRG MetalNRG PLC – Litigation Update
17th October 2022 / Leave a comment
MetalNRG plc (“the Company”) announces that it has received High Court’s written judgements in the Company’s application for summary judgement against BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd, the first and third defendants, in its action for recission of certain contracts and restitution referred to as the “April Transaction”. As previously announced, the Company was advised that the claims against the second defendant (Mr Rocco) required the Court to hear oral evidence, so were not suitable for summary judgment at this juncture.
* Company’s application for summary judgement against BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd has been granted.
* The Judge refused an application for leave to appeal made to her on the day by the Defendants
* The Judge dismissed the application for a stay of execution as being “without merit”.
Noting that representatives of the Defendants appear to have been posting on social media that they achieved some measure of favourable outcome at the hearing, we have set out below a summary of the Court’s findings and Orders as actually made and have extracted what we believe to be key points from the full written judgements delivered by the Court,
We have also made the full judgements available on the Company’s web site www.metalnrg.com under a special section entitled “Summary Judgement”. so that interested parties can draw their own conclusions. The Judge delivered a very detailed judgment on the case before her for summary judgement and also dealt with an additional application, made by all three defendants on the day of the hearing, for a stay of execution, pending the hearing of yet another claim made by Mr Rocco by way of a petition for unfair prejudice under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006.
Key Points from the Summary Judgement
The Judge (1) granted the Company’s application for summary judgement against BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd, the first and third defendants; (2) refused an application for leave to appeal made to her on the day; and (3) dismissed the application for a stay of execution as being “without merit”.
These judgements follow the Company’s successful defence of Mr Rocco’s claims in the Scottish Court which he is now appealing.
We understand that Mr Rocco and associates have publicly stated that BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd will appeal the latest judgements against them. We would suggest that this merely shows a refusal to accept the reality of the situation in which the first and third defendants now find themselves; namely that payment of the sum of £1,019,999 must now be made to the Company by 4pm on 26 October 2022 together with a further £65,000, by way of an interim costs award, and interest on the judgment sum at a rate of 2% over Bank of England Base rate from the 23 September 2021. Further costs will be assessed in the Company’s favour in due course (including the Company’s costs of dealing with the meritless stay application, which costs have been awarded on the indemnity basis – see below). Any appeal (should permission to appeal even be granted) will not (by itself) delay or curtail the requirement for these payments to be made.
We should stress that if full payment is not made in accordance with the Court Orders on the due date, MetalNRG will proceed immediately to take enforcement action.
We are equally dismissive of Mr Rocco and his associates’ public statements that BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd have an excellent case for an appeal. The Judge refused leave to appeal at the hearing and, in the event that BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd seek leave to appeal, they will have to deliver compelling written arguments to the Court of Appeal in seeking such leave to appeal. Given the clarity and comprehensive nature of the judgement of the Judge, we do not believe that an application to appeal stands, in the words of the Judge, “any reasonable chance of success”; it is merely, once again, indicative of an unwillingness to accept reality and part of a pattern of denial to accept responsibility.
In respect of the application made by all three defendants for a stay of execution, the Judge not only dismissed the application as being “without merit” but also ordered that BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd should pay MetalNRG’s costs of that application, such costs to be subject to detailed assessment on the indemnity basis if not agreed. Costs are generally only awarded on an “indemnity basis” if the judge feels that there is a feature of a party’s conduct which takes its actions ‘outside of the norm’ – which in this case was the hopelessness of the argument being run.
Whilst we have no desire to give any potentially biased slant to the judgements (the full judgements available on the Company’s web site www.metalnrg.com (under the general heading investors section and a special section entitled “Summary Judgement”), we note that representatives of the defendants have always asserted that they would easily prevail in this case and we accordingly consider that it is important to demonstrate that the claims made by MetalNRG were not considered by the Judge to be “purely technical” or “contrived”, as has been asserted by the defendants.
