Home » Cadence Minerals (KDNC) » Cadence Minerals #KDNC – Exercise of Warrants raises £65k

Cadence Minerals #KDNC – Exercise of Warrants raises £65k

Cadence Minerals (AIM/NEX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) announce that it has received warrant exercise notices to subscribe for 435,905 new ordinary shares in the Company at an exercise price of £ 0.15 per share (the “Warrant Shares”). The Company has received subscription monies of £65,386 regarding the exercise of these warrants.

Application will be made for the Warrant Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM of London Stock Exchange plc and the AQSE Growth Market operated by Aquis Exchange Plc for the New Ordinary Shares (“Admission”). 

Admission is expected to occur on or around 25 April 2022. Upon Admission, the Company will have 172,719,813 Ordinary Shares in issue. There are no shares held in treasury. The total voting rights in the Company is therefore  172,719,813 Ordinary Shares, and Shareholders may use this figure as the denominator by which they are required to notify their interest in, or change to their interest in, the Company under the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.

– Ends – 

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulaon (EU) No. 596/2014 as amended by The Market Abuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

For further information:


Cadence Minerals plc

+44 (0) 7879 584153

Andrew Suckling

Kiran Morzaria

WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker)

+44 (0) 207 220 1666

James Joyce

Darshan Patel

Novum Securities Limited (Joint Broker)

+44 (0) 207 399 9400

Jon Belliss

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