The following are extracts from the judgements:
“I would mention at this stage that originally, as part of their Defence, the Defendants contended that [section 190 of the Companies Act 2006] was not engaged because the April Transaction was not with a connected party. However, shortly before the hearing, the Defendants conceded that this point was not correct and did not pursue it. In my judgment, that concession was rightly made”.
“If I accepted the arguments of Mr Levey KC (Counsel for the Defendants), this would, in my judgment, drive a coach and horses through [section 190 of the Companies Act 2006] and defeat the legislative purpose of that provision. Mr Levey KC admitted that, if he were right and no approval by the shareholders was required under [section 190 of the Companies Act 2006], no such approval of the transaction would subsequently be required if ultimately the condition was satisfied. His concession must be correct, because pursuant to [section 190 of the Companies Act 2006] approval of an arrangement must take place at the inception of the arrangement”.
“In conclusion, I accept the submissions of the Claimant and find that the Defendants have no real prospect of establishing at trial that the SPA was not subject to requirements of [section 190 of the Companies Act 2006]. It is, therefore, unnecessary for me to consider Mr Dougherty’s (Counsel to MetalNRG) alternative argument, although had it been necessary to do so, for the reasons set out above and also for reasons similar to those relating to the Company Option, I would have found that the SPA created a right over the Sale Shares.”
“The application for a stay is refused. In brief, my reasons are as follows: although this application is made by all three Defendants, the reality is that it is an application by the Second Defendant (Rocco), against whom no judgment has been entered in these proceedings, in order to protect the remedies that he seeks in the [Petition brought under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006], to which neither the First nor Third Defendant (BritEnergy LLP and BritNRG Ltd) are a party. In my judgment, this is not the right forum to make an application, which effectively seeks to prevent the Claimant from enforcing its judgment against the First and Third Defendants.”
“I am concerned about the purpose of the application for a stay. The purpose of the [Petition brought under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006] is to protect the Second Defendant’s (Rocco’s) interest as a member of the Claimant. However, it would appear that what the Second Defendant [Mr Rocco] is seeking to do by relying on his [Petition brought under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006] in this application to stay the Judgment is to confer an indirect and collateral benefit on the First and Third Defendants who are not members of the Company and, as already stated, are not parties to the [Petition brought under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006]. It is difficult to see how it is in the interests of the Claimant, and, therefore, in the interests of the Second Defendant as a member of the Claimant, for there to be a stay of the Judgment. No evidence has been adduced before me to show that the Claimant’s interests would be advanced if the rescission of the April Transaction were to be reversed. On the evidence before me, the only interests that would be served if I were to order a stay (which, in any event, could only be a stay on the rescission order and not on any liability to account) would be those of the First and Third Defendants”.
Rolf Gerritsen commented:
“MNRG successfully obtained dismissal of Mr Rocco’s claims in Scotland and we have now obtained the summary judgement in the High Court which we sought; summary judgement is only granted in cases where there is no real prospect of a case being defended at trial.
We have also obtained dismissal of the attempts by all three defendants to secure additional delays to avoid repayment of funds that would never have been paid to them had the full facts been known at the time.
The Board sees the appeals and threats to appeal as merely being a tactic to delay the inevitable need to account to MetalNRG, in full, in respect of a transaction that was not lawful. Despite their best efforts the defendants must now repay the funds to MetalNRG by 4pm on 26 October 2022, together with interest and an interim costs award.
If payment is not received, we are already prepared to take immediate enforcement action to give effect to the orders made by the High Court.
We hope that the Company can now focus on building its core business and that this distracting sideshow will finally be at an end for all involved.“
Contact details:
MetalNRG plc Rolf Gerritsen |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 20 7469 0930 |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 1483 413500 |
Litigation Update MetalNRGts #MNRG
16th October 2022 / Leave a comment
MetalNRG plc (“the Company”) announces that further to the High Court’s written judgements in the Company’s application for summary judgement against BritEnergy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Ltd, the first and third defendants (together the “Defendants”), in its action for recission of certain contracts and restitution, the deadline for the Defendants to make payment to the Company in the sum of £1,122,961.85 (which includes interest awarded and interim costs recovery) was 4.00pm on 26th October 2022) (the “Payment Deadline”). First Deendant has now made total payments to the Company of £556,270.33 (of which only £250,001 was received by the Payment Deadline and only £16,269.22 has been paid in respect of interest awarded to the Company).
The Defendants have now written to the Company’s solicitors purporting to have paid the balance that they consider due to the Company pending an appeal of part of the judgement (which appeal notice has also now been served); seemingly awarding themselves a unilateral stay of execution despite such a stay being applied for at the hearing and refused by the Court, and a further stay application pending before the Court of Appeal (and only being made after the deadline for payment having passed).
Clearly such action in is direct contravention of the order made by the High Court and the Company has accordingly commenced enforcement proceedings against the Defendants by the issue and service of statutory demands for the balance due.
The grounds set out in the notice of appeal are, in the opinion of the Company and its advisers, entirely without substance or merit, and the Company will make representations at any hearing to consider granting leave to appeal accordingly.
Separately, the Company and its directors (who are also separately represented) have filed for the strike out of the petition filed by Mr Rocco under section 994 of the Companies Act 2006 (the “Petition”) on the grounds that: (i) Mr Rocco has no real prospect of succeeding on the Petition or for obtaining the claimed relief; (ii) in any event, that Mr Rocco has no real prospect of successfully advancing those claims directed against the Company; and (iii) in any event, there is no other compelling reason why that case should be disposed of at trial.
The grounds stated above also reflect the conclusions of the in the Supplemental Judgment, delivered by Deputy ICC Judge Kyriakides who expressed her own concerns about the purpose of the request for a stay of enforcement in connection with the Petition. In particular, she held that “it would appear that what [Mr Rocco] is seeking to do by relying on his section 994 Petition in this application to stay the Judgment is to confer an indirect and collateral benefit on the [Corporate Defendants] who are not members of the Company and, as already stated, are not parties to the Section 994 Petition.”
She went on to state, at paragraph 4.2.4 of the Supplemental Judgment, that:
(a) “[i]t is difficult to see how it is in the interests of the [Company], and, therefore, in the interests of [Mr Rocco] for there to be a stay of the Judgment”;
(b) “[n]o evidence has been adduced […] to show that the [Company’s] interests would be advanced if the rescission of the April Transaction were to be reversed”; and
(c) “the only interests that would be served if [she] were to order a stay (which, in any event, could only be a stay on the rescission order and not on any liability to account) would be those of the [Corporate Defendants]”.
The Company and its advisers remain of the firm view that Mr Rocco’s requests for relief in the Petition are likely to be disposed of in similar fashion by the High Court and that the Petition is an entirely disingenuous legal action, filed by Mr Rocco as part of a wider scheme to advance his own interests in a personal capacity.
MetalNRG PLC (MRNG) – Result of AGM
20th June 2022 / Leave a comment
At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held today, 20 June 2022 at 9.00 am the Resolutions set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting were duly passed save for Resolutions 6 and 7 (Directors Remuneration Policy and Directors Remuneration Report) and Resolutions 9 (disapplication of pre-emption rights) and Resolution 10 (authority to call general meetings other than annual general meetings on not less than 14 days’ notice).
The results of the poll voting (including all proxy votes) will be available shortly on the Company’s website, www.metalnrg.com .
For further information, please contact:
Corporate Adviser |
+44 (0) 20 7469 0930 |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 1483 413500 |
#MNRG MetalNRG – Legal Proceedings Update
8th June 2022 / Leave a comment
MetalNRG plc (the “Company”) announces that Sheriff Philip Mann has issued his judgement in the case brought by Mr Rocco (a former director of the Company) in the Scottish Sheriff’s Court in which he sought a “declarator” (effectively a court confirmation) and certain other court orders for payment against the Company, on the basis of a service agreement between the parties relating to Mr Rocco’s now-terminated employment with the Company.
Specifically, Mr Rocco sought: (1) payment of a termination payment in the sum of £50,000; (2) confirmation that indemnity provisions for legal expenses contained in the service agreement extended to cover Mr Rocco’s legal costs in the action brought by the Company in the High Court in England and Wales against him, Brit Energy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Limited on an unrestricted and unlimited basis; and (3) payment of his legal expenses in the action brought against him by the Company in the sum of £100,899.24 and continuing.
Sheriff Mann denied all of the applications made by Mr Rocco, confirming (as the Company had argued) that (1) the termination payment could only be due in circumstances in which Mr Rocco was a “good leaver”; and (2) the indemnity could not be construed to extend to allow Mr Rocco to take legal advice or recover his costs relating to his own breach of the service agreement or behaviour and that any alternative construction would also be incompatible with the general principle that a person should not be entitled to benefit from his own breach of contract.
This ruling effectively disposes of Mr Rocco’s claims in the Sheriff’s Court and the Company expects to make an application for its costs in this matter against Mr Rocco at a case management hearing scheduled for 21 June 2022.
Mr Rocco has now brought a separate claim in the Scottish Employment Tribunal for, inter alia, wrongful and unfair dismissal. The Company will vigorously defend this action when it is heard.
The Company is currently awaiting a date for the hearing of its application for summary judgment against Brit Energy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Limited in the proceeds brought by it against those entities and Mr Rocco personally. The fact that the summary judgment application does not extend to Mr Rocco is merely a technical procedural matter; if the Company obtains summary judgment against Brit Energy Holdings LLP and BritNRG Limited this will dispose of the action against two of the three defendants to that action in short order and will allow the Company to streamline the case as regards Mr Rocco personally.
The Company will provide further updates on the application for summary judgement in due course.
Contact details:
MetalNRG plc Rolf Gerritsen |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 20 7469 0930 |
Corporate Broker |
+44 (0) 1483 413500 |
#MNRG MetalNRG – Annual Report and Notice of AGM
27th May 2022 / Leave a comment
MetalNRG plc (LON:MNRG), the natural resources and energy investment company, announces that, further to the announcement of final results for the year ended 31 December 2021, published on 29 April 2022, (“Final Results”), the Company’s Annual Report and Financial Statements has been published and is available on the Company’s website: www.metalnrg.com. The Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 contained in the Annual Report contain no material changes to the Final Results.
MetalNRG’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) will be held at 1 Ely Place, London EC12N 6RY at 9.00 am on Monday, 20 June 2022.
The Notice of AGM, together with the Proxy Form, has been posted to Shareholders and is also available on the Company’s website: www.metalnrg.com. Full details of the operation and arrangements for the AGM are set out in the Notice of AGM.
Given the continued presence of Covid-19 and the rate at which the virus and new mutations can spread, shareholders should be aware that arrangements for the AGM may change at short notice. Any relevant updates regarding the AGM will be made as early as possible before the date of the AGM via the Company’s website: www.metalnrg.com or via a regulatory announcement.
All voting at the resolutions at the AGM will be conducted on a poll which means that shareholders should submit their Proxy Forms by email to info@metalnrg.com or by post to the Company Secretary, City Group PLC, as soon as possible.
We ask that all questions which shareholders wish to raise at the AGM be submitted to info@metalnrg.com in advance.
We additionally ask anyone wishing to attend the meeting to inform the Company Secretary by email at mail@city-group.com of their attendance so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Pursuant to Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, a copy of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 has already been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and a copy of the AGM circular and Notice of AGM will be submitted and available shortly for inspection at:
The Final Results announcement is also available on the Company’s website www.metalnrg.com and by writing to the Company Secretary, City Group PLC, at 1 Ely Place, London EC1N 6RY.
For further information, please contact:
MetalNRG PLC: |
Rolf Gerritsen |
+44 (0) 207 796 9060 |
Christopher Latilla-Campbell |
+44 (0) 207 796 9060 |
Peterhouse Capital Limited – Joint Broker: |
Lucy Williams |
+ 44 (0) 207 469 0930 |
Duncan Vasey |
+ 44 (0) 207 469 0930 |
S I Capital Limited – Joint Broker: |
Nick Emerson |
+44 (0) 1483 413500 |
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